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Posts posted by abot

  1. Hi All, :smile:

    I'm new here and as a beginner I have a question to the TES3 Construction Set objects' positioning.

    Is there any way to set an exact, absolute value of e.g. rotation angle for the entire selected group of objects?

    I created a complex building, rotated it to some strange angle (131.8°), did number of changes and then I realised that when I need to move something 10 units to the right, I must recalculate each coordinate with Pythagorean theorem and trigonometric functions. :sick:

    Finally I did number of attempts rotating my entire building manually and checking each time rotation angle of one of its objects until I achieved some integer value, then enabling "snap to angle" with a particular angle value to align everything to the absolute 0 degrees angle.

    Maybe there is another, easier or smarter :wink: way to achieve what I needed?


    Greetings - McVik

    personally, I always use snap for everything from the start (e.g. grid snap >= 1 for move, grid snap 15 for rotate), and double click to open object coordinates fields / drop with F key to edit the few things that need more coordinate precision

    (note that if you hit the reference details form save button after editing reference coordinates the CS (bug) will modify not only the reference coordinates but also the original object so you will need to clean the mod with testool and/or tes3cmd, which is always better to do anyway)


    [EDIT] and no, there is no way to rotate multiple objects keeping relative rotation from the whole selection center

  2. > Is it possible to make one?
    probably yes, you could just e.g. delete half spawn points in CS or add a disable on low fps check in the npcs scripts (harder)
    > is there some version which spawns less NPCs, or checks FPS, or something?
    not that I know, probably modders with the knowledge to do it are not interested in doing it, so if you are interested I think learning how to delete half spawn points in Contruction Set should be easy enough


    [EDIT] Hey, Danae just released this, enjoy!

  3. the problem with shirt aralor may be some mod renaming it (e.g. some BTB mod), but really you need to learn at least how to get/post your loading order as text list from Mash or MLOX else it is nearly impossible for people to help you better

  4. begin sanctuary1_120Script

    short state
    float timer

    if ( MenuMode )

    if ( state )
    if ( timer > 0 )
    set timer to ( timer - GetSecondsPassed )
    set state to 0
    player->RemoveSpell "lb1Sanctuary120"
    player->RemoveSpellEffects "lb1Sanctuary120"

    if ( player->GetSpellEffects "lb1Sanctuary120" )
    set state to 1
    set timer to Random 1000 ; 0 <= timer <= 999
    set timer to ( timer * 0.120 ) ; 0 <= timer <= 119
    set timer to ( timer + 1 ) ; 1 <= timer <= 120

  5. Unless following to the letter a complete console commands list from a competent modder (ideally the mod author), you should not try to solve quests by console if you don't know the whole commands needed to advance the quests correctly (e.g. it may be not only a Journal command, but additem something, forcegreeting, addtopic, any other scripting command, that usually are called from the dialog topic result field).
    If you want to try doing it yourself, you need to know how the scripting/dialog in the mod work (takes time and effort, Morrowind Scripting for Dummies should be your main source of technical information) and study it in the Construction Set or similar tools like MWEdit.

    [EDIT] not to mention there is still the possibility that a mod conflict is causing the quest to not advance anyway, so it really varies. Sometimes in case of conflicts it helps to use the addtopic "topic that should appear" console command

    [EDIT2] also, when you have problems with a specific mod, probably adding a direct download link to the mod may increase your chances someone with the skill to help would take a look at it

  6. that works for creatures directly placed in the game, but most of them are spawned by leveled creature lists.
    the easier way to stop e.g. cliffracer from respawning is to add a script to it to disable when your condition is true e.g. when you have killed 100 cliffracers

    begin dieCLiffyDieScript
    if ( GetDisabled )
    if ( CellChanged )
    	if ( GetDeadCount "cliff racer" > 100 )

    [EDIT] there should be also several mods about it at MMH, try looking for "cliff racer"

  7. identifiers should NEVER contain spaces, much better to use _ instead of space or a different case e.g. warp_var01 or warpVar01

    having said that, if you really need to use something like warp var01, you can probably use it enclosed in "", e.g. if ( "warp var01" == 1 )
    Also example scripts should use proper code indentation, MWEdit or Manauser's indenter can do it automatically

  8. 1. load Morrowind.esm and Tribunal.esm or Bloodmoon.esm in CS, click the book tab, double click bk_6thhouseravings, change the book id to aaa_my1stBook, press save, confirm you want to create a NEW copy of the book.
    double click the new created aaa_my1stBook, click the book text, CTRL+A to select all, CTRL+C to copy, paste the book text example to your preferred text editor, try and see what limited HTML format you can/should use and try to format your new book text accordingly.
    When you are done, try to paste back your pseudo-html book text in your aaa_my1stBook book text, give it a better title, and save it

    2. open the cell Seyda Neen, Arrille Trade House, double click a container belonging to Arrille, drag and drop your book inside it, save the mod e.g. as booktest.esp

    3. put your mod in a short loading list, start a new game (I suggest using also a fast start chargen mod like this one) and see if Arrille is selling the new book as expected

  9. you could try something like this:

    begin DuraSlaveBracerScript
    short state
    float t1
    if ( MenuMode )
    if ( t1 < 2 ) ; do the HasItemEquipped test only on a few seconds delay
    	set t1 to ( t1 + GetSecondsPassed )
    set t1 to 0 ; reset the timer
    if ( "dura gra-bol"->HasItemEquipped "DuraSlaveBracer" )
    	if ( state == 0 )
    		set state to 1
    		"dura gra-bol"->AiFollow player 0 0 0 0 0
    if ( state )
    	set state to 0
    	"dura gra-bol"->AiWander 128 12 7 40 30 20 10 0 0 0 0 0

    if you want to script you should study Morrowind Scripting For Dummies

  10. > is there way to trade items with NPC under AIFollow

    IIRC you need to change sCompanionShare Tribunal GMST from Share to Companion Share

    so the dialog topic can work

    (see mods like Cortex's Vampire Embrace as example)


    > Also I couldn't find anywhere how to make NPC change its class via dialogue results or scripts

    I don't think it is possible with standard scripting, maybe you could ask Nullcascade to add it to MWSE-Lua but you would probably have to calculate skills and other adjustments, similar to changing NPC level



    > StopScript - will not give the second call


    if you mean 2nd line below (positioncell) will not be executed?

    StopScript myMoveScript

    PositionCell blah


    I think all script lines until return or end should be still executed in current frame

  11. you can try





    if it does not work, a safer alternative should be a global autostarted script




    StartScript myMoveScript



    begin myMoveScript


    if ( MenuMode )

    return ; important to avoid possible crash using positioncell while still in dialog



    StopScript myMoveScript

    PositionCell blah





    [EDIT] I think the problem with original moveAhnassi script may be there are 2 calls to CellChanged in same frame

  12. I'm not very experienced with tes3cmd, so I'll describe what I'm doing.


    I run MO2, choose the explore virtual folder, and open the command prompt in Explorer++, at which point I enter the command in. After disabling Norton, which just removed tes3cmd, I try it again and get the response "access id denied".

    Dunno, MO2 makes all file access complicated/causing problems with most morrowind tools (they are, like the game, expecting to be able to read/write files in their folders, not having them moved somewhere else on the fly or not having read/write access to them), so I really think it is not worth the hassle for morrowind.

    Can you/are you running MO2 with administrator privileges? maybe that could give read/write access also to programs started from MO2

    [EDIT] also antivirus can just remove compressed exe files/give false alarms even on files like MGE-XE, if in doubt try checking files with something like virustotal

    [EDIT2] tes3cmd executable comes with source, you could also unpack it with universal extractor, it includes the tes3cmd perl script and a perl interpreter to run it. if you manage to install/run perl under MO2, you could just run the tes3cmd source version from perl in theory, but that would probably be another level of complexity

    [EDIT3] if you have very few mods in you loading list, you could also try to open them all the construction set, and check the COUNT for netch_bull_dead or netch_bull_dead_2 in Creatures TAB, it should be 1 if they are added only by Morrowind as it should else it means another loaded mod is adding a reference

  13. 1. try running a Mash "repair all" on your saved game
    2. if the problem is some mod placing the netch_bull_dead or netch_bull_dead_2 creature (they are meant to be unique/placed by Morrowind.esm only) you could find it using the latest tes3cmd alpha/pre release version
    with something like this:
    tes3cmd.040.2.exe dump --active --type cell --instance-match "netch_bull_dead" > "out.txt"

  14. I'm having a minor but annoying problem I'm trying to troubleshoot. Every object that uses the meshes ex_common_plat_cent or ex_common_plat_end (for example, the bridge in Seyda Neen, or outside Caldera Mine) has one part of the mesh that's completely black in-game and doesn't show the texture it's supposed to. It's the top part of the planks underneath the bridge. The sides and bottoms of those planks don't have this issue, just the top. This screenshot shows what I mean:




    According to nifskope, that part of the mesh is supposed to use the texture tx_wood_siding. Other objects that use this texture (like various shacks) look just fine. Other meshes similar to the problem ones (for example various docks) are also fine. The only meshes I've noticed the problem with are the ones mentioned above.


    I can't figure out why I'm having this issue. I thought it might be MGE-XE related, so I tried toggling various MGE options (shaders, shadows, per pixel lighting, etc), with no effect. The source of this mesh in my game is the mod Mesh Fix, so I tried uninstalling that mod (and therefore using the vanilla mesh in the bsa), but the problem persists.


    Can anyone think of a reason why I'd be having this problem? It's actually a pretty minor issue. Most people probably wouldn't notice. But it bugs me, and now that I know about it I see it every time. Any help is appreciated!

    from what I understand in nifskope the original and mesh fix have still both bad UV for that NiTriShape. Try a different mesh replacer e.g.


  15. I'm trying to make a certain NPC dialogue response accessible only to senior members of the Tribunal temple -- I'm thinking Diviner and over. The problem is, as I understand it, setting PCRank to Diviner for the dialogue means it will only be accessible to players who have that specific rank -- anything above it, and it's inaccessible. Is there any way to set the dialogue so that players who are both of Diviner rank and above can receive the dialogue?

    IIRC it is a >= test
  16. For anything scripting related, your primary source of information should be last version of Morrowind Scripting For Dummies

    if you are using a local script attached to your npc or creature, you can use the standard WaitOneDay script as example (attached/used in dialog by e.g. "yagrum bagarn" creature, "Iulus Truptor" NPC...)
    local variables are stored locally/are unique for that NPC/creature so no risk of messing with other creatues/npc.
    if you need to wait more than 1 days, you should change your day counting logic accordingly

    Note that since Tribunal, Bethesda defined a global short DaysPassed variable which is auto updated by the engine, making so several script using the local dayspassed variable ambiguous. It is considered bad practice to use the same identifier for two different variable/objects as it may cause errors. In short, don't declare a local dayspassed variable, use something like mydayspassed instead.

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