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Posts posted by abot


    error states that it cannot find the animations for Kwama Forager.

    That's not a Kwama bug, instead you need to register the Morrowind.bsa properly, which I think is likely what happen here.





    There is also an updated tes3cmd available.


    I doubt that could be the problem, registering Morrowind.bsa is not required and rarely seen, default Morrowind.ini section is


    Archive 0=Tribunal.bsa

    Archive 1=Bloodmoon.bsa

  2. probably not a good idea, there are times the console is quite useful, e.g. if/when you get stuck colliding with something unexpected (a rock, a door opened from a creature the other side...), a simple TCL (toggle collision) command for a couple seconds can solve the problem without being cheating. Not to mention how precious the console can be to debug a mod problem.
  3. That TR Unique Quest Daggers mod is actually for Tribunal it gives a unique appearance to the daggers for the quest Estate Sale.Also I read in the earlier post that the LGNPC Mods could be merged does doing so require any special steps or order?

    I'm using these mlox_user.txt rules, some of them may come from old forum posts, some from conflicts I've found while playing, but honestly I don't remember much.



    Complete Trade Fix*.esp ; may conflict with NPC scripts


    Less Lore*.esp



    Djangos Dialogue.esp

























    Sotha Sil Expanded*.esp

    Uvirith Inside.esp












    Morrowind Crafting*.esp


    Ascadian Rose Cottage*.esp



    Less Lore.esp


    Djangos Dialogue.esp












    Less Lore.esp




    Seekers Faction*.esp





    Illy's Oh my Goddess.esp








    Antares Big Mod*.esp

  4. most of them seem to be small mods or patches, so as long as there are not loading order conflicts in-between I'd say you should not have problems. Maybe skip that e.g TR Unique Quest Daggers or few others and keep it separated if it is dependant on TR as it may be simpler to update on next TR release

  5. I think you can technically merge anything if done properly (basically if it works ok in game, it can be merged in the same loading order in the construction set)

    what should you not merge?
    1. mods that are likely to be updated (else you'll probably need to redo the (fixing)/merging work)
    2. mods where you want to keep some and maybe discard some other in the future (it is MUCH harder to remove a mod when merged with some other)
    3. mods that may need some other mods to be loaded in-between to avoid conflicts

    what would be good to merge?
    mods out of previous points (so STABLE, both for updates and loading order)
    1 that are consecutive in your loading order
    2 that are of a certain kind (less important)

    about what can be merged:
    1. mods containing leveled lists changes to the same leveled lists should be merged with the related merged leveled lists generated by tes3cmd multipatch or Mash import leveld lists, else if two mod change the same leveled list the one loaded after will nuke the changes of the one loaded before. if you cannot imagine how to do it, better skip merging them.
    2. dialog-heavy mods like LGNPC in my experience when merged make even easier to find/fix bugs/conflicts
    3. mods heavily scripted are not a problem, but if some scripts refer to references (e.g. thing->SetPos X, mynpcid->Disable, that->Rotate X 2) and you get "reference not found" errors after merging, better recompile all scripts.

  6. I'm assuming your mod is called my_mod.esp in this example.
    1. From The Construction Set, File\Data Files, click my_mod.esp, click the Set as Active button, click the details... button

    2. in the File Details view, click the Description column header to sort alphabetically by column, look for line with terrain_rock_wg_08 and click/select it
    3. once selected, press the keyboard DELETE key to mark your changes as to be Ignored, confirm, ( a I should appear next to the terrain_rock_wg_08 )
    4. once marked the line as to be Ignored on reload, click close button to exit File Details view
    5. click OK button in the Data Files view to load the mod ignoring your changes to the terrain_rock_wg_08 record
    6. once the mod is loaded, save it (it should now be saved without the terrain_rock_wg_08 changes)
    7. exit the construction set, restart it and try reloading the mod to check if changes to terrain_rock_wg_08 are gone for good

  7. > 7. You don't need to select an Active file, unless you want a particular .esp to override the others in case of conflicts. (The Active .esp file will load last, so any changes in that will override .esp files that are loaded earlier.

    if you want to merge them, you must NOT set any .esp as active

  8. Fliggerty seems to have finally fixed what was more or less broken for years (search for modhistory.com and download from fliggerty.com) so my workaround will hopefully be no more needed, I will keep it online though just in case, a database without search is like a car without wheels.

  9. coordinates are for the eight plates interior, as told by the quest instructions


    [EDIT] if for some reason he is not there, try this from the game console to force him there

    ZH_Init_Thief->Positioncell 1083 1160 -380 16320 "Balmora, Eight Plates"


  10. 1. it's not hard, TEX(ture) not found. .nif is model containing texture path

    2. are you sure texture path in .nif is correct (e.g. with proper spaces?). You can use NIFskope to edit .nif files.
    Textures(and most resources generally) can be free files or packed inside .bsa files, a lot of TR resources are inside .bsa
    Faster thing to check for a resource in .bsa is to open the .bsa file with some hex/text editor and look for e.g. the texture name (resource file paths are stored lowercase in .bsa)
    If resource is in .bsa and you want to pack/repack it, there are a couple tools available to pack/unpack tes3 .bsa files


    3. some warnings could be dynamic/happen after a while, but most of those caused by loaded mods should be visible at the start. Start a game with only Bethesda masters enabled first to get familiar to/store somewhere "standard" warnings due to Beth updates as you will probably want to bypass them every time while debugging other mods.

  11. As your purpose is to change all the creature instances, try adding a "real" instance of the creature(s) used only in leveled lists (e.g. "cliff racer_blighted") to a test cell (e.g. ToddTest) from the CS render window, this way the script should be able to compile as a reference is found and if it does not find the reference at real time hopefully it should change the base object

    Also, use SetFight instead of ModFight if it is not a do once command

    Note: you can usually see if a object is placed in cells/only used in leveled list with right click/Info

  12. if your mod is not a total conversion (e.g. you can return to Seyda Neen from it) you should probably disable other things after chargen. Try following the ->disable scripts chain in original chargen. You can find info on SayDone and any scripting command in Morrowind Scripting For Dummies.

  13. Assuming you are using MCA 8.x version, there may be some glitch in MCA companion script code managing a weight item added/removed to stop the companion moving when set to use only melee/ranged weapons from dialog options.

    So in case what I'd try is:

    1. open companion inventory, remove any Weight (with raw ebony icon) item having 500 weight

    2. open game console, click companion, check you see companion id on top of console window

    3. type

    set hold to 0

    4. do not use companion dialog options to use bow/use melee any more

    5. verify if companion max encumbrance is fEncumbranceStrMult x strength (fEncumbranceStrMult is a game setting, 5 by default) and strength is normal


    Another possible problem with companions not moving any more is if they have their strength drained from e.g. great bonewalkers, I think you can cure this e.g. at the imperial shrines keeping companion near player in the shrine effect range


    [EDIT] Often placing a companion copy can break some unique companion mods, so it's not something generally suggested.

    But in this case if you are ok with your Shareel clone, try this with the old one:

    1. open game console, click old companion, check you see companion id on top of console window

    3. type

    set MCA_NoCompanions to 1

    4. exit console, companion should disable, wait a few seconds

    5. open console, verify companion id is still on top of console window, type

    setdelete 1

    6. exit console, save and reload the game

    7. open game console, type

    set MCA_NoCompanions to 0

  14. the error/warning messages usually include information needed to find origin of problems


    it is useful to be able to search for a certain character string inside certain kind of files. In theory you can do it from file search tool included in Windows operative system, but it is different in various windows version so it's
    easier if you learn/use a separate program for this (e.g. wingrep, total commander, double commander...)

    Regardless of search program, usually you can use DOS meta characters to define where/in what files you want to search, e.g.
    if I want to search in mod files, I will look in
    Morrowind\Data Files folder,
    skip searching in subfolders
    look for *.es? files (* means any character 0 or more times, . (dot) is the filename/extension separator, ? means any character exactly one time so it would cover e.g. foo.esm, foobar.esp ...)
    and finally you could look for strings like
    begin SixthHouseExpel
    inside of this kind of files

    e.g. if you are looking for textures in .nif model files you could search in
    Morrowind\Data Files\Meshes folder and its subfolders
    for *.nif files
    containing the missingtexturename string

    [EDIT] having said that, sometimes errors related to references may be only in the save, so they may disappear if you save/reload. if not, then it is probably some .esp/.esm problem which you should fix

  15. > Find a way to delete every REFR of glowing flora added by Rebirth. (Can't be done under "Details..." and can't see how to do it with Enchanted Editor or MWEdit either??)

    the simpler way is probably from tes3cmd , usually it's convenient to first find/dump what you want to change, then use the delete command



    tes3cmd.exe dump --instance-match "refid1|refid2|refIdN" rebirth.esp > out.txt


    when you are sure matched instances are ok you can use the delete command instead of dump

    (also if you can filter by type it should be faster e.g. --type LIGH)

    tes3cmd.exe delete --instance-match "refid1|refid2|refIdN" rebirth.esp > out.txt


    > Find a way to allow 1 .esp to treat another .esp as though it were an .esm (Delete references from it when loaded underneath) if this were possible, think of the opportunities!

    this is a pillar of TES3 inner workings, I don't think there is a way 100% compatible.

    you can try Mash copy to .esm e.g. from rebirth.esp to rebirth.esm, but probably you will not be able to move/delete some references from another .esp having rebirth.esm as master, depending if reference has been placed new or moved/changed by rebirth

    (this is more or less how Solstheim Overhaul .esm works)

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