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About frankdema

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  1. that will be enough for me :D there is a great lack of good archery models in the skyrim community...
  2. Bows and arrows :wink:. bows and arrows?....you are my freakin hero man!
  3. wow prom incredibile! come fai poi con i collision box? li fai dal nulla in havok oppure usi qualche espediente col CK? sai non ne capisco molto di architetture in game e sono curioso...
  4. That strongly varies. On some days I hardly get to do anything, on others I work 8 hours at a stretch. Though only for a few days per week. My work is terrific. Hehe, that one I like :P. well one thing is sure: we can see the fruit of your effort! thank you very much! can't wait for the release!
  5. non so se segui game of thrones, le tende dothraki, così come le tende usate dal freefolk a mio parere potrebbero fare al caso tuo; ti posto qualche immagine come reference: http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/21900000/Vaes-Dothrak-sketches-game-of-thrones-21953916-1648-1096.jpg http://winter-is-coming.net/wp-content/gallery/official-promo-images/dothraki-camp.jpg in questo video invece c'è un behind the scene che parla di come sono stati pensati gli accampamenti dei bruti nel telefilm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyG1rk1XgT4 a mio parere il tuo concept è molto più credibile visto il clima gelido rispetto alle tende beduine dei dothraki e quindi oltre che fornirti questi piccoli altri spunti non so che dire, comunque sia è una bella cosa vedere che il progetto va avanti spedito...a mio parere il miglior progetto di mod "mastodontica" in circolazione...keep up!
  6. man that is so good, can i ask you from how much time do you model? looks exactly like the film!
  7. my jaw dropped so hard i need a new keyboard... i'm so happy about this mod...
  8. oh this is enough for me :D you are offering us your time and skills for free and for our entertainment what can we ask more?
  9. :O you are freakin awesome! your skills are incredible :D can't wait to see the armor weighted and in game! so nice to see people with such a great modeling/texturing skill working on skyrim community and i give you my thanks!
  10. sure you lost the weighting if it is a skinned mesh but you do have still the uv mapping ready and stored in the file informations, also you lost the smooth level wich can be easily re enabled in blender (i don't know how to do it in metasequoia because i never used it) and also the scale of the model is changed.... the obj conversion is a pretty heavy file modification but again is the best way to import eport things from a program to another especially if both or one of the programs does not support the nif import eport plugin.... i hope i answered as much as possible, if you need anything more specific i'll be glad to answer...
  11. wow this looks amazing :) i would be glad to make something for your project in the free time :), like some new creature or weapon or armor..... if you need some models just let me know :D i've used your mesh and textures so much times that is is the least i can do :D
  12. http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/3805873-1359409533.jpg ok guys, the model is ready, i will add some more thing maybe, maybe some stripe but the shape is done! i have a great new as well, samvs96uk the great guy that collaborated with me to the stormcloak explorer armor mod will make a quest with a dungeon and a totally new little settlement that will be added with the mod and will be explorable by the player (in the tamrielic province of high rock) so this mod will be more than a simple armor mod, we will give you new gameplay experience just because we love you as always model render here: http://p3d.in/0LAvG
  13. thank you all guys i really apreciate it :)
  14. http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/3805873-1359300132.jpg to skirt or not to skirt? this is the question, so you see i have modeled a lotr like skirt for the model because i prefer models with skirts but i understand that someone may prefer the pants version, i CAN'T do both, so here is my question: what do you prefer? model comparison render at this link: (i suggest you use it :)) http://p3d.in/blPQY btw please answer! and there you can also see the braces of the cuirass :)
  15. some model changes and started to work on the cape and hood: http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/3805873-1359248110.jpg model render here: render
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