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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. Havok also long stopped being open source(you can no longer get their tool for free).
  2. I can only think of is the quest some how not running, or it stops before the function is called. I'm going to take a guess and assume that somehow the alias is clearing itself. You can do a check within the function to see if it's empty before filling. if Assassin01.GetReference() == none ; fill
  3. Possible fix. Change GetActorRef() as Actor to GetReference() as Actor. Reason for this is that GetActorRef is just a short cut for GetReference() as Actor (It's literally calling GetReference() twice and then casting to actor.) You're doing something that compiler can't understand(casting an already casted to actor function to actor).
  4. This has nothing to with 64 bit(100 vs 1000). That's dependent on your PC. As for flying deer/mammoths, I think havok gets corrupted around Whiterun for some reason(it is after all the biggest clearing in the game).
  5. It'll crash when you try to create an activation label in a Perk. O_o
  6. It'll look like s#*! from a distance because you can't really "SE" LOD. :P But the things close up, yes look stunning, and I like the extra foliage.
  7. Yeah, if the perk is already learned, making changes to the perk later does not take affect. I learned this yesterday. You can remove perks and then add them back so that the changes are applied. Make sure you put in checks for any perk ranks(these ranks are just other perks) already learned, so that when you add them back, you add all the perk ranks learned up to that point as well.
  8. You're complaining about an FPS loss of about 8, when I run the game at at least 30-35 on high settings. I wish I had 52 :P
  9. If you have a gaming laptop, it's likely you have two graphic processors. One for display and another that is used as a rendering engine. If you have a Nvidia processor, then you need to go into the Nvidia control panel, go to "Manage 3D settings" and then head to "Program Settings". It'll take a bit to load. You should see a drop down and buttons next to it. From the scroll down, look for Skyrim SE executable, then click "Add". Now go to the section below that says: 2. Select preferred graphics processor for this program: Here you need to select your Nvidia processor because it'll be your integrated gpu by default. Repeat the above for the Skyrim Special Edition Launcher executable as well. This will enable it to redetect your GPU. This is what causes SE to max your CPU out and crash as the integrated processor is trying to load a program way too powerful for it.
  10. Apparently that's too difficult. I too have no idea what these people are talking about.
  11. I don't know, I just pulled up the Game Settings window and typed "Damage" in the filter box and just went down the list to see if I could find something that might be useful to what you want. You can't do anything with GMSTs at run-time though.
  12. Yeah, exactly. And if that ends up happening one or the other modder would have to make a patch which is basically them moving the thing elsewhere.
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