Aye, your ideas are quite nice in my opinion. Guard = Man at arms? (Like, more simple armors than knight, much less armor and so. "cheaper" armors, thus more available to anyone) Knight = Heavily armored. Tank. Balls of steel. Heavy weapons and shields. Bowman/Crossbowman = There could be both, from what I see of armors you've done, I think there's enough material for both. Bowman = More agile armor, leather, clothes and so. Crossbowman = More armor, possibly having pavise as you suggested. And of course the funny crossbowman helmet :biggrin: Holds/villages Sounds good. They couldn't afford having knights around. And it would make the knights "dulling" sight. As far as I am concerned, gearing a knight would be expensive, there wouldn't be tons of knights around. In Oblivion it made sense, because Cyrodiil is the "capital" of Tamriel, but Skyrim is somewhat poor and ravaged by war. Also, it makes it somewhat more "rare" or "special" to see a knight in battlefield. Just like those are supposed to be. Adding on to this idea. Holds loyal to the Stormcloaks could have huscarls(housecarls?) and holds loyal to the Imperials could have Knights. If my understanding is correct, huscarls are the Scandinavia equivalent to Knights.