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  1. In response to post #28567949. #28568274, #28568494, #28571489, #28572304, #28575029, #28575269, #28593339, #28594674, #28596009, #28596734, #28602924, #28604599, #28614394, #28614759, #28620629, #28622439, #28622704, #28630589, #28630739, #28630799, #28630989, #28631099, #28649744, #28671734 are all replies on the same post. "Typically speaking, you can't just turn a hobby into a job." And yet millions of people do. They may be the lucky few, but there is nothing inherently 'illegal' with turning your hobby into a job. If someone will pay you to do something and that something is not against the law and hurts nobody (in a legally relevant sense), then you can very easily turn a hobby into a business.
  2. No. I would take issue with any quest that forced me to do something so stupid and suicidal, without it having some massively over riding reason for me to do so. I just can't do it. I am not that good a role player. Even for someone as reckless and self absorbed as Jack, I cannot think of a reason that he would launch a nuke. The examples you gave as being similar are just not remotely similar actually. I can think of plenty of people in real life who do reckless and dangerous things without thinking. People who put their own lives and the lives of others at risk often without even realizing it. But I cannot think of a single person who would finish the firing sequence on an old nuke for any reason whatsoever! I just cannot. It is ridiculous to even consider to be honest. Diving off the top floor of a building into a shallow pool below is stupid. Driving too fast or whilst drunk is reckless and inconsiderate. But setting off a nuke is insane.
  3. In response to post #25771794. #25773209, #25777049, #25777159 are all replies on the same post. @jim_uk I disagree. I don't think the TES games have been dumbed down at all. I have been playing since Daggerfall, and the only thing I would say is 'dumbed down' in Skyrim is the magic/enchanting system. I understand why they had to do that (and it had nothing to do with consoles), but I didn't like it.
  4. The comments on Steam right now are the best example of why the moderation here on Nexus is so neccessary. It is not quite as bad as it was when SkyUI first uploaded there with its 'evil' SKSE requirement, but it is getting close. I am not happy with this development myself and honestly think most of the mods charging are not going to make enough money to matter. No offence to those mod authors, but it is a simple question of value. But not being happy about this and throwing vitriolic hatred at mod makers are two completely different things. Especially when some of those mod authors have spent thousands of hours previously giving us so many great free mods. So thank you for giving us a place that is relatively safe from the people currently running rampage on Steam :)
  5. In response to post #22584239. Actually it is fences :) v1.01.143 to be precise.
  6. Nexus Mod Manager 0.60 is now available in alpha, but it does things a little differently and the update process is more involved. In this video I show you how I updated to 0.60 using Fallout: New Vegas as a test dummy, and I show you how to restore a backup of 0.53 if you need to. The basic principals should be the same for games such as Fallout 3 and Skyrim. You can download Nexus Mod Manager 0.60 Alpha here.
  7. If you are a fan of the Fallout Nuka Break series there is good news for 2014.
  8. I made a video about this feature and had some feedback that may be of interest to uploaders (6:54) and the Nexus developers (16:13).
  9. I need to update the NMM tutorial when this feature goes live :)
  10. In response to post #9044697. #9044907 is also a reply to the same post. This should be 'stickied' somewhere :)
  11. The amount of content I have downloaded from these sites is probably added a few thousand hours of game play to a many different games. I cannot remember what lifetime membership was when it first came out but I can tell you it is probably the best value for money purchase I have ever made. Even at 50 dollars, it is a no brainer. And the level of service, quality of mods, range of games covered etc. utterly dwarves what it was back in the day. Nexus has helped take what was a specialized pastime (modding games) and make it so easy that it is mainstream at the same time as fostering a community that makes it almost more fun than playing the games themselves :) So keep that in mind Dark0ne when reading some of the negative comments here. For every vocal detractor there are a thousand grateful users who appreciate what you guys do for us.
  12. I completely agree with not releasing unfinished version publically. Keep the beta test phase closed and aim for as smooth a first release as possible :smile:
  13. Hopefully these people will find ways to lead more productive lives in the future.
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