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About LordOfDragons01

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  1. Soo, I'm colorblind. I can -usually- see the outline for en enemy target when marked when not using a scope like the Kanone Max or Prospecta, but as soon as I look through them and the pseudo-nightvision overlay they have...I can't see them at all. Has anyone made a mod to make them just a "normal" long range scope? Could it be done? I'd be super thankful if so!
  2. Well from my experience so far with modding 76, I don't think this particular implimentation of the fix would work, least not as how things stand at the moment. From what I can tell, we are basically limited to retextures, model swaps, and basic animation replacers that override the base animations without any ESP files. Now that said, I do know ESP files -can- be loaded, as with the Baka tool, but as to the extent of what can be made to use it..I'm unsure.
  3. Hey, so i'm looking for a way to edit the .bgsm material files, but the Fallout 4 Material Editor just says it can't open them...Has anyone found a way to do this yet perhaps?
  4. Hey, so I'm just getting back into Fallout modding after several years away, and I see much has changed! I see most texture mods are now packaged in .ba2 files, which is nice and all, but what about if they overlap? I used to be able to tell what would override when installing, but with these packages, I can't really do so, any advice?
  5. You do realize, that while not perfect, that there is a build up of MO that works more or less fine with SSE, I've been using it since first starting modding the remaster. If you do try it, just make sure to run it in the portable mode when you install it for SSE, otherwise funny things happen.
  6. Hey! So I recently have been fiddling with a level list mod for some armors, and sure enough, it does indeed add the armors to the stores! the problem is, the vendors, upon restock, carry the exact same things again! Example: I buy CustomArmor1 from the vendor, 3 days later, instead of restocking with a different random item/armor, he gets another identical copy of CustomArmor1. To my understanding...if a mod adds a buch of items to a leveled list for a vendor to grab fro, shouldn't it be pulling random ones each time, and not the same one over and over?
  7. Thank you for the input! did you ever try out MOO by itself, out of curiosity? I know it also adds in factions, leveled creatures, and all that sort of thing as well, so how well do they itneract with eachother when put together? My fear, is that by adding in OOO, I'd end up getting to level 40 or so, and be completely OP to everything and everyone, due to OOO having a lot of static leveling for creatures(not necessarily a bad thing though). The hand palced loot is very enticing, as it gives that Morrowind feeling to the world that I adore soo much, plus I hear OOO adds in a fair number of extra questlines to do, as to where MOO has a few radiant style quests on boards, but that's about it I think. All that said, ugh...such a hard choice! If anyone else has any comments on this I'd love to hear them. Till then I'll have to continue tweaking my load order and mods until I eventually figure out what I want :P
  8. If you have a bit of Photoshop knowelege, it wouldn't be too difficult to modify colors of an existing texture mod. Making a whole new texture is a pain either way really, unless you're particularly skilled in that line of work.
  9. With that extensive of a load order, its kidna ahrd to say what's gone wrong really. If I had to venture a guess though, I's say you're likely missing either ini edits that are required for one of these many mods, or somehting corrupted along the way :/ With enough time and persistance I think you could trakc it down, but to be completely honest, I'd almost say you're best bet would be to copy down your load order from BOSS or WB, and then reinstall all the mods. I know its not the anser you're hoping for, but its the only one I got for this sadly :/ Hope you get it fixed!
  10. As title says, I just can't decide whether or not to install just MOO by itself, or include OOO as well...Looking at OOO, I jsut can't figure out if its really worth it or not. I've hear on one hand people love it, but I hear it also makes you pretty OP earlier on due to drowning you in higher end gear, is this true? Does it have any other super signifigant additions that make it a "must have" mod, or would I be better off just going with full on MOO by itself?
  11. So, I've seen some odler patches for adding back in the missing grass from vurt's mods, but seems there's nothing up to date for 3.6...... any chance someone could come by and grace us with a mod for this? :3 I'd love to do it myself, but I honestly have no idea how to go about it :/
  12. Thanks for the suggestion there! I'm gonna take out Rebalance's weight modification and jsut do the mod myself ingame via modav commands, so that there shouldn't be any weirdness happening. Now that I think of it.. I dind't initially use Rebalancer when I started the game,a nd added it in late to my playthrough, and when I did, I had issues in getting the game to adjsut tot he new "correct" values, so this very well could be the culprit.
  13. So...I was jsut re-organizing stuff in my settlement and went to move some power armor. Hopped in and couldn't move....So, I hopped back out and couldn't move yet again. I checked my inventory and my carry weight had been set to -5?! What the hell would cause this? The onyl mod I have that I know effects carry weight is from Rebalancer, and it reduces the starting carry weight arounf to 60...so what would cause this? I also had this bug happen on level up as well.
  14. Hey there, so, I'm trying to figure out what I need to edit in my INI's to make lights show up from longer distances. Example : Standing in Sanctuary Hills, I cannot see the light on top of Red Rocket till I go halfway over the bridge. Anyone know what I need to tweak to do this? settings I have tried: fSpecularLODMaxStartFade fLightLODMaxStartFade fMeshLODLevel1FadeDistfMeshLODLevel2FadeDist None of these seem to have any effect on the light's draw distance :(
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