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Everything posted by SkylerModder

  1. In response to post #7521423. No amount of Ctrl+F5'ing is helping fix the problem I'm having with the site of my page's donate buttons being gone, despite them working fine before the site update.
  2. Anyone else having issues with their donate options having vanished? I see donate buttons on other people's pages, but on my own they've all vanished now. Even if I log out and/or view my pages in other browsers, the buttons are gone. :(
  3. Ah, keywords; that was the problem. I'd yet to learn about that part of modding so I hadn't even checked if they were set up correctly, and it turns out they weren't. For some reason, Bethesda set up those two boot items as light armor with the keywords ArmorBoots, ArmorLight, and VendorItemArmor. I had a look at a different clothing boot item, and based on the keywords it had I changed the two college boots to have the ArmorClothing, ClothingFeet, and VendorItemClothing keywords and that did the trick; the boots now properly appear in the shop inventories. Many, many thanks to you for helping me figure this out, ripple. :smile:
  4. 1) I already thought of that, and had advanced time several days before going to check the shops at the winterhold college. Every other item in the leveled list appears in the shop just fine; it's only the two boot items that won't appear. 2) Quad-checked it. Multiple vendors use the same list, and I checked all of them; they all load everything but the two boot items. :( 3)
  5. I'm still fairly new to modding Skyrim, but I feel like I'm getting the hang of it so far. I'm almost done with my second mod, but two items that I modify are being stubborn. The (small) mod in question that I'm working on is one that fixes some of the unavailable mage clothing items and then makes them available for purchase at the NPC's in the College of Winterhold; the unenchanted versions of robes, mage hoods, focusing gloves, and so on, that exist in the game files but weren't made available in the regular game for some reason or another. The two items giving me problems are the apprentice college boots (ClothesCollegeBootsApprenticeVariant1) and the journeyman college boots (ClothesCollegeBootsCommonVariant1). The alterations I made to those objects is to give them a value (their default is 0), reduce the weight to 1 to match the rest of the boots in the game (these boots have a default of 2 for some reason), assign the boots pickup and putdown sounds (they have no assigned sounds by default...), and then flag the items as playable. From what I've learned of modding so far, the above changes should be enough to allow the objects to show up in NPC shops as directed (I assigned them to the npc shop containers via leveled lists). And yet, they still refuse to load up in the shops. I can spawn them via console commands and the objects work fine, but it's just the being available in a shop thing that they're refusing to do. I also figured that perhaps another of the mods and patches I use might be somehow redesignating the boots as unplayable, despite my mod being last in the load order, so I tried turning off all other mods and DLC so that the only thing being loaded is vanilla skyrim and my mod, but the boots still refuse to load up into the shops. Is anyone aware of what might be wrong with these particular objects that are preventing them from loading into shops, or maybe some setting I'm missing to fix the issue? Also, I'd like to try and find a way to fix the original object if I can, rather than create a new object that duplicates the original's appearance, as I'm trying to keep this mod such that it only uses the items that already exist in the game rather than adding any of its own. For the life of me I can't figure out why those boots aren't working... :|
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