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Everything posted by Nimbus21

  1. Do you have good Equipment for recording voice? Because there is nothing worce then a bad voice recording :)
  2. Pretty much what it says on the tin. When you get damaged there appears bloodspalter on the screen. Now this might be somewhat immersive for those that play in first person, but as I only use third person it's not. Also it interferes with taking screenshots which irritates me to no end. If anyone knows how to remove the damn things i'd be gratefull Thank you.
  3. I got this idea from the various brawl quests that exist in Skyrim, and the fact that I think that the way you level your flighting skill in game is f*#@ed up. So here is a thought, how about you can gain experience by sparring with your followers, and even better with the various trainers out there. It would be one hall of an improvment when it coems to immersion. Just a thought
  4. There are several other threads that ask the same thing, look them up.
  5. I would suggest someone that hassome knowhow take a look at this link. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/41719/?
  6. Awsome, I'm looking forward to trying them out :)
  7. console -> player.addspell F71D1 though the glowing eyes are annoying, even in first person view when turning you see the white trail effect on screen, dunno why you would want that. Annoyance is a matter of perspective my friend. Also I always play in third Thanks I will test that one out. Edit: Well i added the spell but no luck for me, no glowing eyes. Thanks anyway :)
  8. Ah yeah, this might sound odd but - I've heard that sometimes there is a bug that gives the player character glowing eyes like those on skeletons and draugar. I'm wondering if there is a consol command to actually cause this intentionally? Or failing that, a way to get the bug to happen. Yeah I want the glowing eyes thing, it's not that strange really.
  9. This request will seem odd to many because the opposit is often requested. Obscuring Hoods is much as it sound, a hood that obscures the players face with a plane of utter black. I know generally one wants to see the face of ones character, but I Think it's fune to roleplay as a mysterious faceless character as well. And some of the coolest armors I've ever seen onscures the face of the character. http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/piepiper-modtype/imgs/0/d/0d12a963.jpg Like this. Or something more well known like Tyrael http://www.otakia.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/diablo_3_tyrael_ange-1024x440.jpg There are alot of nice hoods in the game that would be cool to do this to, like Linwe's hood. Or if one is enterprising they could do it from scartch. I for one would like something like the first armor up ontop. Thanks for any consideration.
  10. I've asked for the same, but so far no one seems intrested, it's likely fairly hard then.
  11. I've seen a rip of that armor somewhere, not a very good one though, no wightslider suport so the har ends up looking kinds wimpy.
  12. It's here on the nexus favoredsouls new stuff
  13. I've asked for this to, the problem with the armor is that it's not weightslider compatible, which if I'm right will also prevent it from being modified using other slider mods as well. You could Always try asking the author, but from what I've seen he rarely goes back to old mods and answers people even less. Then there is this guy who says he’s gonna make Diablo stuff from scratch, if he gets some encouragemen and help he might get some good stuff out. I'd implore anyone with some modding experience to look into him for all our sakes :)
  14. Din't consider the lipsynk, but then again, as long as the mouth moves a bit I don't think I'll notice. I'd be satisfied with the audio though, Everything else is just gravy
  15. So, this old nut, to kill or not to kill, the Graybeards or the Blades. My preference is both. Now I know there are mods that solve this issue, some like the one that bears the same name as this thread does so fairly well. There is just one thing, it's not voiced which for me is... well it buggs the hell out of me honestly, it's like someones standing infront of me with their finger just half an inch from my forhead saying "I'm not touching you!" Now I was reminded of a follower mod called Valfar (really good, go download it) wherein the author took existing dialog and remixed it into something new, really nicely done to. Now both Esbern and Delphine have fairly extensive dialoge that should offer some way to make a third option work. Though I bet it would requiers a mod author with some epic skills to pull of. And if I've just happened to miss that one mod that actually does what I just asked, Please of the love of god post a link!!!! God bless and good night! Nimbus
  16. Things are slowing down a bit on the mod front, but I still have hope that there will be some good LoK mods yet.
  17. Didn't he just upload a mod just a few weeks ago? Actually I just checked and his profile shows activity today (18th)
  18. The damndest thing is that both models were done, it was just minor details that were left, and then nothing. Life is a b&@*$ sometimes :)
  19. Check these wings out, now would it not be awsome to have them actually moving? http://static2.nexusmods.com/110/mods/images/39959-1-1376060973.png The wings are from the recent Favoredsouls mod, right now in the hot files.
  20. I would like to see this sense I'm a bit of a bleeding heart.
  21. Heh, reminds me of that backsmith on youtube, he made a replica Master Sword with the hilt made of bronze, looked awsome, then he painted it blue, making it look like crap. Dunno why they had to make it blue. Then again, green is not much better. Still the shape is cool, both of them.
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