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  1. showler's post in Weird fuzziness on Vortex lettering past couple of weeks. was marked as the answer   
    Might be worth turning off the GPU acceleration in the settings as a test.
  2. showler's post in After small steam New Vegas update, Vortex getting a bunch of errors. was marked as the answer   
    Your version of Vortex is too old to auto-update.
    You'll need to download the new version and install over the top of your existing version.  It shouldn't result in any lost data.
  3. showler's post in Vortex not recognizing game (Skyrim SSE), constantly purging all mod links was marked as the answer   
    There was an issue similar to this a while back that involved the installation of SKSE.  I think manually installing SKSE instead of letting Vortex do it was one solution.
    It wasn't just SKSE, it could happen with other mods that are installed in the main folder rather than the DATA folder as well.
  4. showler's post in Connection Issue installing extension was marked as the answer   
    The extension is included for everyone.
    Your error is different.  Your computer is unable to connect to GitHub to download and install the update.
  5. showler's post in How To Choose Load Order For a Mod With No Plugin? was marked as the answer   
    I don't think that's the problem.  The author of the first mod suggests an overwrite and since their files are loose and the other ones are in the BSA it should be automatic.
    You may be having a texture problem or something else might be interfering.
  6. showler's post in Vortex profile was marked as the answer   
    Vortex info is stored in your %AppData% folder in your user folder.
  7. showler's post in vortex collection question was marked as the answer   
    You should be able to right-click the mods you don't want in the Collection and tell Vortex to "ignore" them.
  8. showler's post in Final Fantasy XV not working for Vortex Mod Loader... was marked as the answer   
    A game having a mod section on the website DOES NOT mean it is supported by Vortex.
  9. showler's post in Error Code 429 was marked as the answer   
    That's the code for having gone over the server request limit.  You'll be restricted to a small number per hour until the next day.
  10. showler's post in Warum wurde der Mo2 durch Vortex ersetzt? was marked as the answer   
    MO2 wurde nicht ersetzt. Vortex wurde von Nexus Mods unabhängig von MO2 entwickelt. Es war jedoch der Entwickler von MO2, der Vortex erstellte, und er betrachtete es als Verbesserung von MO2.
  11. showler's post in Vortex is storing mods across two different drives was marked as the answer   
    Using the default deployment method the mod staging folder has to be on the same drive as the game.   The downloaded archives can be on a different drive.
    However, since it uses links to deploy the mods rather than moving the files, it doesn't actually take up double space.  One file is real, the other is just a pointer to the real file.
  12. showler's post in Vortex Mod Manager says that disk space is full, yet I have 1.2 Tb remaining was marked as the answer   
    There's three folders.  Game folder, mod folder (deployment folder) and download folder.
    You've said "game folder" and "mod folder" but not "download folder".  The download folder defaults to your AppData folder on your C drive. Did you move that to the 4TB drive as well?
  13. showler's post in Vortex not connecting to github was marked as the answer   
    Yes, not connecting to GitHub will prevent you from updating certain features of Vortex.
    But that's a result, not the cause.  If Vortex is connecting to Nexus Mods but not GitHub it's not a Vortex problem it's a problem with your internet connection.
    Can you access GitHub with your browser?
    Try a VPN.  If that fixes the issue then try contacting your ISP and find out why you are having trouble connecting to GitHub.
  14. showler's post in Vortex not running, .Net Desktop Runtime 6 not working correctly / fix not working. was marked as the answer   
    You need to install the version I linked and then install the newer version on top of it.
    From what I could find the error you were getting was because the newer version was missing files from the earlier version that it needed in order to remove and update the earlier version.  Therefore you need to "fix" the earlier version by reinstalling it and then install the newer version on top of the now "fixed" older version.
    edit: Also Pickysaurus is a staff member at Black Tree Gaming, the developers of Vortex.  He provides most of the installation support on the forum, though he can bring it to the attention of the Vortex developers if he feels he needs to.
  15. showler's post in How do I make Vortex install a mod I have made? was marked as the answer   
    You should have the Starfield extension for Vortex installed.  It's the extension that tells Vortex how to install the mod so that individual mod authors don't have to worry about it.
  16. showler's post in Some particular plugins are getting regularly disabled. Any ideas why ? was marked as the answer   
    If you disabled the Tundra Homestead wouldn't that be a missing master for the Creation Club patch file?
  17. showler's post in Load order for mods with and without plugins was marked as the answer   
    To add to what ChemBoy1 said, Vortex can't detect file conflicts if one mod has the files in an archive (BA2) and the other mod has the files loose.  In cases like that you need to extract the files from the BA2 archive in order for Vortex to be able to choose which one gets installed.  Sometimes a mod will be offered in both and "archive" and a "loose files" version for this purpose. 
    "Loose files" will always have precedence over files stored in archives if they are different versions of the same file.
    In this case, however, since the one you want to have precedence is already the "loose files" version it appears that the problem is that the files are not actually different versions of the same file (meaning they have a different name or different file path so Vortex doesn't consider one an override of the other).  As ChemBoy1 says this is likely because NAC X specifically calls for its own LUT files and you would need to change that coding.  Or rename the Psycho LUT files to have exactly the same name and file path that NAC X is looking for.
  18. showler's post in Mode manager doesn't list a game as supported even though the website has mods for it. was marked as the answer   
    Someone would have to make an extension for it.
    The site hosts mods for thousands of games because simply hosting a mod/file is easy.
    The mod manager has support for a few hundred games because actually managing the installation of mods for a game is considerably more difficult.
  19. showler's post in Vortex constantly downloading useless extensions was marked as the answer   
    I've answered this question before so your search must not have been very thorough.
    The extension for the Witcher 3 might also contain general functions for other games by CD Projekt Red.  They are contained in the extension for the Witcher 3 so that you don't have to update the entire program in order to get those updates.  They could make them a separate extension but what would that gain?  Also Vortex functionality is designed for a general audience, not just those who only use it for one game.
    The option to delete extensions is mainly there for community made ones, which will never contain core functionality for Vortex.  It remains for ones that are important because occasionally deleting an extension and allowing Vortex to redownload it can fix a problem with a corrupted file.
    Most importantly however is that all this occurs because absolutely none of it causes any problem for you whatsoever and it has several benefits for many other users.  
  20. showler's post in Help with reinstalling all the mods was marked as the answer   
    No, don't do that.
    "Purge" your mods to remove all the links Vortex created from the game folder.
    Use your store app (Steam, GoG Galaxy, MS Store) to move the game if you have one.
    Go into the Vortex settings and update the game location to the new location and then to move the deployment folder to the new drive.  Let Vortex take care of moving the deployment folder until its done.
    "Deploy" your mods again to rebuild the links in the game folder.
    If you do any moving or copy/pasting of the mods while the links are still deployed Windows will convert them to real files and make a mess of things for you.
  21. showler's post in Proper way to do a "re-setup" of a mod collection without redownloading them all again. was marked as the answer   
    As long as the downloaded files are in your Vortex downloads directory installing the Collection normally should have it skip downloading every file that's already there.
    Just make sure the Collection revision number is a match.
  22. showler's post in Can someone help? was marked as the answer   
    Yes.  It's 254 ESM+ESP files.
    You might want to look into ways to make some of them "light plugins" or merge them.
  23. showler's post in Error Download failed with status 403 was marked as the answer   
    If it works when you enable a VPN then the problem is on your end.  Either your PC or, more likely, your ISP.
    Try contacting your ISP with the information and see what they say.
  24. showler's post in Simple Question About Moving Modded Skyrim SE to a Different Folder, Same Drive was marked as the answer   
    Same process, basically.  Purge your mods, use the store application (Steam, GoG Galaxy, if applicable) to move the game, update the location of the game in Vortex's games tab, Deploy mods again.
    Pretty much the only difference is that you won't need to move your deployment folder since it will still be on the same drive.
  25. showler's post in LOOT error but never used LOOT was marked as the answer   
    Check your "tools" tab and see if there is a "loot" tool that has been added.
    If you downloaded a badly made Collection at any point it might be trying to reference a tool that doesn't exist.
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