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Everything posted by Deleted38846565User

  1. That might work, I could make the forcegreet stage repeatable and maybe try to rerun it? I'll have to give that a try tomorrow.
  2. Hmm, it's a start, though the only parameter I see that may work is menu, which would end up worse in the long run if combat starts. In this case the player would just have to wait until the aggressor kills them, and if the enemy dies then you're just stuck..
  3. How about you keep the "Let's trade option" right? BUT! You both completely trade equipment, he takes and equips all of your gear(which mind you will still be useless because of the stagger), and you get his cheap clothes and wooden sword.
  4. Hello everyone. The mod I'm currently working on has many forcegreets, which can cause problems if the player exits the conversation(By problem I mean completely break the mod's quest). a lot of mods have a similar issue, and I could just warn players not to exit conversations, but I'd prefer to find a fix if possible rather than making players play a certain way. I realized a bit after that the Vanilla Courier has a similar function, when clicking Esc, it simply progresses the conversation instead of exiting, does anyone know how this can be replicated?
  5. Nexus merch would be interesting. As long as I get me a mod it til it breaks mug
  6. Would anyone happen to know how to transform an NPC into a werewolf, similar to Farkas' scene in the companion's Quest? There doesn't seem to be much on this.
  7. Wait, I figured it out. I noticed the NPC was using the equipped bow animation(thank god for Bethesda's cheap bow animations xD), but wasn't actually wielding the bow. Prior to the package the NPC is to kill another using a killmove, which seemed to bug the animation since before the killmove the NPC didn't have his weapon drawn. Made him draw his weapon the whole scene and it's working fine now. Thanks for the help!
  8. Changing the trigger to self didn't seem to have an effect. I did replace it with a travel package and the NPC doesn't hesitate to use it, so I dont think there's a conflict between another one :confused:
  9. POSITION FILLED Hello everyone! I'm looking for a male voice actor for my mod Yorgrim's Refuge. The character is an Orc bandit, except they have more of a calm "reasoning" tone of speaking, apposed to a brutish voice you'd normally expect. The character has roughly 6, maybe 7-8 lines including generic dialogue. Sample Lines: "I don't know about you, but I dont think water and caves go well together." "Do you truly believe he's going to keep watch?" If you're interested in voicing, feel free to PM me.
  10. The bow is in the actor's inventory, with ammo. Weapon Loc is an xmarker on a bridge(actor is below, I tried moving the xmarker towards the target in case that was the issue but it wasn't). Target to attack is an xmarker that's in the exact location as the actor at that time(figured maybe you need an xmarker, opposed to making the actor the target, but that didn't seem to be the issue). And all settings that you can't see(at the bottom) are essentially the defaults. And here's the flags incase that helps It's odd because I've used a similar package that worked on the same actor, but for some reason here he freezes.
  11. I want to have NPC1 attack NPC2 using the "UseWeaponHeld" package, NPC2 has a script attached that will kill them instantly on hit(This is a scene, which is why the attack is handled through a package). But no matter what, the attacking NPC wont attack the other, they just potato there and freeze. I've tried changing targets from the NPC to an xmarker, I've changed the shooting position, I've even added the package to the NPC itself with a condition for the Quest's stage(using the same exact settings that another working attack package uses), but still nothing. Anyone have any idea what would cause them to potato out like this?
  12. That's most likely what you would have to do is shape the werewolf head mesh to fit the Argonians or Khajiits(whichever you prefer, or whichever fits best).
  13. I haven't been using Blender as of late but have some experience so maybe I can point you in the right direction. I don't believe custom skeletons are supported by ck(to my knowledge only Skyblivion has achieved it but it's apparently extremely hard). So most likely you'd want the werewolf head to use the Khajiit's head bones, also you'd have to re-rig the model so the werewolf's mesh works. Good luck on this though if you're new to Blender, since it's a character's face there's likely alot of bones in that part, which you'd have to shape the werewolf head to fit(so the animations look natural), and then rig.
  14. Yep, this is a bug in the ck, because the facegen data wasn't exported. Go to the actor category, search for Lydia, then select her and click Ctrl+F4 and it should export the facegen data.
  15. Probably the grey face bug. Go to the "Actors" category, and search for your npc, select the npc, and click Ctrl+F4. Let it export and it should be good.
  16. What Dow said could work, other than that, have you tried Wrye Bash or Loot? They can help alot with load order and conflicts, if you're not using them it might would help.
  17. You could have a triggerbox inside the cell, and make a script that uses OnTriggerEnter.
  18. Alot of giveaways recently, good Luck people.
  19. The player is "healed" during the cutscene too, thanks for the advice though! Funny enough the player was being healed which is why I didn't catch the health being low before, I didn't think the npc would heal the player so fast.
  20. Okay, I see the problem. In the scene the player has their controls disabled which removes the hud entirely, after enabling it mid-scene I seen the health bar much lower. I'm pretty sure I need the controls disabled for the scene which is a problem, but maybe I can try to find the blood ISM and simply use that. I do currently have an ISM, and an animation so the player knows they've been hit, I just wanted the added touch of the health going down, but blood on top of that should be good enough. Thanks for the help!
  21. I ditched the function and used a single line script, also I changed PlayerRef to Game.GetPlayer() but there was no difference. The script now is Game.GetPlayer().DamageActorValue("Health", Game.GetPlayer().GetActorValue("Health") * 0.8) It's being called in the phase of a scene, and it should be called as every other script in that scene is working, plus I have debugs there.
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