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About BullDoser

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  1. After playing Skyrim multiple times, you start to remember everyone: It would be interesting to see a mod that could randomize all characters when starting a new game so that everyone would look fresh and you would not immediately recognize people. What do you think?
  2. I don't think that anyone mentioned this already, but download speeds are still 1024 kb/s for supporters in NMM. If 1.5mb/s does not apply for Nexus Mod Manager, then there is hardly any usage for this boost at all. Either way, 2 euros I paid won't be missed because I enjoy this site a lot. Cheers. Edit: I might have read it wrong, since it says "We’ll likely wait a month or two to release this new Adblocker incentive". But I don't quite understand if You are talking about Ads reporting or "users tiers", so I am not sure if I should expect speed increase now or in two months. :)
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