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Everything posted by Entoarox

  1. In response to post #73996753. #73997948, #74003048, #74008568 are all replies on the same post. ff7, they cant even lock down f76 modding, at best they can prevent you from using their official servers while using mods. It is impossible to prevent a game from being moddable, because in the end it is binary code running on your PC, and nothing prevents you from injecting your own code into it. If they do try and lock mods to paid - then it is just a matter of disabling whatever check they put in place to prevent "unauthorised" mods from loading. Besides, they would be shooting themselves in the foot if they lock away modding - because they could never provide the sheer amount of content players want, their games would not sell anywhere near as much as a result.
  2. In response to post #73994788. #74008608, #74008773 are all replies on the same post. Only if you get it paid out into actual cash (at least in most countries) I would recommend looking into the tax code for your country - but most countries have a yearly allowed-undeclared income that any DP you *do* check out wont even get close to. Again, look into your local tax code to be safe :)
  3. In response to post #64808551. Net neutrality is about you getting the same content for the same price, no matter the origin. (So your ISP shouldnt be able to charge you more for using facebook or youtube, then say, their proprietary alternative ;) ) In truth, nexus is actually being kind, since they could easily have chosen to block downloads for adblock users on the principle that those people provide no income to offset the cost they incur. Fact is, nexus is saying, "Yo, you people who actually are kind enough to pay for the stuff, we're giving you a bit extra, thanks for keeping us running!"
  4. Because some people are just completionists who cant do without?
  5. Nothing, they get paid for making the stuff in the first place... So no matter if Becrapsda earns $1, or $1,000,000 from something, the creator still only sees the money they got for doing the job in the first place.
  6. I am working with it and hadn't experienced any issues until I tried placing a pier floor tile (wood floor with the 9 stilts) in the river in Sanctuary. I could not place it where I usually am able to (I like making a large generator shed next to the water purifiers keeps the noise away). I checked on somethings as I am also using the undamaged sanctuary bridge which says not to use bUseCombinedObjects=0 if using Spring Cleaning. So I checked my ini and it was in there, I don't recall what I put that in for to begin with to be honest it's been awhile since I played FO4. I removed it and once I loaded the save if I moved closer to the settlement bounds I was immediately kicked out of build mode like I had crossed the boundary and ran out of time. Still didn't fix the issue with placement either so I added the bUseCombinedObjects=0 back in, boundaries were normal again. Do you happen to have bUseCombinedObjects=0 in your ini? EDIT - I did some more testing with combinedobjects removed and found that if I zoned into the basement bunker in sanctuary and went back out it adjusted the issue so most likely not what you encountered. EDIT EDIT - After posting that edit and loading the game back up it repeated the build mode boot, if I didn't move np but start moving and bam no build for you! Re-applied the bUseCombinedObjects=0 to stabilize build mode again. The issue you are having is that you are crossing cell boundaries, this is because the combined object rendering is acting up because things it expects to be there no longer are, if you wish to use combined objects, you need a esp mod that first removes scrappables across the world from the list of valid objects to combine. Unfortunately, this is somewhat difficult and at times error-prone, so most mods simply require you to disable combined objects. It does not have anything to do with the culling, just the rendering, it is cheaper to render 1 big mesh then it is to render 4 tiny meshes, especially if they contain the same geometry count in the end. Disabling object culling has its own issues, especially in downtown boston, and will incur a noticeable FPS drop in a already FPS restricted region of the world. If you have the ability & option, it is best to create new PreVis files that exclude the newly scrappable objects, unfortunately this is not a option for everyone, and previs files that work for one load order will not work for any other :( TL;DR Use `bUsePreCulledObjects=0` only if your PC can handle it and you have mods that let you scrap normally unscrappable things causing previs issues.
  7. Because NMM doesnt copy those files, the shortcuts you see are called `symlink`'s and they are a file-system mechanic to claim a file exists in 2 or more places in the file-system, while it only takes up space in one of those places. Having had this same issue myself recently, I can confirm that running NMM in admin fixes symlink generation. I also noticed that this issue didnt use to happen before I moved my fallout installation to a new SSD that has file compression enabled (HDD did not have compression), so either of these changes might be the cause of NMM not creating the symlinks properly.
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