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Everything posted by payl0ad

  1. "Popularness" by endorsements has become a suboptimal metric to figure out which mods are actually good to use. The issue is (or was) that when FO4 was brand new, a lot of users flooded in and started using mods, leaving endorsements and so on. There were comparatively few mods back then (like, late 2015, early 2016, before survival mode or the CK was even a thing) but they received tons of endorsements because everything was new and they were available. Later, after the CK had hit and modders were actually building more complex stuff, a lot of users went to play different games because FO4 tends to become boring more quickly than its predecessors. This led to the more sophisticated mods getting comparatively less endorsements. Now, that's not generally problematic for mods that are "finished" in general. But there are some of the most endorsed mods that do things we know as unsafe today and are not maintained. Spring Cleaning is a prime example of this. It's got some technical problems and isn't actively maintained any more. The alternative Scrap Everything has active maintenance going on and is much less prone to issues (because someone who knows his stuff is maintaining it) but because it was added just a tiny bit after Spring Cleaning, it's only got about 60% of the endorsements of Spring Cleaning despite being the objectively superior mod for the use case "I want to scrap more stuff". Similarly, True Storms is a great weather mod, especially considering when it was built but it's not actively maintained (I guess fadingsignal considers it finished) and it's basically bug-free - while NAC came just a few weeks later, is still maintained actively, is more comprehensive and detailed, but has a fraction of the endorsements. Sort by "Trending" (which is endorsements and downloads over time) instead of endorsements to get a better impression what the hard-core user base that's active today thinks is good. Sometimes there's a better alternative with far less endorsements for what you want to do. It might just be newer than the higher endorsed mods you'll see at the top of the list when sorting by endorsements. Actually, do both but go by category first and limit the search to 1 year back. There's a lot of great, literally game-changing mods out there that sit at a few dozens to hundreds of endorsements.
  2. Once you learn the controls it becomes easier. Take small steps and try to read as much as you can.
  3. Likely because Creation Engine uses Occlusion Planes and Roombounds for culling and regenerating precombines made it use the precombination/previs system instead. Vanilla cells have lots of sloppy occlusion planes that cause funky artifacts and were never removed properly for release. Essentially, if we were to go ahead and manually optimize downtown Boston with Roombounds and Occlusion Planes (while also cleaning up that mess) we could put a safety net below the precombination system for people who don't know better. Not that I'd be exactly keen on doing this, it's essentially work for trained chimps.
  4. When working on Damn Apocalypse, I found that a gun spawned from a leveled list somehow always has some ammo to go with it, even if that ammo is not mentioned anywhere, neither in the LL nor in the weapon record. Don't know if that helps, but at least you're not the only one having that problem. ;-)
  5. It's pretty much impossible to import player-built structures from a savegame into the Creation Kit. You can recreate your building with all the appropriate parts in the CK though.
  6. Easy way would be to use mods that don't depend on one another. You're actually making it harder for yourself than it has to be.
  7. So, I want to achieve something quite special. While working on some power armor functionality, the need to somehow destroy an existing frame that's used during the "Out of time" quest arose. I want to have a silent quest running that triggers off MQ102 reaching some state (when all hostiles in Concord are dead) and then throws a messagebox that, if still in the suit, tells the player that the cooling system of his suit is failing and to get out NOW. Then, I want to force the suit into the same state it goes into shown in this video. Afterwards, if the suit is still present as an ObjectReference after the explosion, I want to disable it and maybe have some debris flying around. I'm fairly certain I know how to do 1 and 3 but I have no clue how to go about 2. 2 would also require to either force the player out the frame or kill the player with an explosion. Has anybody already tinkered with the PA system? //edit: I've taken long hard stares at various PA-related scripts, including SystemPowerArmorScript.psc, PowerArmorActivatorScript.psc and PowerArmorNPCCoreDestroyScript.psc (which might as well have been written in Maya Glyphs to me, no clue how it works). Can't tell how I'd abuse them or use their methods to do what I want.
  8. Regarding the CTD when generating "clean" precombines: Did you monitor file accesses with procmon while doing that? I have a sneaking suspicion that this might depend on the Havok toolkit being present given how it spews Havok-related "stuff's missing, yo!" errors when put to the test while generating CDX. Theory would be that this process changes how the _Physics.nif is baked and that this relies on Havok toolkit to fill the bhkPhysicsWhatever node in the NIF file. Another experiment would be generating with the "clean" parameter, tossing the _Physics.nif of that generation run and instead using the archived _Physics.nif for CDX generation. In practice, this would only be useful for mods like Boston FPS Fix that don't change placed refs. But it might tell us something about how CDX and precombination interlock. Sounds a little convoluted reading it again but I think you get what I mean. In addition, this was a surprisingly interesting read. Do you by chance write technical documentation for a living? If not you should consider it. ;-)
  9. Can you provide screenshots of the phenomenon? If I can make a request, I'd like to see it happen as well as a screenshot of the properties window of a tree that draws correctly and one that doesn't.
  10. Ah you mean how you make it so that you can establish a supply line there, for example, right? If you have DLCs, both Vault-Tec Workshop and Automatron add fully functional interior settlements. I'd try with Automatron first because the Vault settlement is "special" in some ways.
  11. They don't stack, they concatenate. Meaning, if you roll a success for LL-global chance none, you then get to roll for each item on the list that has a chance none >0. Likewise, if the LL-global rolls no success, you will not get anything from that leveled list.
  12. That's pretty weird. Did you try reinstalling the CK via Beth.net launcher? I do that occasionally because CK regularly throws up on itself.
  13. Would be incredibly helpful if you provided at least some info, like a screenshot of the workbench or the mod it came from... Nobody on here can read minds.
  14. I'd suggest picking apart fadingsignals great mod Basement Living and see how he did that.
  15. Those are part of the base game. Are they present in the Fallout 4 folder? Tried verifying game cache integrity through Steam?
  16. Maybe you should note which exact DLLs are missing. Even if you get the CK to start without them, it will likely just crash upon all sorts of operations. DLLs are binary executable files that get loaded by other programs to provide pre-made functions that the other program relies on. They're critically important for various things. DirectX includes numerous DLLs for example.
  17. Is this really something BAE does sometimes? Because if so, it does it consistently. Always thought BSA archives are well understood.
  18. Does this keep legendary items or heavily modded guns intact? Meaning, do you add the RefID (which then spawns as a copy of that RefID, with a new ID) or the BaseID?
  19. Thanks, but I don't think the one that works for the newer formats can't be installed into Gimp? Or will one of the tools work independently such that could use it to open the offending DDS, save it into another compression format, and then load that into Gimp? Edit: I found the texture tools here but everything just links to the "legacy" tools. I DL'd the DDSUtilities package and tried the various tools, but mostly nothing happened each time. (Literally... ran each as an administrator, got the windows sound I usually get, then... nothing.) The DDS Viewer actually ran, but got the same "unknown format" as I got with Gimp and the Nvidia DDS gimp plugin. Exactly which tool are you referring to that can read/write the newer DDS formats? Can you provide a link to its download? Thanks. Edit2: no worries on the clarification, I was able to get what I wanted by (re)installing Paint.Net with its dds2 plugin. When I had to actually use them because GIMP wouldn't read the file, I just converted the original DDS to BMP using NVTT, copied those pixels into GIMP and went from there. Not like you're losing anything, BMP is uncompressed and DDS is lossless compression. You can create BC7 DDS using NVTT from the command line but I've never had the necessity to do that.
  20. As a further fallback, there are the Nvidia Texture Tools (NVTT) that can also encode/decode DDS, even the newer formats.
  21. Sorry, for some reason I thought repairing workshop objects follows the same rules everything else in workshop mode does. Turns out that was wrong. I've taken a look myself but can't make out how workshop objects are repaired. If somebody could shed some light on that, that would probably help. Still thinking that what you want to do should not be done in a script.
  22. Use this: { This script will prepend or append supplied value to the Name field of every selected record. } unit UserScript; var DoPrepend: boolean; s: string; function Initialize: integer; var i: integer; begin Result := 0; // ask for prefix or suffix mode i := MessageDlg('Prepend [YES] or append [NO] to Item Name?', mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo, mbCancel], 0); if i = mrYes then DoPrepend := true else if i = mrNo then DoPrepend := false else begin Result := 1; Exit; end; // ask for string if not InputQuery('Enter', 'Prefix/suffix', s) then begin Result := 2; Exit; end; // empty string - do nothing if s = '' then Result := 3; end; function Process(e: IInterface): integer; var elEditorID: IInterface; begin Result := 0; //AddMessage('Processing: ' + Name(e)); elEditorID := ElementByName(e, 'FULL - Name'); if Assigned(elEditorID) then begin if DoPrepend then SetEditValue(elEditorID, s + GetEditValue(elEditorID)) else SetEditValue(elEditorID, GetEditValue(elEditorID) + s); end; end; end.
  23. You likely don't need to modify the script. Somewhere in the "Constructible Objects" section of the Object Window, you can find the recipe that is used to repair cages and change the requirements to 1 Steel or something equally dumb.
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