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Everything posted by payl0ad

  1. Wow, now it's obvious. Thanks! Compiles without error, using this scheme: HarvestMeatQuest MyQuest = ptb_HarvestMeatQuest as HarvestMeatQuest MyQuest.Harvest(akTargetRef)
  2. I'm sorry, I don't follow. Here is the PSC file that contains my fragment code: ;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment Scriptname Fragments:Perks:PRKF_tb_HarvestMeatPerk_040B40AD_1 Extends Perk Hidden Const ;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment Quest Property ptb_HarvestMeatQuest Auto Const MandatoryIt clearly is a Quest type Property. Here is a screenshot of the Perk entry point and the fragment property: Anything look out of place to you?
  3. To be perfectly fine you'll need to not use any registered trademark, yep. The companies won't complain about free advertisement but using their logos without their permission is technically copyright infringement, I think.
  4. Can you describe how you set things up so that you can call the script functions in the quest script from the perk entry? I've build the quest script and the structures around it but I can't seem to figure out why my fragments don't compile. I think I got the gist of what Gravedigger is doing. I'm getting: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Fragments\Perks\PRKF_tb_HarvestMeatPerk_040B40AD_1.psc(7,21): Harvest is not a function or does not existwhen trying to compile ptb_HarvestMeatQuest.Harvest(akTargetRef)The functions in the quest script: Function Harvest(ObjectReference akTarget) Actor targetActor = akTarget as Actor if (targetActor != None) Self.Butcher(targetActor) endIf EndFunction Function Butcher(Actor akVictim) ActorBase ThisVictimBase = akVictim.GetBaseObject() as ActorBase Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer() as Actor int RaceIndex = 0 if Player.GetItemCount(pButcherKit) > 0 while ( RaceIndex < pHarvestableRaces.Length ) if pHarvestableRaces[RaceIndex].HasForm(ThisVictimBase) akVictim.AddItem(pHarvestedItems[RaceIndex]) Player.RemoveItem(pButcherKit, 1) else Debug.Trace(self+": No harvestable race found on "+akVictim) endIf RaceIndex += 1 endWhile else pButcherKitMissingMessage.Show() endIf EndFunctionWhich, of course, compile just fine. Like... it's there, isn't it? http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/173/576/Wat8.jpg?1315930535
  5. Check the types again. They have to match up or nothing happens. I stumbled upon this during PIRAD development on more than one occasion.
  6. Awesome seeing one of these worldspace mods actually making progress. Can you make a guess when this will be ready for release?
  7. I am working on a new mechanic that would require the player to use some kind of tool to harvest meat from animals. I have a concept of implementation that would use a consumable item that scans for corpses around the player and adds some leveled item to them. But that's yucky because it forces a pipboy interaction. What I'd rather do is hook into the quick loot menu and add a hotkey (let's use E because that's free for containers anyway) to that which makes the player consume said tool, do its business logic and the item-add thing on activation while the player is watching. I'd want controls to be frozen for a second or two to indicate the player working, just to prevent looting mid-combat. But that's cosmetics. The problem I'm having: I have no clue if that's even possible. I can't find anything about that menu in Fallout4.esm so I don't know what to reverse-engineer. My fear is that this is hidden somewhere in HUDMenu.swf but I neither can nor actually want to replace that, given that my mod would become somewhat incompatible to both HUDFramework and DEF_UI. Can anybody shed some light on this please? Other suggestions for an implementation?
  8. I have the distinct feeling that you guys really should first define what you mean by "crashing" because there are actual several things that can crash Creation Engine and just using the word "crash" doesn't really tell anything about the circumstances. Really leads you nowhere if you don't establish common terminology. This is technology, not some obscure voodoo s#*&#33;. (I know, I know)
  9. I'm actually pretty proficient in wireshark, so hit me up if you need help and that's your cup of tea.
  10. Because people add all sorts of mods bunched up without any consideration. It ends up with a pile of mostly useless stuff that bloats their game. Also, people love their custom weapons and armors. Usually 2 plugins per mod (base mod + VIS patch).
  11. Yeah man, TIL. What the hell. I thought ifelse was Papyrus' way of doing switch/case. Now someone needs to come around and tell us there's push() and pop() in Papyrus.
  12. How would it be easier? I mean, what the game will send over the network is likely just position data of moving objects and general game state info. And it will be encrypted, so actually sniffing that traffic could already be hard if they do their crypto well (lol, yeah, I know).
  13. Food rot was already in some Skyrim survival mods. That's entirely doable in Papyrus.
  14. So far everything points to regular BGS-style moddability. With the restriction that there won't be private servers until the CK hits, which is somewhere in the first year after release. I assume they will release a standalone server binary for that but who knows. Without that, script extenders are likely a no-go zone. I'll try to stay neutral so far. If it turns out to be decent I might pick it up and even build a mod or two.
  15. 1. Even if you do know how to operate Blender, that's not everything you'll have to do for a custom mesh to show up in game. It is usually easier to re-use an existing mesh and slap a different texture on it or combine some existing meshes using NifSkope. Obviously depends on what kind of object you need. An example: I needed an object for a pile of organic sludge (you know, rotten-beyond-recognition food or plant matter) just recently and settled for a retextured deflated kickball. 2. What type of plugin file to use depends on what you want to do. ESL files can only hold ~4000 individual records, so they're limited in what they can do. If you mod is rather small though, ESL might be a good idea. Just use an ESP until you think you actually gain something from changing plugin type.
  16. Uhm... except for Beantown, there's no mod with a scope even close to what you want. You can add Inside Jobs to your list though, it's fairly compatible, also thanks to chucksteel who made a compatibility option for us. By the way, Plenty o' exploration is actually a mess and I have had higher than usual crash rates using it (which *might* be purely coincidental). Might be same for you.
  17. That 2 GB limit was lifted with the ba2 format.
  18. Nobody's mentioned it so far but turning off markers speeds up load times considerably. Also, there are a number of things that will absolutely crash the CK: undoing terrain changes with too much "change" (as in, longer "brushstrokes")putting a material that specifies alpha information onto a mesh that has no alpha support (this is kinda hit or miss, better save before applying materials)doing practically anything while the object window searches (in short - type fast, try not to search for a single letter)
  19. Have you tried Paint.NET? Works for some textures that I can't open with GIMP or NVTT.
  20. Again, I'm not a professional but from my limited knowledge using that function should actually block the VM or at least its thread, consuming CPU time while the timer is handled by engine-internal logic and probably *way* faster than a Papyrus function call.
  21. Utility.Wait(Delay) Disclaimer: I don't have a clue about the inner workings and performance mechanisms of Papyrus. However, somewhere on the wiki I remember reading that using Utility.Wait is bad practice and should be replaced with custom timers and OnTimer events.
  22. No clue how to actually pull this off, but AmmoTweaks has functionality to do sort of what you want. Maybe check out how that's done for a starting point.
  23. It's probably the gun. I use Start Me Up, Survival Options and Be Exceptional together and they work fine in tandem.
  24. Probably because the CK seems to think your mod changes those base scripts for some reason. As you can imagine, this is a good way to break other mods and should be avoided. Pack your archive manually to avoid this. The Archiver tool is sitting in Fallout4\Tools\Archive2.
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