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Everything posted by Tamb0

  1. You need to change your folder options in Windows. By default, Windows hides file extensions. You'll have to un-tick Hide file extensions for known file types. Your backup file will actually be named Mymod.esp.BAK Windows reads the file extension as the last 3 characters after the last dot. That's why you think your mod is named correctly, Windows is hiding the .BAK extension.
  2. I'll explain it a bit better, now I've got time. Your exterior door links to an interior door. What you must do is duplicate the interior door and move the original door out of sight (outside visible area). Create an empty cell. Put another door in your empty cell and below it, place a large floor area. The floor area will be deleted when you finish. It's only purpose is to lay a navmesh on top. Link the door that you have just created, to the duplicate door in your interior cell. Both your cells will have door markers, but the interior cell will have 2 at the door (the original and the new). Just seperate them so that they have their own triangle of navmesh to sit on, which will turn green when finalised. Go back to your empty cell and navmesh the floor with the door sitting in the middle of the floor and finalize. Delete the floor. Create a large, flat, self activate trigger and place it below the navmesh in the empty cell. Link the trigger to a teleport script. Place a xmarker heading outside the door in the exterior worldspace and point the teleport script to use this as a reference. Finalize interior navmesh and your good to go. If still unsure, you can look how I done it - Mod with teleport You'll need Version 1 and then overwrite some files with the version 2 update. Empty cell is named teleportcell (I think) which is in TowerInterior.esp. I had the same problem with this mod, but it's fixed in the version 2 update. This is quite big. There may be other small mods out there that use the same tecnique.
  3. It looks like it could be something to do with your worldsize. There seems to be a mismatch with 'non-conforming' worldsizes between the CK and Oscape. Try to keep worldsizes in multiples of 32. Even if it's just a small island, put the rest underwater, or create more islands. Read this from start to finish - Similar problem There have been some edits along the way, but the information that's there should work.
  4. Just a hunch. In the CK, are you sure you selected both Skyrim.esm and yourmod.esp. It actually sound like your mod has no master file associated with it. Very strange.
  5. The .btr files should be in Skyrim\Data\Meshes\Terrain\MyWorld\ I did make a mistake later with That should have been Delete all the .btr files from Skyrim\Data\Meshes\Terrain\YourWorld\ I'll edit my post
  6. I made a mistake (it's been a while since I done this). When you generate tree lod, the CK will not create a .dds file. You have to extract the .dds from Textures.bsa and rename it. In BSAopt, open Textures.bsa and extract Textures\Terrain\Tamriel\Tamrieltreelod.dds When extracted, copy the file to the ...Skyrim\Data\Textures\Terrain\YourWorld\Trees folder and rename the file to Yourworldtreelod.dds This also creates a slight problem. When you are up close to the tree ingame, the lod mesh will be visible as well. No need to worry about that for now. Things should be fixed when you convert your .esp to a .esm and re-generate tree lod. Oscape installs the terrain lod automatically Check the ..Skyrim\Data\Meshes\Terrain\YourWorld\ folder. There should be files there named Yourworld.4.0.0.btr Yourworld.4.0.4.btr Yourworld.4.0.-4.btr...etc There should also be .dds texture files in ..Skyrim\Data\Textures\Terrain\YourWorld\ named Yourworld.4.0.0.dds Yourworld.4.0.0_n.dds Yourworld.4.0.4.dds Yourworld.4.0.4_n.dds...etc It's been reported that Oscape requires an esm file to convert properly. I'm not sure about this, but you could try. Make a copy of your esp and paste it into another folder. Rename it with esm on the end, instead of esp. You will need to have your folder options set to show file extensions, to do this. Copy the esm file back into the Data folder and load it up in the CK. When loaded, save it again. The CK will save it as a master file. Delete all the .btr files from Skyrim\Data\Meshes\Terrain\YourWorld\ and run the esm through Oscape again. If it gives an error the first time, just quit and try it again. I find that Oscape will not extract the files first time. I don't know what you mean by "invisible curtain". Do you mean that objects and terrain disappear ?
  7. Sounds like your game's a bit wonky. Either that or the mods had something in them that conflicted with the game.
  8. It doesn't happen with every mod. Just some mods conflict with others and that's what causes the problems.
  9. OK, lets start at the beginning. Make a copy of your mod that has the duplicate landscape textures. This is the mod you are going to be practicing with. At this point make sure that your lod textures (extracted from Textures.bsa) are in the Source\TGATextures\lod\ folder and that they are converted into .tga files. Also make sure that the lod meshes (extracted from Meshes.bsa) are in the Skyrim\Data\Meshes\lod\ folder. Now we can proceed Go to the Source folder and delete all folders except the TGATextures folder. Then, create another folder in Source and name it DDSTextures. The DDS Textures folder is where the CK will put all textures that it creates. Start the CK and load in your mod. Do not select anything that will go into the render window. The render window will remain blank throughout this operation. Go to World > World LOD. When the box opens up, select your world in the left window. Put a tick in the Static Objects box, under Meshes DO NOT put ticks in the Generate Diffuse Textures and Generate Normal Textures. Click the Generate Button. It shouldn't take long. When this is done, Look in the Source\DDSTextures\Terrain\YourWorldspace\Objects\ folder. There, you will find 2 files - YourWorldspace.Objects.DDS and YourWorldspace.Objects_n.DDS These 2 files must be moved to the ..Skyrim\Data\Textures\Terrain\YourWorldspace\Objects\ folder. The easiest way is just to Cut the Terrain folder from Source\DDSTextures\ and Paste it into the...Skyrim\Data\Textures\ folder and overwrite any files that are there. This also clears the DDSTextures folder in Source. At this point, if you look in ...Skyrim\Data\Meshes\Terrain\YourWorldspace\Objects\ folder, you will see the meshes that have been created. They will be named - YourWorldspace.4.0.0.BTO YourWorldspace.4.0.4.BTO YourWorldspace.4..0.-4.BTO etc... the numbers will all change. Object LOD is now complete. Now follow these exact same steps for tree LOD, selecting only Trees in the Meshes box and leave the Textures box blank. The .dds tree atlas will be created in the Source\DDSTextures\Terrain\YourWorldspace\Trees\ folder and must be copied to the .Skyrim\Data\Textures\Terrain\YourWorldspace\Trees\ folder. {Edit] No it won't. Distant Terrain/Water LOD cannot be made in the CK. You must use Oscape to generate those LOD files. I can't put it any simpler than that.
  10. Don't worry, there are loads of people who have problems with it. If you haven't done it before, it can be quite confusing. The fact that the wiki isn't 100% accurate, does not help matters. Once you do it a few times, you'll see how easy it is. Always best to just make a small practice worldspace, with not too much in it. That will give you something to practice on and it takes very little time to make the meshes and textures.
  11. I actually just read the whole thing again and it's not as simple to follow, as I thought. There are quite a few errors and there's quite a bit of important information missing. Hopefully at some point, I'll do a full tutorial and post it. That might make it a little bit easier for a lot of people who are trying this for the first time.
  12. The CK reads the tga textures files from Source\TGATextures\ and writes the new textures into the folder Source\DDSTextures\. It's the new textures that you have to move to the Skyrim\Data\Textures\ folder. Inside the DDSTextures folder, you will find another few folders, Land,Objects and Trees. Move all of them and their files into your Skyrim\Data\Textures folder, keeping the files in the proper folders. The meshes will be put directly into your Skyrim\Data\Meshes\ folder. If you regenerate, then you must first delete the existing files. Did you read the wiki ? it's so simple to follow. [Edit] The wiki says - 3.In Source/ find the generated meshes 4.Copy them, and paste into Skyrim/data/meshes/terrain/[worldspace]/Objects. This is wrong. The meshes will go into the correct folder. Only the textures have to be copied over.
  13. Did you remember to copy the textures from the Source\DDSTextures\ folder into the Skyrim\Data\Textures\ folder ? Also, it's always a good idea to make sure there is nothing in the Source\DDSTextures\ folder, before you start. As mentioned in the wiki, terrain lod will have to be made with Oscape. Another point, dont make tree lod and object lod together. It can cause problems. Make the meshes for object lod first, then make the object textures. After that, make the tree meshes and then the tree textures.
  14. But in theory such mod would cause problems with other mods that change that thing? are you really sure that those LandTexture things marked as modified because of that texture switching would not be a problem? they are core things not duplicates. And if its really ok can I generate LODs again and test it? I was waiting with it to know if its really ok to do all that switching and such lol, you're determined. Here's how it works When your mod is installed and those changes are in place, your mod will read the data and build your world. If another mod is installed it will also read your data and build it's world based on your changes. Your changes contain the exact same data as Skyrim.esm, so their mods worldspace will turn out correct. If you uninstall your mod, the other mod will read, either it's own data (if they have made the same changes as you) or it will read Skyrim.esm data and build it's world according to the data that Skyrim.esm has. It could be that the other mod overwrites your changes, in which place, your mod will be built on their data. If you uninstall their mod, your mod will revert back to your own data. It sounds a bit complex, that's why some mods have problems with load order and such. If the mods are made correctly, with everyone following the guidelines, there should be no problem.
  15. I understand now. No, you will not need to change them. In theory, they are EXACTLY the same. If they were pointing to a different texture, then that would be a problem. They are looking at the duplicate identical texture, so there will be no problem.
  16. You're not actually making duplicates of the textures, you're only duplicating the reference to them. It's the same as duplicating a chair in your mod. You don't have to unpack the chair mesh and texture to be included with your mod. Duplicating them will have no impact on the mods performance Your changes will be specific to your mod. It's not a global change you're making. If you changed the originals to look at another texture, that is considered a global change. Rule of thumb,...never change a texture, mesh or any kind of information on an original. Always make a duplicate and change it. Then use the duplicated object in your mod.
  17. You haven't changed anything in the existing cell, so technically, you haven't altered anything, you've merely added. The layout is still the same. The problem comes, when you want to navmesh. To get the entrance to work properly, you have to alter/change the existing navmesh slightly. This navmesh is part of the original cell, so changing it, alters the existing cell. Of course, you don't need to touch the navmesh, but only you, will be able to use the entrance. The good news is that the navmesh bug seems to be fixed with the latest beta update (I've tried it myself), so any changes to the navmesh, can be done on an esp that is mastered to Skyrim.esm and YourMod.esm. I think it probably worked for Fallout. From what I've read (didn't mod Fallout), You could create esp/esm with ONAM lists. I don't know too much about these ONAM lists, but from what I can tell, it is a the type of command that lets you change the data in one esm, from another esm. Your Update.esm contains these ONAM lists and that's why it is able to make changes to Skyrim.esm.
  18. Making a cell is fine. The OP did not make a cell, he altered the Proudspire Manor cell, which is part of Skyrim.esm. Anything that's moved in the esp, will not be moved if the esp is made into a .esm file. Added items should show up fine, but moving a wall and replacing it with a doorway, will not show ingame. The added doorway will be there, but so will the original wall.
  19. Im not sure if you have to paint them again. I would think so.
  20. Make another folder in Source and name it TGATextures. Browse the DDSTextures folder and cut the lod folder from it (only the lod folder). Paste the lod folder directly into TGATextures. You can now browse to TGATextures\lod\ and just delete the .dds files in there. You don't need them anymore.
  21. Do you mean it opens Notepad and shows you the text ? Yes, its just txt file, it opens notepad, I tried to open it with nConvert but it didn't help, can I force my system to see it as .bat file instead of txt? just typing .bat extension in the name seems not to work :( There are 2 possibilities here. 1. Your file is being named as Run.bat.txt...or... 2. At some point you have selected to open .bat files with Notepad. I suspect it's number 1. When you save the file in Notepad, File > Save as..., the save box appears. At the bottom there is a long box with Save as type : and the type is set to Text Documents (*.txt). You need to change this (use down pointer at right hand side) to All Files (*.*) Now type Run.bat as the name and save. It will now be named Run.bat, not Run.bat.txt Let me know if that works.
  22. Make sure both nconvert.exe and run .bat are in the same folder as the .dds files. Also, make sure you have a minus sign in front of the tga part. The wiki was wrong. It had some other strange extended hyphen in front of tga. I fixed it today. That part was causing a few problems on another forum. When folk copy/pasted as the wiki said, it wouldn't work. Do you mean it opens Notepad and shows you the text ? You cannot run it by itself. It needs options entered into it, and these options are provided by the .bat file.
  23. BSAopt For BSAopt, open the Textures.bsa and click on - textures in the top window, to highlight it. Look down to the middle bar and put a tick in the box that says Show recursive. This will show every texture within the texture folder in the bottom window. They will all be selected by default (I think). Next, click the red box with the X and it will deselect them all. Now click the lod folder in the top window and all the files in the lod folder will appear in the bottom window, but will be unselected. Click the box with the green tick and all files in the lod folder will be selected again. At the bottom, browse to where you want the files to go (Source) and click Unpack. The program will create a folder name Textures and create another folder inside Textures named lod. Folder structure is important, so just point BSAopt at the Source folder and it will sort thing out itself. Textures Once you've made the lod and you want to start texturing, you have to duplicate the landscape and texturesets, as mentioned in the tutorial. This will give the new copies an ID starting with 01. The existing landscape/texturesets have an ID starting with 00, which as far as I know, is reserved for .esm files. That's why you need to duplicate them. Then, once you start to paint the texture, the grasses will show in the CK and ingame. You'll also have to generate new lod, once texturing is finished. This will give your lod the new colours as well. Hope this makes it a bit easier to understand.
  24. Wait but if i ever would want to put my mod on the net, like on nexus for instance, would that mean i would need to include all of those textures extracted from game even thou they are in the game? The only thing you would need to include are the files/folders in the Skyrim\Data\Meshes\Terrain\YourWorldspace\ folder and the files/folders in Skyrim\Data\Textures\Terrain\YourWorldspace\ folder. The Source folder is a 'working' folder for the CK and these files do not get included in your mod. As you say, they're already in the game.
  25. If the Source folder was created, that means that it will not contain the neccesary textures and meshes that the CK requires. You should create the folder beforehand and prep it,...ie. extract the meshes and textures from the .bsa files to the appropriate folders, then convert the .dds textures into .tga files. The CK looks for these file and if they are not there, then the outcome is probably flawed. It's all in the tutorial and very easy to follow.
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