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    Elder scrolls, fallout, dragons dogma, monster hunter, tomb raider(first ones), uncharted, assassins creed.

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  1. Well prior to this latest update my fallout 4 worked fine with all the mods I have installed and what not, after this latest update every time I access the mod menu to activate or deactivate mods and then go back to the main menu it crashes my game randomly sometimes it doesn't :S tried without mods same thing I updated all mods that used F4SE and F4SE itself same thing, I think this latest update messed something up....
  2. Hey thank you for the reply, fixed it yesterday, Jobra pointed for ENB I remember I tried it some time ago so I reinstall it to see if it fixed the problem it did not and the game would crash more often :( so the ENB led me to ENBOOST, which I installed yesterday and game runs so smooth now been stresstesting all day yesterday fast travelling multiple times running from one end to another of the map going in and out of the cities and no CTD :D, anyway none of this is related but in my quest to oblivion perfection I noticed I had to remove IC island unique landscape mod because it was causing crashes for better cities and noticed something during stresstesting, the water bug was only around lake rumare :S so I went to check my meshes folder and the unique landscape ic island water mesh for lodgen was still there so I deleted it and ran LODGEN and voila no more problems and I was able to stop CTDs as well :D
  3. Hello, recently I decided to go back to oblivion only to find out this annoying problem with the water shaders, or at least I think it's the shaders :S Anyway when I travel around the LOD for the water looks fine but as soon as a get too close to the water it just gets opaque, and if I travel to a nearby lake it's just some areas that are opaque :S posted the pictures bellow sorry don't know how to make them smaller :S Anyway I tried everything, I reseted the ini file on my documents even though I only changed the reflections settings, I tried with mods, without mods, tried another water mod, tried liquid water mod, tried with the nvidea settings I allways used since years ago tried without those settings, deleted water related textures, tried without any obse plugins although most of them are just to prevent CTDs which they do, tried validate the archive thing for textures, tried with log gen, tried without lodgen, tried without the shader files it crashed (didn't know they were part of the vanila game XD) ugrids thingy in the ini is the same as default never changed that. Anyway I tried everything and nothing, game runs really well no ctd no lags the only problem is the water... used to work fine with this computer, I have nvidea 970 with 4 gb vram good enough processor 8 ram etc upgraded my computer 2 years ago and can run everything pretty well. Im thinking it's either a shader problem somehow or some new nvidea driver messed up the game I think this problem started after I used LODGEN with some other mod to give everything visible but I don't know I tried with vanilla LOD files and the LODGEN ones. Please help me try to understand what's going on :sad:
  4. But not everybody has the license to use these assets. I think they absolutely could pull some "license violation" stuff out of their a$$es. Maybe they have a patent on the usage of these specific files, it's 'murica, after all. And even if not: would YOU risk getting sued by a corporation? Well, they couldn't do anything against you, but they could totally destroy Nexus if they really wanted to. Wouldn't the esp that we create be property of bethesda? I mean they would sue themselves then because every mod made with their tools is their property we have no ownership whatsoever.
  5. I was able to delete them I already started steam and started the game and the files didn't come back. But I guess it will be trouble once the next wave of crap comes in and I can't play because bethesda is shoving these paid mods into our data folder -.-
  6. Well this is not locked, anyone with basic knowledge of the creation kit and BSA can create an esp for this cosmetic items. I do think this is not intentional unless they intend to remove the creation kit and stop free mods this makes no sense. Just think about it, why would people pay for something that they just need to make an esp themselves with the assets Bethesda gave us.
  7. Thank you for some reason the creation kit wouldn't start after the update due to missing this dll
  8. Hm... I don't get it why the hell are they using our PCs to store this poor excuse to make money, 50 credits for pip-boy re textures XD there are better quality ones on the nexus for free but oh well to each their own I guess.
  9. Quite honestly after I search more about this creation club thing I realized that it's basically DLC from bethesda made by talented modders. Is that really a bad thing? I mean we get official new content for the game along with the free mods.
  10. Hello, so just wanted to give an update I changed the hardrive today and after clean install windows 7 and updates e drivers and whatnot I went ahead and play and I played from 18 to 21 no errors :D thank you so much for the help
  11. That's actually good news, the drive is old anyway so might as well just replace it, just wanted to make sure what I need to replace, it was either the psu or harddrive now I know thank you very much, I will see if I can change the harddrive and let know if it fixed the problem.
  12. Thank you I tried that and it came with "Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them. Details are included in the CBS.Log windir\Logs\CBS\CBS.log." I restarted and tried it again after is asked to restart and same thing, you think the harddrive is the problem?
  13. Hello, recently I've been plagued with BSOD while gaming, it started when I upgraded windows 7 to windows 10. With 10 I was able to play for hours but the BSOD would occur randomly almost everytime, startup would take about 30 mintues until I was able to use the desktop and what not if it didn't freeze first, windows update would give an error everytime I wanted to update, a nightmare, so I decided to wipe the whole harddrive and clean install windows 7 again after that all updates were done no problems along with all the drivers, so all was well and decided to start playing again and behold now there are BSOD while playing in less than 5 minutes regardless of the game.... I had 2 BSOD during surfing the internet very random but I can have my pc on the whole day without BSOD :s I'm at a complete loss, I checked the event viewer and when it BSOD there is the "Microsfot-windows-kernel-power event id 41" which according to the internet is related to drivers, psu, ram, overheating. So I did some tests -Reseted BIOS to default settings. -drivers are all up to date I made sure to update every single one and tried but the BOSD still occured -did the memtest86 and my older sticks of RAM had errors right after the first test so I removed those and tested the 2 newer ones and they passed 5 tests no errors -used intelburntest and tested from standard to maximum and all passed no problems -used intel processor diagnostic tool and passed as well -used furmark and did one hour test with maxumum settings pushing my graphics card to the limit and passed My specs are: intel core i5-4460 cpu 3.20ghz 8GB ram (had 16 GB but had to remove 2 faulty sticks) Asus GTX 970 4GB MOTHERBOARD asus z97-k My pc is custom built by me everything is new apart from the harddrive and PSU, basically the first time I did it but after checking how to do it on youtube doesn't seem anything too dificult, I installed windows 7 and all was fine, only after upgrading to windows 10 this hell started. I can't seem to fix the problem, my hardrive is having some errors with bad blocks, you think it could be the hardrive? I'm in a moment of my life where I can't afford spending money on new parts right now without knowing exactly what the problem is. I'm thinking either the PSU or the harddrive.
  14. After being plagued by thus annoying bug and nobody seems to have found a solution I believe I found a really simple one at least it works for me and I tested it both sleeping cattle and seduction victims, so whenever you get stuck go to console and click on player and simply type TC Apparently when the player gets stuck something toggles off the player control so if you re enable it through console all is well hope it works for you
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