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Posts posted by MalachiDelacot

  1. In case you have not tried this, or did not know of the function:

    If the mod is still on Nexus, go to Nexus Mods section

    ( tab at top right of this page ) pick Skyrim SE and type key words

    for the mod ( 7Base ) in the search window at the top of the page.

    Results should appear. Hope you find it.


    Welcome to the forum side of Nexus.

    Hope you enjoy your time here.

    Some of us like it so much, we've hung around for years...

  2. I forgot about the time zone thing since I have not crossed

    any boundaries for years. Thanks for the reminder.

    We also need to take into consideration the wind may have

    been blowing at the time, and what direction it came from....

  3. You sure it's not the first of April? It does say so on your profile.


    Would cake be sufficient? You did say you wanted a cake.

    April 1st is not mentioned on my profile. Please read it again.

    Yes, I did say I wanted a cake. I also stated things I was

    willing to accept. They are different things....

  4. The 31st of this month, I will have been a member of Nexus for 15 years !

    Cars, money, jewelry, tabby cats, fine wines, good cheeses, gaming computers,

    and first born children will be accepted as gifts.

  5. *I Like* that I once surprised police when I offered to file a

    report when I witnessed an automobile accident.

    *I Like* surprising them even more when I admitted I would not

    have seen the accident if I had not turned around to look

    at the legs and ass of the girl that had just walked past.

    *I Like* how we all laughed because of that confession....

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