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Everything posted by MalachiDelacot

  1. Carah started a thread on pets just a few weeks ago. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=142507
  2. Wish granted, but you have wimpy, tissue paper soft skin. I wish I was the elf kungfubellydancer wants to take her off to the magical land, but my heart is elsewhere. Feh. I just corrupted my own wish. I wish I hadn't done that....
  3. Never really cared for any Vanilla houses....just doesn't seen right for a wood elf to live in town. Have "Slate Lodge" as a home when near the IC, but when out and about, use "Sark Amens Portable Home" which I modified greatly with the construction set....made into a T shape...sleeping area with a double bed, benches to sit on in front of a fireplace, dining area, and chests in the hall for storage. Just large enough to be a cozy home.
  4. Bows. (she who shoots and runs away lives to shoot another day) My character uses the Meteoric bow (unenchanted) from the mod "Buy Umbacano Manor".
  5. Right here in Nexus...Borderless Cyrodiil: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3578
  6. Bans kungfubellydancer because I've never seen her belly dance
  7. Wish granted, but you're the one that did/didn't write it. I wish upon a star.... ....heh....
  8. *I Like* the rush I get when I see Carah, even if only on web cam. :wub: *I Like* the constant high I have when she's with me. :bunny: *I Like* knowing in less than a month, we'll be together again for awhile. :banana:
  9. Oh, babe, you is so good looking I could just squeeze your face until your tongue pops out...then I'd suck on it...heh...
  10. *I Like* having only 29 more days until torment in person begins....heh... *I Like* not feeling rushed. *I Like* forgetting what I was going to put as my third entry here.
  11. Wish granted, so go to any store and take anything you like, but remember to tell your cell mates about it later and show them all the nice things you now have. I wish that really gross, ugly dude would quit posting in Nexus
  12. Even if I saw you 24 hours a day, it still wouldn't be enough
  13. *I Like* how some things not understood can become clearer *I Like* having 33 days left more than I like 34 or more left *I Like* where my heart is
  14. Almost eight and a half years ago, I went to the Humane Society to see about a pet. Was looking at this cat through the glass when they flipped his sign with information over...his time was up and they were about to put him down. I tapped on the glass and asked to see the cat. We met in the "get acquainted room", I sat on the floor to be at his level. The cat walked up to me and nipped me on the chin. ...so, I ended up taking him home. Was going to name him "Shabon" (Arabic for ghost) since he could not be seen in a dimly lighted room, but when I was taking off the tag he was wearing, the numbers on it was 7 0 9. I had to laugh, being a Star Trek Voyager fan. Any the how he ended up being named Seven. True story. He's a large cat at almost 15 pounds...not fat...just long...32 inches from fingers to toes. http://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk125/moszibby/SevenNexus.jpg
  15. Ok, we all exagerate at times, but braging about having a "godmode on" is a bit much.
  16. *I Like* Carah, very much (just a reminder in case y'all forgot) *I Like* having only 38 days until her and I are together in person again *I Like* looking into her green eyes in person better than on web cam
  17. Wish granted, but the sad part is that it's Mono posting as me. I wish I was posting in another thread right now.
  18. Have not visited sites, not clicked on any dragons, and ignored the pizza, therefore, I won. :bunny:
  19. Wish granted, but the insanity soon comes back, stronger and more enjoyable than before. I wish I could go crazy and take you all with me.
  20. *I Like* being able to get things done early, then having the rest of the day to goof off. *I Like* when some things are easier than first thought they would be. *I Like* knowing there are so many different paths life can take you on with one small step.
  21. Wish granted, but we all don't know exactly what you mean, so now you have to wait 3 hours, explaining it to us, before you can go on to other things. I wish I had a stack of $20 bills, equal to my weight.
  22. Wish granted, but you had to double post to get it....dork.... I wish my post hadn't doubled.
  23. Wish granted, but you can only sleep when driving. I wish I had as much hair as alex2avs
  24. About died laughing when I saw your personal pic !
  25. Yes. BTW, you mispelt "bra". New pair of shoes, still in the box ?
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