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Everything posted by SinderionsBones

  1. That would be worth the necessity of it being a new race :D Even more than using it as playable, it could be a different class of enemies too :D Common as wizards, and often outside, but some where between bandit chiefs and dragonpriests in difficulty :D
  2. you mean like this: Do watch the entire video if you've never seen it :D The skellies can do it, if only only the engine wasn't so miserly on what animations we can apply to players >.<
  3. There are several alternate start mods out there. One just puts you just south of the border with skyrim, and you cross yourself :D If that's what you're looking for thar ye go. I've done extensive looking through the first hundred or so stages of the quest that runs the opening sequence. It wouldn't be to hard to just disable all the parts that control the player. There's still the 'who are you' part you've got to fit in there somewhere. Most of the sequence, where they're not micromanaging animation starts and stops(mostly dealing with guards driving carts and such), is pretty down to earth and straight forward after you look at it for a bit. Here's an excessively overblown version of this, just cause it came to me: The game opens, and you're in sovengarde, or some similar looking place, out in the bright misty wilderness. Full daedric armor, a large daedric weapon or something, and you're fighting several huge epic bad guys, giants or something (not dragons of course). You can't access your menu's or anything, but you're immortal so who cares. In the short epic battle you move in for the last kill and ---fade.. you wake up in a house in helgen, Someone telling you to get up, there's something going on outside. you could even do some AI driving of the character to take him/her outside. You move closer to the proceedings. One of the guards, or someone from out of town asks you 'So what's your story?' boom, character menu, queue crazy dragon crap etc... ooook.... so yeah, the casually walking over the border thing is sounding better and better.
  4. It's kind of trivial, just need someone to do it. Put player and bed as alias in hidden quest, playerAIdriven to true, apply package to player to activate bed, (optional) force third person so it stays third person after animation, animation is built in, player will lay down. Now... to be honest I've never gone far enough with driving the character actor with packages to tell you how to get OUT of bed lol. I've only ever made the player do stuff like LEAN against a wall... never tried to get him off of it, that part isn't automatic for furniture that's not meant to have a player attached to it. I'm sure it's reasonably easy though, if nothing else, just 'teleport' the player to next to the bed again when done... Then you would... be laying in a bed... What if the sleep menu didn't even come up until you were already laying down(at least for a legal bed). Is that what you're getting at? That shouldn't be too hard either. Depending on how the beds work, if it's a built in thing, or an attached script. Either way what could you possibly conflict with by modifying the sleep in a bed script?... just delay the sleep menu a few seconds, while the lay down animation happens. Maybe get all fancy and use states to do it... Yet another concept I'm happy to give insight on, but not motivated enough to carry out lol >.<
  5. Assuming you know what you're talking about, a couple modders here will be in great need of some really cool ship models pretty soon. Both sea and airships. Some unique, but skyrim friendly boats for use for more modest mods (including one I hope to do) would be cool as well. Just keep in mind, if you get a hold of the guy making the airship, this thread:http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/452292-sleds-and-zeppelins/page__st__50, and he doesn't have other specific model plans ( I don't think he does) Your model could be the face of the first good airship mod people see for skyrim :D If you're really talking about new models, and it sounds like you are, I can't think of a cooler time to get going, or a more motivational opportunity to have possibly dropped in your lap :D That guy I was talking about and another mod author also seem to talk a lot in the comments of this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=5432 If you want to get an idea of where they are and where they are going. Go, make us an awesome airship. Somebody will be around to make it fly :D Edit: If you're versed in 3d modeling at all, the creatiokit.com tutorials, and video tutorials have a lot of instructional material on taking plain old 3d models and massaging them (torturing them?) into fitting in with the rest of the skyrim engine.
  6. soooo, make a house, and in that house make a table, and on that table put this stuff. it works for the civil war strategists desks, why not for the game in general :D Alternatively, Updating, complete record (like in previous TES Games) journals either in your house, or in your inventory. when you start/end a key event, the updated version of the journal is silently added and the old removed. this would be tough for the daedra thing, as you can do it in any order, but for a rough guide to main questlines, it could work fine. The actual menu stuff is reliant on SKSE and it's like(outside programs to allow more diverse and powerful functions to be used in the game). So far as I'm concerned at this point, not feasible until it's shown more reliable, supported, and up to date /cry
  7. :D Some of us are working on just that. With my track record, however, there's a good chance I'll never finish it though. I was working on a dawnstar version of something similar, but have since gotten somewhat bored, started a new mod, got bored of that, and partway through another. Have at it. If you're not part of the 12 yr old crowd that is. :P
  8. It's being aggressively pursued. The Construction kit has been out for what? 6 weeks? and skyrim is like..maaaybe 4% water? lol It'll get done. I, for one, am hoping to use one for a mod based around legit, and not so legit, dealings on and around the shipping lanes just off the northern coast. Think about it: Major ports-> Dawnstar, Windhelm, Solitude, all of them minor detours from the northern sea. There are even shipping related quests in all three ports already. It just needs something more comprehensive to let the player take full advantage. As a sidenote, with minor modifications, there is an all water route from near whiterun (the northern end of the road to Cyrodil) to solitude. Water routes also exist between Riften, goldenglow, and Ivarstead(I think it's ivarstead... w/e is at the base of the throat of the world) As well as riverwood, and that mill to the west of it. Sounds like small medium and large business opportunities to me :D almost cries out for expansion, like so much of the vanilla game.
  9. Look towards the last pages of this thread. This is the closest I've come across, and I've been looking. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/452292-sleds-and-zeppelins/ I would love to make mod enabling one to live one of a few different lives on the water.
  10. Quick insight(mostly for any potential modder) as I duck in and out: Said shout starts a small (invisible) quest, fills an alias with a nearby dragon, if there's no dragon... does nothing obviously. Then attempts to force a package on the dragon to attack the player. May or may not work reliably. Interested enough to drop by, not enough to spend an hour or so testing it >.< Taunting in general would be kind of cool in this game I think. Both for the player, and certain enemies. My little brother has walked around shouting basically that on several occasions. ... usually to cats...
  11. You may have well been putting elegant words to my own last encounter with the blades on my main skyrim toon. I couldn't believe it. What were they talking about? Kill paarthurnax? they must be joking, there must be a way around this, is this a bug. I guess not... well, bye bye skyhaven temple, have fun without the dragonborn... There are several mods that enable you to do both quest lines, one, I think, is called Paarthurnax fix. If that's all someone is after. Check out the bottom of this page: http://www.creationkit.com/Adding_Voice_Intermediate_Tutorial I put my tutorial up there and like within two days some people tagged a few volunteer voice acting sites on the bottom. I would volunteer to do a mod this cool, but I have a nasty habit. I get the mod all ready(script, quest element summaries, rough timetables etc), design, and create most of the mod(interiors/exteriors, NPCs), then getting bored halfway through inputting the quests and voice, leaving it unfinished. I have three such projects at the moment lol. I would consider contributing though.
  12. Don't forget, player steering or no, pre-defined routes on an airship would be a seller in and of themselves :D I first got back into TES modding trying to make a water based bandit/piracy/general shipping mod. I deemed it more than I wanted to take on, especially since there was nothing to build on yet. This might just get me going in that direction again :D I'm guessing this relies a lot on SKSE or one of those sorts of things though? just curious. Can't wait to check it out, even in early development :D
  13. Press E to Downrate this comment for being facetious. Ok srsly though, I think this would at LEAST require SKSE, since that's the only way I know at getting at menu stuff. I still don't know if there's any way to get rid of it short of editing the actual program file(a no no)
  14. lawl, *necro* is more like it, but this idea is now known to be fully reasonable. There is a mod with spells for transforming in to like a bajilion different forms in skyrim. If you messed around with that a little, and added some quest pieces and scenes, this is fully possible.... just not that into it myself... also maybe this post will help mask your blasphemous *bump*'ing As it is, you could easily, right now, RP a shape shifter. It just wouldn't have story support really. Just go get one of the shape shifting mods
  15. lol, not a HUD idea, but what about this: Every time your buffs wear off, some guy impersonating Mr. T speaks in your head "Hey fool! your Oakskin just fell off!" "I pitty the fool that let's his skrimisher buff drop!" "Go to sleep! .... fool!!" I "think" this would have to be added to the onspelleffectend portion of the script for EVERY spell though... so may need some significant doing.
  16. This request is way more realistic than I expected when I clicked on it. My thoughts: First obviously... that's third person, TES games arent exactly very friendly to those playing in third person. Second, decapitation is very easily put in, since it's part of several higher level weapon perks, in fact, there are several mods that, when used in a particular way, allow 100% decapitation. Weapon speed, This is also easy to modify, it's based partially on weapons, partially on actor values I believe. At least one of those values, the weapon specific one at least, even balances damage for you so faster swing = less dmg per swing = no problems. Extra animations. The main thing you need is... the animation. there are several mods that change some animations, one of my favorites, one that I use all the time, is, I think it's called martial arts or something. It adds cool kicks to the unarmed attack animations. You just need the animation, then you can put it in as desired. Quick switch from blocking to attacking.... this I know less about from a CK perspective. My main Skyrim character, however, is a 1h Shield guy, who is always not swinging his sword because I clicked the swing button a half second too early after a block. I don't know if that can be fixed or not. At least you can sheild bash? Maybe there is a built in delay that can be reduced, i don't know. Is there anything else you are reffering to?
  17. the corpse alerting people thing is built in, as you can tell by the dialog some NPCs have :D If someone were to script in some danger of crime or other down sides, this could add some serious RP Value to some peoples playtime.
  18. Story inspiration if anyone needs, I'd help out on a project for this, but not run it: A group wants a new place to settle, no one will help them. Ideas off the top of my head include former forsworn, talos worshipers, former stormcloaks, dunmer. They commission your help to clear blackreach for settlement. This must include clearing... a particular inhabitant... google for special inhabitants of blackreach if you really want the spoiler. Blackreach affords them a new land basically, to themselves. The law can't even decide if it's truly part of skyrim they can control or not. Much could be made on geode mines, regular mines, and mushrooms/crimson nirnroot down there. How far you go with the 'renovation' is limited only by how much stuff you're willing to finalize in the CK lol. Bonus: Dwemer 'trams' or at least tunnels, between some of the major cities in the area, and from under the pale to closer to whiterun, windhelm and morthal(on the way to solitude), would be reason enough for many to download this mod and spend time in the city under any circumstances :D
  19. :D I'm pretty sure that's why the developers didn't include it in the end, the only reason it would be popular is BECAUSE people have this 'grass is greener' thing going on since they announced it but didn't implement it. It almost seems like your idea could be adapted and put with any sort of expanded RP atmosphere or radiant NPC interactions mod. Do you remember the quest where the first time you sell a dwarven, longsword I think it is, you soon after, get a visit from a courier with a request to meet the wizard guy in Markarth. A small (invisible to player, mainly just to get the global event) quest could be started based on items with certain keywords, being sold (item type:weapon, material: iron, stuff like that). These items references (how the game points to them) could then be stored in one of several script maintained pools of weapons(really just collections of references) to possibly be distributed. Finally after certain conditions(time passed maybe), particular items in the pool would be put in places eligible, be it equipped by an NPC, in a merchants chest, whatever. Example: You sell a self crafted, and self enchanted sword, or some special sword from a dungeon, whatever. The script remembers this weapon, it's value, and the day it was sold. Then it places it in the proper storage place, a weapons pool, or.. a pool specifically for common NPCs versus noble NPCs, or whatever. Since this is as good a time as any, the script does some housecleaning, if you've got too many items in the pool for it to store, it keeps some and gets rid of others based on some conditions (value, maybe even number of eligible places to put it...) As you go about the world, the NPC's you've attached an eligibility script to, have a chance to equip, or begin selling, eligible items. The do this by checking the appropriate pools of items when they are loaded (OnLoad) and ninja'ing some phat lootz. Global variables regarding the passing of some items would, in this case, be reasonable so these independent 'satellite' scripts could access them easily. Stuff like GlobalItemsMinTransferDays, GlobalItemsMaxCommonValue, GloblaItemsCount (I'm not sure what that one would be for, but you get the idea) This would need: A good implementation of a central script container, probably a quest, I haven't experimented with stuff constantly running in the background, but I have a feeling an (invisible) quest with a small memory footprint (not a lot of items always loaded in memory) would do great. Scripts specific for potential item receivers, including the types of items they recieve. Tacking on a new script to an existing NPC or chest (for merchants chests) is no big deal, nor is it prone to causing even small conflicts so far as I can tell. Example: A guard get's a Guard2hWeaponReciever script, maybe a mercenary type NPC gets a WarriorWeapArmorReciever script, etc... They consider pillaging your item pools whenever they are loaded. Making provisions for more than one transfer would add a little complexity to the scripts and storage 'pools' but wouldn't be a big deal I don't think. With a little forethought, this would provide a good basis for radiant quests for weapons based on where they have made their way to through YOUR actions, and your unique travels. Think, along the lines of: A weapon of unique power has been found with some guy in Dawnstar. It's a shame you didn't know what you had. or A guy in Ivarstead has managed to imbue your old weapon with new power, you should go steal it. TL;DR: 1. Event script to register an item for distribution. 2. Scripts attached to eligible NPC's to snatch up items based on your conditions. Unless I'm forgetting something that should be a starting point of what you are looking for. I know nothing of a tendency to not keep things. I'm guessing this is based on them being from like, a leveled list? For guards maybe you could have them 'borrow' the weapon from the list rather than keep it, since you wont be able to tell which one is which tomorrow anyways... Oh, and anyone doing this for guards and other leveled actors would also have to keep in mind the limitations of adding scripts to leveled characters... it's well documented, with several developer created work arounds on the creationkit site.
  20. Some more. Moving, maybe too slowly, through my script... I'm trying to be brief to feel like a game book. not the easiest thing. No wind today. The great sunbeam warming my face envelops the entire hilltop. Rough grey and black stones make up the center of our little universe. Our crusting moldy sided ruin, ancient imperial. I sleep in golden hay and sabercat hide wedged in the cold rock face. Today I’m going to the tower. Solid structures haven’t been a big part of my life for months now. Only those invested in the sacred rites of vengeance get real walls. Have your heart ripped from your chest, you can get a roof over your head. I’m just glad this stronghold doesn’t have a resident hagraven. That was my biggest fear since the moment I started training. We’ve got a hag sure. An old woman in warpaint that conducts those blasphemous rituals and ceremonies in the tower. I think she’s as repulsed by those abominations as I am though. She’ll be there, with the patriarch, one of our briarhearts. Together, they are the gruesome heart of misguided cruelty and vengeance. The distilled spirit of these peoples hatered. Black smoke coming from the tower. It’s time to go. Dried algae and some body parts on the fire no doubt. One step closer to the information I need. They no longer doubt me. Every word of their zealous hate speech now brings them closer to the block. There is no place for their philosophy of vengeance in a peaceful society. You don’t really get used to surprise bloody goat heads being thrust at your face. I should know better than to rush into the domain of a forsworn hag, however human she may still be. A fresh alter to the old gods dominates the round room, towering over the patriarch in the center. Parts of it are fresh at least. A recent mammoth kill. Parts of the chest cavity still red, some meat in the joints. Antlers deteriorating, that parts not fresh. It’s probably the frequent nearby fires drying them out. Maybe I’ll give them good old imperial taxidermy advice. That’ll be the day. I’m pretty sure the hay and hide pads to the left are for those of us visiting, attending the meeting. I’m also pretty sure this part will be bad. Sure enough the hag inspects us, and addresses the briarheart with a nod. Approaching a stone alter, she retrieves a bowl of something. Aww man. She crosses the cold stone floor littered with discarded stem and bones in our direction. My fellow ‘clansmen’ looking on. Warmth? I wasn’t expecting that, it’s actually kind of nice till I looked at the liquid running down the sides of my head. Black. Clearly blood based. Some … horrible offering to the shrine and their patron red eagle no doubt. This is something they should have added to the training. It’s all I can do to keep it together. To make it believable that this experience is most hallowed and sacred. I just want it off me. “Our brothers and sisters to the northwest are not fairing so well. They are well hidden behind and above the mines, but nords advance and make the sacred duty all the more dangerous. Ours and our fellows in Greyrun gorge intent is to drive the nords from the area in such a way that they will remain ignorant of the stronghold.” Bingo. It’s a good day, and we’re just getting started here. The bloody goo in my hair is still warm… Again, trying to do book sized fragments, a few small shifts in focus and style between to mix it up. Still all arbitrary though, just for the heck of it.
  21. Whoops, forgot to address this. You said you know some basic programming? One of the huge problems, maybe this is even what the SKSE will help with, I haven't looked that deep into it, is that you can only make arrays of integers and floats. You can't make, for example a variable to store references to books that just has 20 elements i.e. MyBooks[20] and you can't make new variables on the fly. Additionally, an odd omission on their part, you can't go item by item through a container and inspect each thing to take action based on what it is. All you can do is inspect each item as the PLAYER adds or removes it from a container. Once it's in there, it cannot be looked at by scripts. Weird I know. If you start to think about it for a bit it may become clear just how annoyingly complicated this can become. You have to track each item in your hard coded script, and any merchant exchanges it has taken part of would basically have to "have it's story made up" on the spot, the next time you interacted with it, or it's projected owner. In strategy games, every thing is in memory, and accessable at the same time. This is not true in TES games. The drain on memory alone makes that unreasonable. Thus, the only way to do what you're talking about is a global object, script, quest, whatever, that tracks this stuff and pretends exchanges happened in the past, based on mostly random numbers you feed some trade route generating routine. you cannot access where the NPC's where when, or what happened to them, just a bunch of: If randomnumber <= 5 then ;a bandit attacked him 2 days ago merchant.gold = merchant.gold - 300 end if if randomnumber > 60 then ;he sold some weapons to some guy, lets pretend that happened. ;We have to check every possible weapon variable for eligibility 1 through 50 or so if merchant.ItemWeapon01.present then ;check each weapon reference variable individually merchant.ItemWeapon01.present = false if randomnumber < 20 then ;choose a merchant ;Add to that merchants variable, not loaded onto merchant until merchant is with player if merchant.ItemWeapon02.present then ;check each weapon reference variable individually merchant.ItemWeapon02.present = false if randomnumber < 20 then ;choose a merchant ;Add to that merchants variable, not loaded onto merchant until merchant is with player ;do it all again for ItemWeapon03 ;do it all again for ItemWeapon04 ;do it all again for ItemWeapon05 ;do it all again for ItemWeapon06 .... ;till weapon 50 or whatever your hard coded maximum is. Blah blah the actual code isn't important, important part is it's just juggling a lot of stuff around, in excessively complicated ways, for... still no apparent real reason. you're just making up supposed events based on freshly generated random numbers. Nothing is *really* happening, you're just juggling a lot of stuff in the background, using up a good chunk of memory, and if one of those randomnumbers ends up hitting right, you get a guard with an upgraded sword.
  22. I think you may have misunderstood the quest part lol. No worries though. It's a quest, in that the game can manage it in a certain, easy to control way, it's not a quest in the players journal. Virtually everything that goes on in Skyrim is encapsulated in a quest for easy management. Tons of quests run, start, and stop in the background as you're just wondering through skyrim. They manage every line of dialog, everytime an npc talks to another, every scene, and every time NPCs.... do anything other than their default daily wanderings, including serving you in an inn and giving you a bed. Even their usual 'sandbox' wonderings are often tied to a quest in several ways. The opening sequence of the game is one very large, VERY complex quest, and it never even touches your quest log, it leaves that to another simpler quest. Now that I've had some sleep... even some aspects of your moving merchandise around sounds a little more reasonable. I'm still curious though... Upgradable guards! The 'new class of guard' is one thing I think that is key to this, if that's your main goal. Is your priority that this is pretty much one dimensional? the quality of the weapons sold to local npc, or this particular merchant, if you mean for him to be a real guy, directly contributes to upgrading a holds guards? Intuitively this would suggest they also get upgraded faster if business in the hold, and thus taxes are higher, or business is so bad that the merchants sell at rock bottom prices. The second one is far less likely of course. If all of this is ignored, it seems the simplest way would almost certainly be to track the total gold cost of weapon, armor, and high value items(rubies, jewelry etc, that can be traded for weapons) the player sells within the hold, and translate that into upgraded guards, with maybe different weapons. If you wanted to upgrade guards with specific stuff, you'd have to keep in mind that whatever it was, they'd choose to keep it in the proper hold colors, and this would require retexturing. I suggest a simple changing of the relevant NPC's to have higher stats, and maybe a cooler weapon. After going through all this, if the only visible result is to be upgraded guards, it then becomes kind of clear, couldn't the player just directly donate towards the guards upgrade with the steward and jarl? A dozen weapons donated could then be parceled out to random guards, probably starting with the jarls inner circle. Is the goal an economy? or one specific side effect of a healthy flow of money? If so, can you make it so the player expects what you are offering (upgraded guards), and is fully rewarded by directly addressing the effect (upgraded guards) rather than the incidental cause(the flow of money)? Functioning hold economies! If the goal is a more vibrant and visible economy, like we expected to launch with the vanilla game, it would indeed be a significant undertaking. Expected visible effects would need to be defined, to give reason for the player to even bother with it. I started, and did a lot of work on a mod I called The Morrowind Black Market back in 2002 and 2003. The idea was an underground economy of all sorts of stuff you couldn't do back then in game. Farming, smuggling, running ... unsavory establishments, etc... Turns out it was pretty huge, and anywhere you drew the line there was still a ton that it still seemed like you should add. An economy is a big deal. I would only try and tackle it if I like... enjoyed accounting or some insane thing like that. Particularly if you want to achieve any sort of balance.I'm suggesting that if you're going for a specific effect, address the specific effect. Even if it's just a small side quest where you place armor and weapons for guards in a side chest in some shops and take the data you need from that and apply it to the next guard upgrade. The system described in the first post is an "arrangement" between a few very specific people, for no apparent purpose. Oh, and sometimes a guard gets ahold of one of the weapons. Economy = Awesome, but if you're expecting an economy, and get a half dozen arrangements for guards to get new weapons... then... i mean come on... What I think players expect economy to mean, however simple or complex you make it, as suggested in the bethesda previews: Buying goods in a town(contributing currency, gold) adds significantly to helping the economy flourish. (A rich adventurer brings in lots of money versus 200g companion jobs and revenue from an alchemist and inn) Selling goods in town does the same, but less fluid, duh. Doing favors of certain kinds can either benefit or hurt the economies. Stealing, committing crimes that will be visible at some point, and changing ledgers detract significantly from a holds economy. [very optional]: Random events could possibly affect the economies in good or bad ways. Health of neighboring economies could impact others Good economy means: More, and better stock at shops, extending the stock into higher level ranges than would otherwise be buyable. More gold to purchase with if the economy, or at least the merchant, is good on gold. Other random things up to imagination Bad economy means: Oposite basically, less stuff to buy. Think of lowest extreme as hunters in the wilderness. 50g, a hide and an apple to sell. Possibly better opportunities for thieves guild/crime (another slippery slope for a modder if you don't have clearly defined goals before you start.) Other stuff you add.. State of an economy should probably be clearly visible to the player, ideally through dialog as the player is walking through town. A few new down on their luck NPC's or upwardly socially mobile NPC's could make this abundantly clear. Some simple(I use the term loosely) radiant quests related to the state of the economy could be thrown in for good measure and blending with vanilla content. (Think guy with a loan problem, guy needing servants, newly rich NPC that needs some services and doesn't have people for that yet, down on his luck guy needing just a little help to get by) This, all together, means, from players point of view: If I'm nice to my town/holds economy, and buy buy buy to increase their fluid assets (actual gold) they will prosper like never before. If I kill, steal, and pillage my heart out, this town/hold will become a breeding ground for thieves, and I can get away with more. Also I can just generally feel the impact of my evily evilness. If I keep an eye on the towns people, I can help keep the town/hold economy in a state I like best. Free live nudes! Anything less than these requirements would probably just end up with a lot of disappointment. Like just now, since there are no free live nudes under this heading /cry So ... anyone here enjoy accounting? (/cringe) Also, what was that guy thinking SKSE would help with? just wondering.
  23. As far as I can tell there is no ability to go through an actor, player, or containers inventory systematically. At least in in game scripts and references I've been able to find. All scripted inventory managment is based on individually stored references kept in their own, hardcoded variables. What this means to this idea: Every time you sell any item to a merchant, it must use up one variable you have pre scripted in, this means, for any length of time, or significant group of transactions, you must have hundreds of individual properties on that merchants script. If this still isn't clear, here is an exerpt of the vanilla bookshelf script. PlayerbookshelfContainerScript BookMarker01 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook01) BookMarker02 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook02) BookMarker03 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook03) BookMarker04 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook04) BookMarker05 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook05) BookMarker06 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook06) BookMarker07 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook07) BookMarker08 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook08) BookMarker09 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook09) BookMarker10 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook10) BookMarker11 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook11) BookMarker12 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook12) BookMarker13 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook13) BookMarker14 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook14) BookMarker15 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook15) BookMarker16 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook16) BookMarker17 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook17) BookMarker18 = GetLinkedRef(BookShelfBook18) This is one of 5 to 10 operations that must be done on all 18 objects, there are also 7 or 8 other variables that have to be split 18 times in the same script, Each object is filled with the onadditem event and cleared with the onremoveitem event. This would mean for each merchant, for any reasonable number of transactions, you would need something like: Item01 = Item01ref Item02 = Item02ref Item03 = Item02ref ... Item120 = Item120ref Item121 = Item121ref the above, of course, doesn't actually mean anything, but the method and downsides are what I'm getting at. It's perfectly possible you could find a way to optimize this, but the fact remains you would need dozens of slots reserved for weapons, armor, or whatever else you wanted to keep unique. simpler objects could be stored with a base object and a number easily enough. For example, 15 emeralds. More money based, versus item based calculations would be infinitely more simple of course. I am of course reffering to money distribution, income, taxes, and whatever else. These are the things I think they were hinting at when the developers hinted at economy. Player actions such as stealing, ledger modification and murder could then be magnified so they would be readily observable in the system. How object oriented papyrus is is awesome though, In order to keep tabs on the entire system at any given time, you may even wish to attach the master script to some object you can invisibly teleport to the player and access by it's unique reference. you could then add script objects to the master script for each merchant or other such node you intended to track, and access it all at once. sort of like: script merchant int property gold auto float property taxrate = 4.75 auto bool property hasloan = 0 auto bool property likescheese = 1 auto int function removetaxes(idays as int) gold = gold-gold*(100/taxrate) end function script MasterEconomyScript extends objectreference merchant property ArcadiaMerchant auto merchant property BelethorMerchant auto merchant property BanneredMare auto merchant property WRStables auto int property day auto Event Onload() if getdayspassed() != days Taxation() endif int function taxation() arcadiamerchant.removetaxes(getdayspassed()-day) belethormerchant.removetaxes(getdayspassed()-day) banneredmare.removetaxes(getdayspassed()-day) end function Anyways, then expanded from there, with the idea being it's a central economy database that's being manipulated on demand, versus some crazy, probably bug prone series of scripts in various areas. Any interaction between localized elements like ledgers and NPC behavior would be handled by a quest, thus having a small 'global' element without cluttering anything up with actual globals. Ok that's enough rambling for this late/early. I shoulda stopped a long time ago lol I think I was mixing two or three different programming languages for part of that lol. Also I forget what the merchant script should extend...
  24. ya i think the darkwater keep guy was just dreaming of taking over skyrim versus having doable plans for it. Being high king of skyrim in anything more than name would take significant quest stuff, thus quite a bit of time and CK knowledge. I haven't even seen any become a jarl mods yet, much less a high king mod. I'm working on and off on a jarl mod, but I'm not concerned with finishing it, just for fun.
  25. This one is greatness, I've been using it on a toon I don't fast travel on much: came out in last couple days http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=12577 bonus, you can store stuff in it, 600 pounds of stuff before the horse is scripted to no longer run :D
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