"If you take advantage of NMM’s profile system, this can be most simply resolved by selecting “Import load-order” from the “Profile” menu, which will enable all of the the plugins associated with that profile at once. Otherwise, if you are not using an NMM profile, you will need to enable each plugin again in the usual fashion," You're kind of leaving something out here. You don't have to use the profiles to import load orders. Users can also manually export their load order to a text file to import from said text file later. From the Plugins tab of NMM, on the left side of the window right under the green checkmark to Enable all the inactive plugins are two potentially easily missed buttons that look like pages with an arrow by them. The first is to export a load order either to text file or the clipboard while the second one imports a load order. So even if you do not use the profile system you can safeguard your load order by exporting it to a text file today.