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  1. It appears they finally removed his post. I'm reporting every post I find sharing links to his website. Most people there just couldn't get it through their heads that what he was doing was wrong. One person even compared it to sharing a Spotify playlist!
  2. Browsing Reddit today I came across this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/4m856l/a_skyrim_modpack_with_over_800_mods/ Apparently some guy has taken it upon himself to create a modpack containing 800+ mods which he's uploaded elsewhere which many people are now torrenting. I doubt he went through the effort of requesting permission from all of the mod authors especially those that explicitly request that you ask for permission. He thinks it's okay because in his words: https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/4m856l/a_skyrim_modpack_with_over_800_mods/d3tik63 I don't feel like sharing his website but you can find it in the comments. I get that he's trying to help the more lazy people mod their game but this isn't fair to the mod authors or Nexusmods where I'm sure 99% of the mods were pulled from.
  3. In response to post #24733199. #24733474, #24733594 are all replies on the same post. In a world where everyone has a voice (the internet), you're going to get all kinds of extremes in terms of opinions, and it clearly showed over the past few days. The blame cannot be placed solely on the users as if they were all issuing death threats and spewing absolute hatred. There were of course many users that were constructive and not issuing death threats by explaining that this system could have worked if it was implemented better. Don't let the sour few spoil your opinion of the masses. I wouldn't hop on the 'pity bethesda/valve' train as a result of hearing death threats as these sorts of statements are not uncommon in nearly all avenues of life. You make absolute statements like 'the users' as if they represented everyone, there were many who were calmly involved in the discussion as well.
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