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About ZakiTaki

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I have actually had premium on this account, so even I have supported this site once. However it is getting to big. To big without the responsibilities.
Good joke, if you have nothing sensible to say or a proper argument, get out of the thread. The Nexus has a massive market share, they have the resources to easily enable what I requested. It prevents what will come if the current path is continued because then nobody can make the claim I am making now. You might think the nexus becoming the google of mods is great (besides, you can still search google and watch youtube, Nexus completely locks you the f*** out unless you suck their nuts and create a account). But unlike Google, The Nexus does not have the money to endure heaps of lawsuits once someone gives a s*** to start examine just how much power Nexus has. It might not come now, nor in 5 years. but come it will once enough eyeballs examine it. Besides.... Bethesda and Valve already attempted to monopolize (or grab a massive market share) of mods one time. You people did not like that (it even made news). Why would I like the Nexus having massive monopolity? It's effectively the same thing Bethesda and Valve tried. Your "payment" is my private data.
Great, in terms of achivement for the website creator(s). It takes some serious work to build a very large website that is trusted by many. Building a massive thing is not the issue, what happens to the little guy when they are forgotten is. Bad for individuality and freedom. Because authority (even perceivied) begets power. Don't like a particular user? Bam f*#@ him ban. Lols. I've never been a fan of forced account creation, especially if you basically effectively have to in order to access a certain part of a game, you could alleviate this somewhat by offering atleast a reduced version that requires no login but maybe 20% less download speed for a overnight download. The only reason I created this account is I effectively have a gun to my head forcing me to if I want mods. If I need a particular mod as it is? I am forced to share my private information with you "Nexus" in some capacity. Why allow any "no account download" at all? Not because you earn anything doing it, but because you are turning into google. Essentially your status as a private company I call into question because you are simply gaining to much of the "market". It's the reason why people dispute some protections google has because it's simply to large and essential to be called a private operation anymore. Google became effectively the town square and you have nowhere else to go, they have monopolised the market in what they do. It's one thing to ban someone or whatever, even be that registering a account, it's another to ban access to the town square. I am effectively coerced if I want anything proper regarding modding. Yes I know Love*** exists but that is not the issue here and a poor solution because it does not adress the issues I have with this website. The issue is simply that you are becoming to big, to much monopoly. Think it over. A decent reply on this would be nice, if you think I am wrong about the nexus becoming to big and in the style of what google used to be "do no evil" (they are doing more evil today than good, they even dropped the motto, atleast a tiny bit of self awareness), then give a proper argument for why this should continue as is and why The Nexus should have this much power over the game mod market.
Bethesda as a company has always had issues with producing products that are relatively bug free by open world standards. Open world games by their very nature (and depending on the amount of content) will attract more bugs due to the sheer size and complexity. Bethesda however has been particularly bad at testing the quality of their code and games. We have accepted this to some degree (when we really should not do it, this is why micro transactions exist in the first place, give them the ball and they will run it all the way into the goal). I remember when Angry Joe gave Skyrim his highest rating. Which I found beyond stupid. Thanks to mods, Bethesda could also get away with certain things because they know the community will patch things up. Allowing them some leeway. And it's not even about that, it's the small lies and bs that have built up over the years. Remember horse armor? Yhea that one was just a taste. Or Todd Howards capacity to lie. Which he does plenty off. Or the absolute shitshow that was the boss fight against Alduin? Talk about blue balls. Behold, their one saving grace! Modding. Bethesdas willingness to release tools etc in order to enable modding in their games has (besides the lore, which is decent) helped tremendously in making the games sell. I can promise you that without it, Skyrim would not have sold nearly as good as it did. You reach a point however where it boils over. A game where modding is not available, at all. And you get to see the culmination of the small little lies piling up. And the incompetence of the programming. The absolute failure of using a engine NOT built for mmorpg. Even less built for multiplayer. (Which barely counts as a shield to defend themselves with). And you realize that Bethesda is literally nothing without modding to save their asses. Absolutely mediocre. Who could forget the PS3 version of Skyrim? That game is something you are all familiar with by now You got to see horse armor, a thousand times worse than it. "Discounted" Christmas items that has never existed before in the store. Fraudulent marketing. Todd and the gang lying like s#*!. With all of these past actions and now with Fallout 76 in mind. I simply have zero confidence in that TES 6 will even remotely live up to Morrowind and Skyrim. Heck they have already made it clear that they are fine and dandy with using a old ass engine instead of developing a entirely new one fit for the new generations to come. Fallout 76 to me broke the camels back. And I shudder when I think about the Creation Club being forced on you completely in TES 6. It's bad enough with Skyrim Special Edition. Bethesda may do some good. But this dumpster fire has been long brewing. What's your take on this if you consider Bethesda's behavior from the time of Morrowind to Fallout 76? Will TES6 be better than Skyrim? Will it be on a acceptable level? Will it completely destroy modding as we know it turning it into a cash grab for Bethesda? Will the game be utter s#*! and launch just as badly as Fallout 76 did? Or will Bethesda climb up from this massive dumpster fire they've created and blow us away? Maybe with no little lies and a better launch state this time?
Anything George Soros and his cronies supports I am against. However he could just be false flagging to distract from all the other evil that man pertains. Like throwing a piece of candy on the floor to make people think you are nice and then poison the rest before you throw out the crumbs. You had two bad choices. But had you abstained from voting (as was suggested by some) Hillary Clinton would have won. And that woman is evil incarnate. Same with Obama, george bush and the rest of the globalist cabal. Trump can certainly do better (notwithstanding the parties trying to block him) and deliver on his campaign promises instead of fiddling around in Syria to try to appease globalist agendas or upsetting the politics in the middle east further.
What is the state so far? (SkyUI,SKSE etc) playable?
ZakiTaki replied to ZakiTaki's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
Okay that was terrible of me. The worst part is that I know a programmer who has like 4 years of professional programming experience. And another 6 programming studies/at free time. But there's no way he would help for free. :S Oh well. Back to lurking then. OldRim is just so freaking unstable. :confused: -
OldRim always had lots of CTD's and/or performance issues. (With cleaned dlc and masters). TL;DR 32 bit sucks s#*!. Hence my happiness at SSE being 64 bit. Glorious PC masterrace here we come. I easily run GTA V on 1080p +60 FPS with pretty much everything 95% of the time. Been looking forward to get back and get a arrow in my knee, but unsure about the current state. Does the Alpha Build of SKSE64 work sufficiently enough to be used? And SkyUI? Skyrim is pretty much unplayable without SkyUI. Planning to get HD textures for everything in the game along with ENB (Atleast 2k textures). Looking at 50+ mods probably along with Frostfall and campfire for that brutal survival aspect. I'm going to uninstall and clean the entire skyrim folder of all old mods. And also getting a short term subscription at nexus for that sweet uncap at downloads. Does NNM suffice or should I roll MO?
This. I see two options: -Someone starts work on a new "SKSE" type of project unrelated to the actual skse that can do the same things. -Mod authors get creative in ways to work around the lack of the additional functions. For point 1, I am surprised that ScriptDragon has not taken up the task, or is that not essentially trying to do the same thing? I'd be surprised if there's not more programmers in the nexus who would be up to the task. Heck i'd happily throw 50 USD or so each month onto the SKSE team or another team if it meant having this functionality back in Skyrim SE.
Take for example "A Quality World map". I know for a fact that this plugin has a installer, it had it back in oldrim. Now, activating the plugin does nothing and just checks it as installed. I managed to get the installer for "Realistic Ragdolls and Force" one time. But hereafter activating it does nothing and just checks it as installed. I don't know what to do. :(
Oh and the hands are blurry too.
Thank you the SKSE team for unlocking the potentional. Now with 64 bit skyrim here the horizons can be stretched further.
And ENB is not starting, or not working. I got a GeForce 1080 GTX with 8 gb vram and 16 gb ram. I wanna mod graphics of the game so hard. Load Order: