Hi im new to this forum and relatively new to modding games like fallout the only game ive ever modded was minecraft. Anyways im having trouble with this thing. it seems that i start the hardware town mission in diamond city and everything is smooth but as soon as i got inside hardware town itself thats when the glitch happens or whatever and from that point on every time i try and use a workbench my game just freezes. i dont know why this is happening and its reallly upsetting and i would say the simple answer would to be just to avoid hardware town but what if this happens with other missions as well?? i dont really know what im supposed to post. when using minecraft forum your suposed to put an FML client latest or a crash log but i havent found out how to find those or even know if they have things like that for fallout. im happy to oblige with any info you need so sorry if i did anything wrong or posted in the wrong place i just need help and would reallllly appreciate knowing how to fix this or at least find some way to remove or fix the mod or mods thats causing this thank you ^-^