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  1. Assuming I can get some of the dozen other projects I'm working on finished in time, I may have to toss something together for this...if I can actually crawl out from under my ever expanding workload. LOL Can't wait to see what others come up with. :D
  2. I'm twitching here Dark0ne. LOL Over a week I've waited to fix my PC so I could get Oblivion going again! :tongue:
  3. Ahh LOL Silly me. Don't know why I didn't think to look in that forum instead of this one. :tongue: Sadly this happens right when I'm trying to repopulate my load order after having to reinstall. :rolleyes: Life gets interesting when your boot drive dies. :verymad:
  4. In case no one has bothered to mention it here. LOL I and many, many others have been getting this error: If there's a way to fix this sometime today please do. :D It would be greatly appreciated.
  5. So they've been down for almost 20 minutes now, the Oblivion Nexus pages. Is this a known issue? Someone working on it? Or hasn't anyone in charge been online to realize it yet? LOL Just wanted to point it out in case it was being missed. Thanks! ~Red Edit: And finally they're back again.. :D Thank goodness.
  6. I'll third this. Even with the adult filter on, you can't help but see the titles in the top 100 and let's face it, some of the titles say it all. :rolleyes: My 14 year old sister has had a bit of an education looking through the top 100 on occasion with the filter on so yes, a separate site for them would be a great idea. In my opinion of course. :thumbsup:
  7. Edit: Removed my comment as it seems to have caused some confusion. I apologize again LHammonds. EDIT by LHammonds: There is no problem between us. Live long and prosper!
  8. Thanks LHammonds but back when this first happened that was the FIRST thing my husband did. Our PC is protected as he's a bit paranoid about Malware. We're clean. The problem as Dark0ne has told me is that some of the ads on Nexus have been hacked. Do please don't be one of those people who automatically assumes it's the users fault and then ignores the problem just because it's easier. :thumbsup:
  9. Bumping this to make sure it doesn't get ignored. :thanks: I'm having to argue with my husband now about adding the Nexus to our list of unsafe/do not go to sites. :wallbash: I really don't want to do that so I hope you can resolve this someday soon.
  10. Okay. Sadly it happened again. My browser was just jacked by a Nexus add again. I didn't get an image of the ad itself before I was redirected to this page: http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f85/whoguru/The%20Piv%20Pile/JackedAgain.jpg However I was on the download page for one of my houses, here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27088 and had just tried to navigate to my profile when it happened. As per usual, I had to use the Task Manager to kill my browser altogether.
  11. Aaaaaaand again. Sorry guys. :confused: Here's another ad screen for you. http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f85/whoguru/Oblivion%20Screenshots/Nexus03.jpg
  12. No problem. If it happens again I'll be sure to grab more if I notice different ads. :thanks:
  13. 35+ Oblivion Gamer Girl here. :yes: I much prefer the fantasy world over the pseudo-realism of Fallout to play in. In fact, the only wargame I do play on a regular basis is Medal of Honor and I play that online with a clan. Oblivion and long before it, Morrowind pull me in and take me out of my life and allow me to express myself in any way I want as both a player and a modder. The Lore of the Elder Scrolls is also something near and dear to me. As an armchair historian, I appreciate the thought and care that went in to it's creation...and the sometimes hysterical lapses in the Lore as well. :P I just don't feel the same connection to Fallout's game world.
  14. And again today I'm afraid. :confused: I remembered to screenshot the page this time though. Perhaps this will help? Again, had to use the task manager to kill FF in order to close the page. http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f85/whoguru/Oblivion%20Screenshots/Nexus01.jpg And this one a few seconds later when I tried to open one of the other tabs. http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f85/whoguru/Oblivion%20Screenshots/Nexus02.jpg
  15. :wallbash: Ugh. I should have thought to grab a screenshot of the page. I WILL remember to do so the next time it happens. Thank you very much for taking the time to respond. My PC is currently clean. Whenever something like this happens, the first thing we do is check for viruses/spyware/malware etc... My husband is a bit of a paranoid about that type of thing. :biggrin: Thanks again guys and I will be sure to grab a screenshot next time. :thanks: ~Red
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