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About WhoGuru

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    United States
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  1. What's this? No comments?! Can't have that! Drive by commenting! :D Aloha!
  2. hey Kai! :D Finally checked my mail here. LOL Sorry for the wait.
  3. Love your gallery on TES Alliance
  4. Aww thanks Push!! *hugs*
  5. Happy women's day! :)
  6. Assuming I can get some of the dozen other projects I'm working on finished in time, I may have to toss something together for this...if I can actually crawl out from under my ever expanding workload. LOL Can't wait to see what others come up with. :D
  7. HI Red!!!! i tried to add you as a friend, dont know if i did it right but hugs :) and hi :)
  8. I'm twitching here Dark0ne. LOL Over a week I've waited to fix my PC so I could get Oblivion going again! :tongue:
  9. Ahh LOL Silly me. Don't know why I didn't think to look in that forum instead of this one. :tongue: Sadly this happens right when I'm trying to repopulate my load order after having to reinstall. :rolleyes: Life gets interesting when your boot drive dies. :verymad:
  10. In case no one has bothered to mention it here. LOL I and many, many others have been getting this error: If there's a way to fix this sometime today please do. :D It would be greatly appreciated.
  11. is giggling gleefully in the dungeon under her village. :P
  12. Best rocket fuel ever! LOL Good luck on your exams! You'll do brilliantly I'm sure! :D
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