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Everything posted by bloodstainer

  1. In response to post #25007544. #25007814, #25014694 are all replies on the same post. I agree with Fredom613, its a complex issue, I myself don't mind paying for mods but saying people were outraged because of that would be ignoring the entire issue. I personally had the biggest issue with the fact that it was an unfair cut with a poorly system implemented completely wrong, adding paid mods to a game this old would only serve to divide the community and all I can hope for is that this deal led to more people donating to mods.
  2. I would like to see if this whole deal opened people's eyes and lead to any extensive increase in modders receiving donations? I know it certainly made me more inclined to pay modders, I recently subscribed to Nexus and even if I hadn't played Skyrim for a very long time before this, I'm glad that I'm getting back into playing more of Skyrims with new amazing mods and if my donations can help these mods keep coming I hope that this might serve as an incentive for people to support modders and not just keep downloading and not giving a single f*#@ about actually helping with feedback/rating/commenting.
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