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Everything posted by fefuentes2000

  1. The mod will be on hiatus until the release of FNV4, also the perk tree can be better replaced by LEVELUPMENUEX, since is easier to replace single SWF files than an entire image
  2. I recommend using LEVELUIPMENUEX to avoid the perk chart problems
  3. delete the dialog folder inside the zip file so it get compatible with XDI
  4. I found a Way to make this compatible with XDI. go to the zip file and delete the content inside Dialog Interface. Install the Mod normally. the Dialog is working and all the Vault Girl Modifications are intact.
  5. This is great news, because I honestly hate the perk chart in terms of its limitations when it comes to being edited. Also that level up menu is being used by F4NV, which I'm making perk animations for (as well as other art). This means that you are going to adapt it to the vault girl mod when you have time?
  6. They finally released the level up menu framework. We have now a skill and perk menu similar to Falliout 3 and NV https://rd.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/28822?tab=description Now we can have as many perks we want without having to worry about the limited 7x10 poster
  7. not sure what you mean as i get all the stars in game still I men the Stars that show in what level you are in a perk, like 3 stars in the perk chart if you have level 3 commando,. is what I mean, the top row have stars but the rest don't have the yellow stars that count the skill level
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