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Everything posted by dwiss

  1. Please try to use the spoiler-tag for those pictures - it reduces unnecessary loading times for already viewed pictures etc. @xunilla As of your question - i believe its beautiful orcs found here -> http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3910/?
  2. The friendly fight is an option that has been already created by the Vilja Team - you can spar with Vilja if you want to. It might be a good idea to check with those people if they would be willing to release that part as a standalone funtionality.
  3. As for BOSS you should open your BOSS log and then use the report function in there. Deliver as much info as possible besides your URL - is it a follower mod, armor/cloth, is it cleaned, any masters needed etc. You might need to report more than once as the guys over there are pretty busy at times. I had to report about 4 or 5 times until my mod got recognized
  4. you could check out bob's armory - he has a couple of landsknechten pieces in there http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12060/?
  5. That only works if you allowed Avast to implement itself as option into your explorer - which isnt the case on my system i.e.
  6. @LoveMeSomeUlfric 131027-0 should actually be ok as it is the version after 131026-2 which was already a fixed one. You can leave the old versions in quarantine and just reinstall skse to get avast to check the files once again - just to be certain that it passes the controls. If you prefer to check out the files again you have to double-click and open the administration part of avast and right click on the files and/or directories that are in the container. One option is to restore them. But as i stated above - the best pracrtice would actually be to leave the quarantine system as it is and reinstall skse to make sure that avast checks the files again. Dont put folders like Skyrim into exclusion unless you are 100% certain that you really know what you are doing - thats what programmes like Avast are for. I am a technical person myself but wouldnt dare to just leave an open gap like that on my system. No system is perfect and so far this is the first time i have seen Avast complaining about something regarding Skyrim BUT still - skse is developed by a group of private people and not Bethesda - so caution is never really wrong :)
  7. open your info on avast! and check for the numer of the search module and the virus definiton - version 131026-2 should work. there is no need to update the entire avast programme - its just the definition files you need to update
  8. @talknight2 You could solve that very simply by using equipsets with SkyUI - thats how i do it. It requires you to press a single button like F1 - if thats still too much disregard my posting
  9. Well - i have a lot of examples where its mods actually being featured and among top-downloads. Its not only first timers - patches or fixes get sloppy names as well very often not to talk about optional files names.
  10. Dear fellow mod creators, i do have a plea especially due to the large ammount of non-technical users using our work: PLEASE do name your download files properly. What i mean with that is dont just call them UNP something, armor something etc - name them like your mod is called. More and more users are using mod managers and even those without a mod manager will stumble into the same trouble having tons of files with just some short name in their directories which cant be related to without opening each of those files. Making your download-files descriptive will save you and others a lot of work regarding support. I thank everyone in advance
  11. @Migrant It sounds like you would only make minor adjustments then - maybe a mod to place things yourself is what you are looking for. Check this one -> http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13586//? but be aware of that it hasnt been maintained for a while now. Maybe a better example of what you actually miss in those homes would make it easier to point you somewhere
  12. If it runs fine - disregard my remark. I thought i noticed a mod that changes animations
  13. If i am not mistaken your mods require to run FNIS. Did you run that as well before starting up?
  14. You would probably have to provide a bit more info about the tools you used i.e. Weight sliders basically just means you take your _0 body , create your armor on it to fit and then export etc. Then you take your _1 body , import your finished _0 armor into the 3d programme again and move the vertexes around to fit that bigger body - dont add or delete any new vertexes!. Export when done and thats it.
  15. Well - not to be rude now but you contradict yourself already in sentence 4 : quote 'i have NO texture replacing mods...' Quote from Sexy whiterun i.e.: 'Sexy Whiterun 3.0, a near-complete retexturing of the city of Whiterun'. Those mods often replace textures and if those textures have been loose files - meaning they where written directly into subdirectories in your data/texture structure - disabling the mod itself will not change a thing as the texture-files are still there.
  16. Ultra and medium are doing some general changes to your ini-files and dont touch any of the other files - so what you set there is a general setting for everything. What could have happened is that you had done some manual changes to your ini earlier and by changing to ultra the standard-settings for some entries where defaulting back to proper values. As i stated for Matae - the entire secret to a stable Skyrim is to do things systematically. Dont change something in the launcher and then change mods etc - thats where the big game of guessing starts all the time. Make a single change to your base system, check it ingame for a moment and kind of remember (as in make a list) what you actually did. Some errors might not even happen early but first later when a savegame fills up with unhooked script-refernces i.e. - so being systematic about things during installation is essential.
  17. Yes to your second question - most if not all of the stuff in that mod is purely for females. As of the first question - usually those description pages explain how to obtain the armor/cloth - as far as i recall you can craft all of them at the forge.
  18. Skyrim save files will store information about all active mods at the time of save. Playing a save with less mods enabled than what the save expects you to have is basically like asking for a crash - its the engine that doesnt like that. Best option you have is to recreate the char as good as possible by using the same char enhancement mods he/she is using then. As of char enhancement - that will include everything that is related to the racemenu and char creation - hair, body ,skeleton, textures etc etc
  19. Well - the first thing i noticed is that you dont use any of the unofficial patches - those are basically a must have if you intend to add a number of mods. Another thing that caught my eye is the usage of light-mods like darker dungeons and enhanced lightning - to the best of my knowledge there is no reason to have darker dungeons as elfx is already providing that as an option. Usually the game freezing in situations like you describe is caused by weather and lightning mods in combination with high-res textures - your system is simply getting stressed and shuts down. I cant see if you have installed any HD texture packs from your list - those are another high probability for those crashes if you chose a full 4k replacement package. You use footprints as well - that is putting more load on your system again as is additional smoke for torches etc etc - you add a lot for the bling-look which is probably your only problem right now. Try to reduce those - right now i count roughly 13 mods fiddling with the optics. I suggest following: Base sykrim install plus all unofficial patches for the DLC modules you have installed - if you dont have a certain DLC dont install that unofficial patch of course. Then install char enhancement mods first. Start a test-char and check if you can get the optics for the char as you desire. When satisfied with all the char options start adding a single light mod or high resolution texture package - dont use any enb yet. Jump with your test char in several dungeons and locations and check the result. Install one single mod that 'improves' the optic of skyrim after another and stress test your system after each install first. On my personal system i reverted from a 4k HD texture package down to the light version of it - the optics is nearly the same but i didnt get those annoying crashes anymore. Benchmarking your system after you add a single mod is the most important part as your system will have a limitation - the combinations of mods and system settings are simply to high a number that anyone can give you a simple one-line advice that will work. P.S: After each installation of a mod run BOSS of couse - i hope that was obvious. If there is a mod BOSS places in 'unknown ' section - make a note of it and create a user rule for that mod to place it properly.
  20. @Crafty I was just following the topic out of curiosity but i have to thank you for a really great way to explain the 'how to do it better' - you just gave me a free lesson of decent scripting!
  21. There arnt many other 'big' overhauls like SkyRe actually. There is ACE which tweaks a lot of the vanilla behaviour and can be adjusted completely on top of that - but it follows the basic game strategy still. Add 'economics of skyrim' on top of that and your game becomes a lot more immersive as the entire economy will be adjusted down to regional values if you desire to do so. I use that combo myself and especially the disabling of free worktools usage makes the game a lot more interesting from an economical point of view. But they are not revamping those groups like bandits etc - so its really more a tweaking of the base game than a real overhaul. To the best of my knowledge you would need to combine a couple of mods together to create an overhauled skyrim - which will include all possible incompatibilties between those mods again especially when there are changes to perks
  22. I am not sure how to understand your post - is this a request to create such mod or an announcement of something you are about to create? Your 'summary' is pretty far from the other guys description - so i am simply confused
  23. One way of achieveing roughly what you want is to create a Collision Box and thereby disabling the navmesh temporarily - here is a good lesson how that works -> http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/4657-ck-basics-lesson-2/
  24. Basically any mod can cause CTDs if things are not setup properly according to the game engines desires. Texture mods put heavy load on the engine if its high scale textures and your machine will not commit to that anymore at some point. The limitation is mainly in the engine itself and not the PC gear you use. Setups in the ini, heavy texture loading, heavy script execution , wrong load orders etc etc etc - this list can be very long. Simple approach to a stable system is: Keep it clean to start with, dont fiddle with ini settings just because its posted on a ton of sites (who just copyied it mostly from other sites anyway) and use a char purely for testing your system for a while before you begin a serious game. The STEP group provides excellent guidance regarding a clean system and also recommends some mods - but keep in mind that it is only a recommendation and not a guarantee that it will work for your particular setup. As for testing: Add mods one at a time, put them to test and vary between common load and heavy load on your system. As a example you could fight a single dragon and then add a full dozen via console. If your system starts behaving obviously stressed remember that setting etc and revert if it cant be easily adjusted/fixed. Leave out mods if they cause YOU trouble - a mod can run for 1000 users fine and might cause trouble for another 1000. Be strict about it on your personal system and dont try to force your setup into a configuration that wont really work - actually that simple. PC stands for personal computer for a reason - you will/might have a very unique system setup already on OS level that no one else in the world has (the mix of your chip, memory chips, graphic cards chip etc already produce a very unique mix to start with). Define a clear goal you want to achieve with the mods. Decide if you want immersion and what your definition of it is and limit yourself to excatly those mods you really need and dont just leave a ton of mods in the loadorder because you might need them one day. Keep your hands of loose files unless you are willing to make yourself notes about what is going to be replaced and why. I like to compare it a bit to tuning a car: You might have the ability to actually raise those extra horsepowers out of your standard engine - but are you certain you understand the implication of those extra horsepowers on the chasis or breaks as well? If you feel just slightly uncomfortable with a description or what a mod does - dont install it. Your own ability is the ruling line for the mods you are capable to install and support.
  25. To the best of my knowledge the best mod to use what you are looking for is called lootification. Its independant from master mods and can lootify basically everything that might be introduced by other mods when you add it to be processed by lootification. You can find it here -> http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/32339//?
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