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LE Imperial shortsword replace vanilla imperial sword
dwiss replied to Thisguyagain's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
hej thisguyagain, as far as i can see 'shortswords for skyrim' has been superseded by Heavy Armor to start with. Both mods have been made as standalone to my knowledge. So if you want one of those weapons to replace the vanilla weapon you would need to change the model path of the vanilla imperial sword to point to the meshes and textures of the one you would like instead. So you would select the mod where the changed weapon can be found, adjust settings in the CK for the standard imperial sword to have the same info as the modded imperial one and save it as a new esp file. You could do the changes in the mod itself but i dont advise that as your changes would be lost whenever you update the mod from its original source. Best to make a single esp for that and put it in loadorder below the weapon mod you used to start with. Its still early and i havnt had my coffee yet - hope this helps you. -
Regarding your request: As far as i know there isnt any mod like the one you are looking for. One particular reason for that non-existance is probably the quest system of Skyrim. Its pretty dynamic, so many quests are only available if you actually reach a certain state, position etc. That is one of the wonderful features making Skyrim interesting for more than one play-through.
Oh well - you took your first step towards modding then :) The short list: You would need as a minimum : a 3d modelling software like 3ds max or blender - both are available as free versions (3ds max as student version for educational purpose), nifscope to edit the final mesh(3d model) to be properly formatted for skyrim and probably a graphics programme like gimp etc for the textures. 3ds max isnt all that complicated when you follow the steps in nightasy's video tutorials - he really goes in baby steps from modifying an existing armor to creating something completely new - can only recommend them. They where the reason for myself to start modding.
Hm - didnt check that before you mentioned it. The Karliah version is a female only - so i guess someone really has to change the armor meshes then.
When you basically know how to work with the Creation Kit i think you could do it yourself. Karliah is wearing an Armor that is called ArmorThievesGuildKarliahXXX - where XXX is Boots, Cuirass etc. All 4 items are combined in a set as Outfit called 'ThievesGuildKarliahOutfit'. When you check the outfit section in the creation kit you will notice that each member has its own outfit defined (set filter to 'thief' and it will show you all those names). You would have to either edit each of them to reflect Karliahs contents of the outfit or simply change the actors base outfit to use the defined outfit package of Karliah. Looking actually at each of the packages i can see that 14 named members have variations of the thieves guild armor and their packages are actually different from each other. One has a hood, another uses a variant of the guilds boots, Vex uses Guild Leader version etc etc. When you intend to change all of them to the same package you might be disappointed as everyone will look exactly the same way. A dirty approach would be to replace the mesh files for those variants etc with the Karliah version - which i personally would not recommend to do - ever! The way via the CK and creating a proper esp for those changes is the right way to do it. You find the outfit option in the actor subsection - there is a tab called inventory and a drop down list for default outfit.
@KorinOo here you go - there is one actually called loadout that hotkeys stuff - find it here
@KorinOo You could use one of the mods dealing with new favourites settings - some of them allow to store 'setups' or 'loadouts'. You would have to make a loadout for your shield/spell combo and hotkey it in there. I think the mod is called categorized favourites menu or something similar.
You guys are aware of that this thread was over a year old without any activity, right? Reviving dead threads for nothing?
for land mods... maybe finish them and then upload
dwiss replied to ianjoseph1986's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I would throw my coins right in between. Beta testing has a simple meaning - your personal system is never able to create an environment that is that diverse to catch each and every possible bug/error/glitch. So having others testing a mod is fine as long as you actually state it that way - which isnt the case in most of the cases i have seen. They upload unfinished mods as 'full versions' and then work along the reports - i agree i dont like that either. My personal rule of thumb is simple - i am publishing to make the experience better - not the opposite. A good experience also means for me that the user should invest the least necessary time to install and run my mod. If my mod forces the user to report a lot of issues or make a lot of amendments to get it to run properly i definitly failed and should go back to testing board. But in any case you should look at the Nexus Wiki here as it very much describes what is a go and what not -
Looking at your list i noticed at least 2 things i changed on my system whern i had crashes: - First of all you have far too many follower mods installed imho to be anymore effective at all - some change forth and others back again - I can see that you installed the Remove interior fog and many other lightining and climate mods - just mentioning the remark from the fog mod here as an example: quote 'Possible conflicts with this mod: Any mod that changes the fog template of interior locations or adjust any of the location overide settings. Depending on the load order of other mods, they or this mod may have there values overwritten.' Its a bit like your follower mods - some change forth and others back again That long list of mods cries for issues basically - you should probably clean out your system and start adding mods step by step that are essential - many of those mods have been probably installed manually (making an assumption here as i know many of those come as loose files) - so you probably have many leftovers from mods by now. Basically - clean your Skyrim installation to be a new blank one and then add essential mods (armors arnt essential) first like lightining, HD , climates etc. When everything seems to be running smooth add non-essential ones - thats armor etc. Last remark: I cant say for sure but i had a lot of trouble with purewaters installed while having other lightning and HD texture mods - so i simply uninstalled it and my troubles where gone - might have been coincidence back then but i never installed it again and never had any troubles with the long list of other HD mods since then.
If i am not badly mistaken those scripts in your log file belong to a mod called civil war, right? and i dont see that mod in your loadorder actually - have you had it installed at one point? Edit: Disregard that - i was mistaken.
Downloaded follower is 'casting' spell on self every few secon
dwiss replied to ArtMurder's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Without the mod itself its hard to answer - it sounds like a magic effect applied via script or trigger marker from what you post. One would have to check inside the esp itself i fear - what i make out of it it seems to be a variation of the ghost ability. Somewhere here on nexus is a thread about getting rid of unwanted magic effects on char - maybe that could help you. -
@azakiel i might be blind - but which 4 categories do you refer to when you mean dragonborn adds them?
Have you tried another cubemap?
Thanks for the suggestion, but I've already seen her on Gopher's playthrough and I'm not too keen on the voice, or the additional god thing. Shame, since apart from that the abilities are what I'm after. Oh my - i never thought i would say that but here it goes: You can always mute her you know - ability before looks and voice, right? I recall she didnt have subtitles though - so that might actually be at bit tricky if you are interested in any of those quests that she is involved in.
You could try cerwiden(i hope i spelled it right) follower. She is a mage follower with some neat abilities to use a staff, no staff at all and also configuration how to use her magic. She is able to counter weaknesses of foes etc - check it out here
It depends on what you prefer - written or video. If its video i can only highly recommend the Nightsay tutorials here- if it is text you prefer than this should be a good start
As of the subscribing part - you can at any time unsubscribe to mods from steam - its just the default setting. Unsubscribing only disables the automatic checking for new versions but leaves the files on your machine - just as a manual downlaod does. There are extensive descriptions about this on the Steam forums.
I think there is a simple misunderstanding in the usage of the word 'using' here. Each mod consists of basically 3 parts - meshes, textures and an esp - in some cases you can add script files to that. That whole thing is a package so to say. Changing and modifying that for your personal usage is one thing - publishing those adjustments - thats what i call them as there is no real creative work in it - is another thing. Its a bit like mashups - you take bits and pieces left and right and just repackage. In a mashup you basically leave assets as they where in the original and just create a new combination of those single parts. But those are real assets being moved around. Creating a mod that actually requires for another mod to be active is a totally different thing - you dont even touch the assets. So your mod wont even work if the other mod isnt around or active - so no sweat in providing something like that as you dont touch those assets at all. I think the real problem is that you try to call it patch - thats what i wrote earlier. Patching something that isnt broken isnt a patch. haha - well done Ishara - you posted already before i finished this one
As i stated before - they have hardcoded those. That means they have access to more for their own DLCs then we will ever have - they can simply add to it where we cant.
If you intend to use it for yourself you would have to change keywords on every single piece of armor /weapon you want in a specific category. They would then be sorted the way you want them - the tricky part will be that everytime there is an update to any of those you will have to adjust the keywords manually again.
I think its simple - is your mod depending on his/her mod or the other way around? If your mod works on top of the other - then make it a required mod explaining that your mod is just expanding the possibilities of the required one. Your mod would be an optional component and not disturbing the original one. If its a kind of patch - you fix stuff that is actually not working in the existing mod - make an unofficial patch to it and name it accordingly and also state that this is only valid until the original owner takes over again. 'Not working' in the original means its already there and broken due to newer skyrim versions - just because its not working as someone would like it to work is something different.
The crafting categories are hard coded and make use of keywords. Its controlled via game settings.
You should hide those huge pictures in a spoiler tag next time - so its not blowing up everyones screen right away. As of your question - its the same answer as before. Maybe you simply start reading those descriptions in the mods? Its the second time you direct to the same mod - are you trying to do some extra marketing?
I have a few question on making a custom Bard.
dwiss replied to Force70's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Its an entire package - and one part of that package is also scripts. My old mentor always told me: quote"crawl, walk , run - thats the normal evolution". Dont mess with scripts when the rest isnt working yet.