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About remorath

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  1. As far as I was concerned, the only problem was me wearing the Ebony Mail. Other than that it is probably a a combination of your mods working against you.
  2. Not sure whether or not it is possible, but I think it would be awesome if someone could create ammo for crossbows and bows that that were like mini-mechanical-dragons. When shot they do not do impact damage, but will instead start attacking and last for 3-10 seconds or until killed. If destroyed some of the materials used to make it could be retrieved, but if not destroyed, it would return after it ran out of time. Only 3 dragons can be shot at one time and will distract opponents. When shot, the player can remains sneaking without being detected, but if a dragon returns to the player, enemies will search the area. ~Four types of dragon-ammo: tank- high damage and high health, but low attack and movement speed (easily killed by melee weapons) : damage- high damage and low health, high attack speed and slow movement (easily killed by anything) : unkillable- medium damage but infinite health, low attack speed and fast movement (cannot be killed, does not distract enemies) : ultimate- high damage, health, attack speed, and movement speed (cannot be crafted, only found) ~crafting: some combination of dwemer items (i.e. dwemer struts, gyros, plate mail, metal) ~attack methods: dragons will bite and scratch with claws. ~specialty dragons: fire/frost/storm- dragon breathes a weak bout of continuous flames/frost/lightning (hard to kill with melee weps due to never using melee attacks) : poison (same as damage health from ingredients)- dragon will scratch the target with poison coated claws : fear- target will flee if it sees the dragon (no damage must be done to target, dragon cannot inflict damage) : soul trap- dragon inflicts soul trap on an opponent after biting or clawing : invisible- the dragon will be invisible, disables when attacking : drain health- dragon will store health sapped from the target and replenish players health upon return (if killed with health stored, heals the killer) ~Crafting specials (at forge): Needs a base dragon type (tank, damage, unkillable, ultimate) : fire/frost/ice- fire salts/frost salts/I can't think of anything for lightning : poison- deathbell, nirnroot, nightshade, and void salts : fear- voids salts, vampire dust, bonemeal, human heart : grand, greater, common, lesser, and petty soul gems : if possible, any combination of 4 pure invisibility potions : black soul gem, crimson nirnroot (sort of like the soul gem captures the damaged health).
  3. I found out that when wearing the Ebony Mail from Boethia's Calling was causing it. It may be a combination of my mods, but I believe that was the problem. Hope this helps anyone with this problem in the future.
  4. I am not sure if this will work, but go into steam and right click on skyrim. Go to properties, local files, and view integrity of game cache. Hopes this helps, it has helped me before.
  5. When I went to Shor's Stone, there was a guard in the middle of the town saying I was trespassing. I thought it a minor fluke and just left. I traveled to Markarth and everything was fine, but then when I went to Falkreath it happened again. I will get a bounty eventually, and they start attacking me as if I were actually trespassing. I really need help with this. I have quite a few mods but none that affect guards.
  6. Thanks, I searched around and found the dragon souls to perk points, but I had not found the uncapper which was pretty much perfect. Thanks!
  7. I got annoyed that once I reached level 81 I would not be able to get anymore perk points. I was hoping someone could create a mod that would allow you to level all the way to 251. Although I do not want to get exponentially stronger after 81, I would just like to be able to get more perks.
  8. I just went in game and noticed that the randomly generated generic townsfolk mod was not working right, so when I disabled it, my game worked again. Sorry for wasting your time.
  9. I am in markarth and I keep trying to fast travel to Riverwood and the surrounding places. Every time the loading screen is almost finished it crashes. I have a large amount of mods (not sure if that has anything to do with it though). I have tried the sound card fix were you set it to 16 bit and 44100 Hz. Please help
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