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Posts posted by willyb9

  1. What mods are you using that require F4SE? Keep in mind many of those mods donât have .esp/.esm files, so wonât show in your load order.

    Check your plugins folder found in fallout4/data/F4SE/plugins/ and make sure those are updated to work with the latest version of fo4 and F4SE, such as place everywhere

    That should more than likely solve your issues, hope this helps


    Thanks mate. I do have latest F4SE and latest mods (I check them everyday to make sure I have latest version)


    I'll try out xedit. I'll report the results.


    I install them one at a time - I did not know I could install them more than one at a time anyway.


    Just realised I'm not the OP. willyb9 probably meant to refer to OP. Lol, my bad,


    sorry, the information in my previous post should apply to both of you guys, really, as it was mostly just general suggestions, although i guess more aimed towards your post since you at least provided names of a few specific mods that aren't working for you.


    as far as installing one or two at a time, what i should've said is enabling them one or two at a time and then loading your game to test if those mods are working. it'll be less overwhelming trying to figure out what is or isn't working by completely uninstalling all the mods that don't seem to be working and then trying to figure out the cause by reinstalling and enabling mods one at a time.


    it's helpful to provide specific examples of your problems when troubleshooting and looking for help. for example, with looksmenu and XDI, using the beth/in-game mod manager will disable those mods when you load the game, and if you're loading a save in which you've already had those mods enabled, you'll get that pop-up saying "this save relies on files that are no longer present" or something of the sort.


    if texture mods aren't working, it's useful to anyone trying to help to know whether the texture mods are using loose files or if they're packed in ba2s. also is good to note what other texture mods you're using and whether they're loose or use ba2s, etc.


    for invisible items in game, the same applies. you'll want to check if you've made the proper .ini edits to allow the game to load loose files.


    idk i can help provide more specific feedback if you provide more detailed information, such as posting your load order, your .ini files, and stating exactly what problems you're having with specific mods.

  3. make sure the mods you're using that require f4se are up to date and working with the latest version of f4se and fo4. this may have been fixed for XDI with a recent update, haven't had the chance to test it yet, but certain mods won't work with the bethesda/fo4 in-game mod manager. that includes looksmenu and possibly XDI since they do not have fallout4.esm set as a master for their files, so using the in game mod manager will disable these mods and move them to the bottom of your load order. you can set fallout4.esm as a master for these pretty easily using xedit which should solve the problem of mods disabling themselves.


    items from mods being invisible in game means you either haven't properly configured your .ini files, or the mods didn't install properly. NMM has issues installing larger ba2 archives to the correct location.

    if the majority of your mods aren't working, uninstall all the "broken" ones and start adding them one or two at a time, preferably installing manually to make sure things are added correctly and entirely.

  4. just out of curiosity, why are you using so many different scrap mods in the first place? though i don't use this mod and therefore can't say for certain, the most up to date version(s) of Scrap Everything should allow you to scrap everything in all vanilla and dlc settlements. trash returning means you've got another mod conflicting and overwriting bits of the scrapping mod. just choose one scrap mod and put it at the bottom of your load order and trash shouldn't reappear. if it's still happening, you should load your mods in xedit to see what mods you're using, outside of the scrap mod, that edit settlement cells where items keep returning


    there was a similar thread about something like this earlier today/yesterday. good answer that i saw is that it's not really worth the effort to make it when you can just use tcl command for basically the exact same result



    LOL. Well, that's kinda the argument from a coder's viewpoint. It's an old, old problem. I remember people scoffing at Windows. "Why would would you need all that extra overhead? It doesn't do anything you can't already do in DOS". For your average person, opening the console, typing commands closing console, checking out what you want to see, opening console, typing commands, closing console, getting back to work, opening console........ to infinity is just annoying . I mean, why not have the whole game console driven? It's not a big deal using the console when doing a task like adding something to your inventory, but doing something that will be intensely repetitious (zooming view in and out while building) gets to be cumbersome.


    distilling the quoted answer even more, those who could make the mod don't really care to make the mod for their own use, so it never gets made. About 90% of mods are made by someone who wanted it in their game.


    definitely fair points you've made. it'd be nice to have, certainly would make things easier. this isn't a suggestion i personally have ever seen mentioned until the other day though. not that i have the knowledge to make this a reality in the first place, but it's not really even crossed my mind as being an inconvenience to use TCL even after reading your post. but i was also playing on xbox before building my pc a while back, so having access to console commands and other tools available on pc is still a major luxury to me.


    the other thread similar to this that i saw mentioned a mod called pocket vehicles that lets you fly around in a ufo while in workshop mode to move around at different heights, maybe that would be closer to what you're looking for?

  6. Makes me wonder a little: there has been a mod with functional analog clocks for Morrowind. If it works there, it couldn't be too hard to do it in F4, you would think :D


    This looks nice. Such an analog clock was exactly what I was hoping for.


    Is there just this one clean clock, or also other variants?


    just the one analog clock and 2 digital (only one model for the digital clocks though) as of writing this. they're very recent additions to SOE, so there certainly could be more in the future i'd imagine. ccmads seems pretty open to suggestions for the mod so long as requests are somewhat unique but not overly complex or stuff that can already be found in other mods. there's even a thread on the SOE mod page to leave suggestions if you want to enquire about more clock variants.

  7. are you using any ENB? if so, that could be enhancing those flashes on your screen possibly. outside of that, i don't see any mods in your load order that would cause that, but i'm also not familiar with a fair amount of the mods you're using so i can't say for sure.


    looking at the image you posted again, that seems like it's a vanilla effect from molotovs to be completely honest. it's meant to show that you're taking fire/energy damage, it just looks ridiculous and stands out to you since you're playing in third person and it's clearly a visual effect meant for first person play. you may try looking through your .ini files to see if there's any graphics settings you could turn off or reduce the values to that could lessen the noticeability of it, but unfortunately, i don't have any suggestions on what to look for. sorry

  8. it'd help narrow down the cause if you posted your load order. that said, i remember having similar effects to what you describe in my game when using the default settings from NAC. if you're using that, you can easily turn those off with the settings holotape

  9. yeah it's definitely possible, there are already mods out there for this and they don't require any CC content to work, just that you're running a version of the game later than 1.9.4 so you can make use of the new keywords added by CC.

    i personally use this one by kingtobbe: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26510 and AndrewCX has implemented a ton of options for texture swaps into his mod UCO: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18489

    i'm sure there are quite a few others as well

  10. regarding the unofficial patch, are you using a mod manager or did you install it manually? if so, which one are you using?


    the unofficial patch is only 3 files, and they'll all be listed together, so if you know how to navigate your computer to where you have the game installed (almost always /steam/steamapps/common/fallout4), select the data folder and look for Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp, Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - Textures.ba2, and Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - Main.ba2, select all 3 files, delete them and it'll be uninstalled.


    unfortunately i can't help you with LOOT, as i've never used it before. this sounds like it's most likely an internet connection issue and/or a file permissions issue. out of curiosity, what are your computer specs? this is unlikely to be the case for you i'd imagine, but when i first got my computer set up, i was using my cousin's old PC which was still using Vista as the OS. i tried to install LOOT at the time, but if i remember correctly, i think it requires having WIndows 7 or newer to work with fallout 4. so maybe if you're playing on an older PC, that might be part of the issue?

  11. i somewhat recall the Unofficial Patch addressing the constant Rust Devil spawns a while back. it wasn't anything specifically related to them, but they fixed some bug with random encounter spawns not working properly if i remember correctly... i'd have to look through the change logs for it to remember exactly what it was though.


    it's not too big a deal for me currently. i still get other NPCs in the random encounter locations, but they're rust devils at least half the time i'd estimate. i know there's also a mod that delays the start of automatron until you reach a certain level of your choosing, so i might give that one a try on my next playthrough. i'd really like to encounter the level 4 merchants naturally and recruit them to my settlements without having to use console commands or another mod, and some of the other random encounters, like the little girl and her sentry bot, are very fun to stumble upon haha!


    and glad you found the schematics! happy to help. i don't think i found those in my first playthrough of the dlc either. after defeating the mechanist, i don't really spend any time in the lair, so it's pretty easy to overlook.

  12. just to be clear, are you looking for a mod to shape the landscape yourself through the settlement/workshop menu, or a mod that already flattens/levels out the terrain for you?


    if it's the former, you can try checking out Ground by wim95, or the recent Grounded by Sarinia. very similar mods overall, but differing in a few ways it seems. wim's mod is more complete as of writing this and seems like it focuses on altering landscape for farming and agricultural purposes. Sarinia has said she's got more she's been working on for her mod, though it already looks pretty great imo, so i'll probably hold off until she updates it before i test it out.


    if you want settlements flattened for you, jenncave has seemingly put a lot of TLC into her clean and simple series of mods, and this mod which was designed for working with Sim Settlements. i'm sure there's several other mods for flattening/levelling settlements but these have been updated fairly recently as well.

  13. they either got permission from the copyright holders, the copyright has expired, or more likely they just did it anyways and bethesda hasn't removed the mods for using copyrighted assets. there's over 15,000 mods for fallout 4 alone and bethesda doesn't vet each mod before they're allowed to be uploaded so some (being generous) mods that violate the rules slip through the cracks unless they're reported to moderators

  14. I've been through every mod I have installed, and looked through every .bsa file, but I can't find the mod that has the Pre-War Nuka Mixing Stations available to build in settlements, because in my current installation the textures are missing, so they look Bright Pink in game! I just wan t to check the folders/paths, or re-install the mod to fix the problem.

    Crimsomrider's Pre-War Workshop Workbenches has them: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18230

  15. hi does anyone know of a mod that will give me some decent louge chairs to put around the pool,vanilla ones are broken and look awful. also I'm using build your own pool mod is there anyway of stopping the water from the pool on the top floor filtering down to all those levels below the pool.thanks edit found the answer to the top floor pool,dont do it.

    there are some fixed or at least better looking ones you can find in Crimsomrider's Unique Furniture mod, Femshepping's Minimalist Homewares. and SOE has some new models that would work as pool chairs/lounges too

  16. definitely awesome when that happens. i've had this game since launch, and i never encountered the eye bot station in the commonwealth until a few months ago. i still don't think i've come across all of the unique npcs from the various random encounters, but i blame automatron for that (rust devil spawns most of the time)

  17. Recently I was testing something and ran into an interesting thing.. An eye-bot forge staying on the road right between Westing Estate and Forest Groove Marsh. I looked in wiki and it says that the forge is a craftable object from Automatron...For some reason I have never seen it in my crafting menu and was unable to find it. Can someone tell me please where it should be located? I completed Automatron ages ago so not sure if I'm missing something.



    Jut got a thought that maybe I.m missing the shematics. I was sure I have cleaned the Mechanist's lair from anything collectible, but who knows. Will try to search there again.

    the schematics for it should be found in isabel/the mechanist's room and i think the pod can be found in the workshop menu under resources- misc. alongside the scavenging station

  18. what exactly is it saying is missing? the only reason you should get a notification of something missing is if you disabled any mods. i'm on the most up to date version of the game and haven't experienced that myself. have you downloaded any of the creation club content? have you used the mod manager from the main menu of the game at any point? rearranging my load order or downloading mods using the in game mods menu has disabled looks menu for me in the past but that's the only thing remotely similar to your issue that i can think of

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