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Posts posted by willyb9

  1. i went ahead and tested out your fallout commando mod on my xbox and pc and wasn't able to reproduce any sort of visual glitches on either. i basically just spawned in a bunch of bugs, synths, robots, and raiders and let them attack me while wearing the outfit and full set of armor, as well as mixing the armor with clothes from other mods, and played in both first and third person looking for any sort of glitch but i didn't see anything wrong. i also placed a bunch of types of mines at my feet and shot them so they'd explode to see if that would do anything but still no problems, same thing with molotovs and various grenades.


    i went ahead and posted on the mod page on beth.net and tagged the people who reported the bug just offering kinda general advice on better ways to troubleshoot and report bugs, so hopefully they'll see that and can provide more details to help narrow what's causing it and under what circumstances.


    edit: very cool armor btw. i had been meaning to check it out for a while but was going to wait until next playthrough to use it since my load order is close to the plugin limit. definitely gonna keep this around though, thanks!

  2. i'd maybe suggest asking someone who experienced the glitch to take a screenshot or video of it on their xbox if possible so you can see exactly what's happening. i feel like i've seen people report something similar in the past but i can't remember what caused it. you could also ask them to post their load orders and look for whatever graphic mods or gameplay changes these users have in common.


    if you'd like, i could test it out and see if i notice any differences between the xbox and pc versions. haven't played on my xbox in a while but i don't really use any enhanced/improved graphic mods on it, so i should be able to tell if it's an issue with those users, if something got accidentally packaged in with the archives when uploading it for xbox, or maybe even hardware related pretty fast. just let me know what mod it is you want me to look at

  3. So I have a ton of mods and would like to merge them... someone mind explaining how to do this? I have a ton of small mods that really don't need their own dedicated plugin that I would like to condense down.

    i'm kinda in the same boat as you, getting fairly close to the plugin limit and i'd like to trim my load order down a bit too, so i've been reading a little here and there to get a general idea of what i'll need to do, but haven't actually done any merging yet.


    here's a thread from the other week about merging mods that seems to have pretty detailed instructions: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6294411-need-help-with-merging-esps;-some-questions-when-using-nmm-activation-and-stuff/


    and a video Elianora did a while back in case you're more of a visual learner:


    sorry i'm not capable of explaining it myself yet but hope it helps


    I do ports when possible, I use the same name on beth as I do here and 90% of the mods I have there are legal ports.


    I agree with playing on the sofa, FO4 feels more like a game you want to play on the sofa. It's nice to be able to use mods on Xbox but, sorry to say the children did this to themselves and I can understand why some modders want nothing to do with console mods.

    ... only 90%? Yikes.


    xD i'm pretty sure he means that 90% of his mods on the site are ports that he's done (with permission from the original authors) and the other 10% are his actual mods like Beantown and Drunken Gnomes, but i read it that way too at first haha

  5. Problem is, blaze1514 - Beth will NOT listen to the Community. You could push any idea you want, but it will fall on DEAF BETH EARS.




    So let me know if you come up with an idea that will 1st - Get Beth to CARE.


    . o O ( good luck with that one. )

    if you had posted this exact comment a week earlier, i wouldn't have been able to agree more.


    you're still mostly right haha, but i've been feeling a bit optimistic recently about the issue with stolen mods on beth.net. over the last week (starting after Crimsomrider took his mods down), they've removed between 700-800 mods from WIP for FO4 for violating the Terms of Service of the site. that is a huge step in the right direction. it's definitely NOT an excuse for how long it's taken them to do something about the rampant theft there, and it doesn't mean that everything is fixed now. there are still over 2000 mods in WIP for fo4, most of which still probably violate the site rules/are stolen, but it is good to see Bethesda finally doing something.


    idk how it is for skyrim there since i've never played it, so i don't check out the mods for it, but i'd imagine it's pretty similar to fallout when it comes to stolen mods, so hopefully bethesda is working on fixing that too.

  6. i'd try disabling all of your mods except ones that require a new game to work properly (like alternate start mods) and mods that change character creation, such as looks menu, body replacers, and such. i usually don't enable anything else until after i get the pip-boy and have exited the vault. seems like many mods that add holotapes to your inventory will not work properly if you have them enabled before getting the pip-boy but idk if that would cause an infinite load screen.


    I have the Bullpup Bozar mod installed too, you think the problem come from here ? Kinda weird i've it since a while and nothing happen before i install the new skin

    yeah that's the only suggestion i could think of really. here's the link to the bug report on the bozar mod page: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/28478?tab=bugs

    (if it doesn't open up the specific bug report through the link, the report is "Bozar effecting LMCC")

    i just followed what Grimminski suggested in his post and everything started working for me again and has been good since. only took me a few seconds to fix once i saw the bug report but probably would not have ever been able to guess that the bozar was causing it in the first place on my own.


    give that a shot and let me know if that fixes it or if you've got any questions and i'll try to help if possible

  8. are those the only mods you've installed since this started happening? and is it only face tattoos category missing, nothing else?


    without seeing your mod list i'd say it's difficult to determine the cause with any certainty. i'm using those 3 mods you listed and everything is showing up fine for me in looksmenu but iirc, when i last updated FSM body textures, i had to not select any of the options for face textures or i would end up with the brown face bug. that's probably something i did wrong, but even then when i tried to see if i could fix the glitch by opening up looksmenu, i didn't have any categories or options missing.


    i did have something similar happen a little while back where LMCC stopped working suddenly in my game and the cause happened to be from some (i think) unintentional human race edits included in the 1.1 version of deadpool2099's Bullpup Bozar mod. i don't think the mod has been updated since to remove those entries but i was able to get LMCC working again by removing those entries from the Bozar mod using xedit.


    no idea if that's helpful at all but i guess it's worth throwing out there?


    Just FYI, I scrapped by old setup and redid everything to include Horizon. This is my load order now:


    Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp=1
    Scrap Everything - Core.esp=1
    Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp=1
    dD-Enhanced Blood.esp=1
    FO4 NPCs Travel.esp=1
    Vivid Fallout - All in One - Best Choice.esp=1
    Armorsmith Extended.esp=1
    Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp=1
    ScrapUpdate - Ultimate.esp=1
    Horizon NPCT.esp=1


    nice, have fun with horizon. very popular mod, seems like a lot of people enjoy it.


    2 things i'd suggest.

    1. move unofficial fallout 4 patch directly below the DLCs and above all other mods like AWKCR and True Storms.

    2.you'll probably need to place Scrap Everything at the bottom of your load order, almost certainly below beantown interiors, idk about horizon but probably that too

  10. hey sorry for taking so long to get back to you. didn't get home til later than expected, then got distracted and fell asleep for a bit ha my bad about that.


    no, i haven't used horizon. seems like it would require making a ton of patches to work well with many of the clothing/armor and weapon mods available. i don't have any problems with that, in fact i definitely need to start merging some of my clothing mods, and that'd probably be a good way to start learning about merging mods. but since i'm still new to pc modding, i wanted to check out a wider variety of mods for this playthrough without having to rely on others to make compatibility patches for mods.


    anyways, i just attached a text file with my exported load order. feel free to ask any questions and i'll help where i can.


    couple things to note, mods below llamacompanionHeather.esp in my LO were all enabled at various points since i started my current playthrough, so those mods specifically don't really have any logic to how they're sorted.


    i don't know how true this is, but i've watched a couple of youtube videos about xedit that mentioned it's not a good idea to reorganize your load order on an existing character of yours/saves that you plan to continue using, especially in regards to scripted mods for some reason that stood out to me/kinda scared me so any mods i've added since i started this game, i just place at the bottom of my load order to avoid screwing up any mods i already have enabled that use scripts.


    i've been pretty selective about mods i've added on my current game so i can avoid conflicts/incompatibilities. the only conflict i've had so far was with the scrapping mod i have and Deadpool2099's caravan shotgun. since the shotgun is below the scrapping mod in my load order, the two caravan shotguns deadpool placed in bunker hill removed my ability to scrap there. it was easy to fix though, i just removed the world space edits from the caravan shotgun in xedit and everything returned to how it was before.


    my LO may seem pretty simple despite using a decent amount of mods- lots of mods that add single outfits/armors, weapons, whatever- but that's probably the best way to start so you don't get overwhelmed immediately and run into a number of problems right off the bat. idk, just my thoughts.


    sorry for rambling and sorry for taking so long to get back to you. let me know if you've got any questions






    Ahh so I should go back to my original load order than? This one will not work? Thought I was onto something lol. Do you mind if you could post your exported load order? I would love to see all the mods you are using.


    yeah i can do that, it'll be a while though since i'm not around my pc right now and won't be back home for at least a few hours

  12. sorry, xedit and fo4edit are the same thing. it's been used for multiple bethesda games like skyrim, fo3 and new vegas. skyrim version is called tes5edit i think but it's really still the same program so i think that's part of why it's called xedit since it could be for a number of beth games.


    i don't know how long it's been since the info in the description of that mod page has been updated but it's probably a bit out of date for the full load order listed there. i basically just use the category headings as a guide for what mods would probably work best in whatever category. i've got around 240 mods running in my game right now without issue but i don't use more than a handful of the mods listed in that load order for example.


    i think the way you had it before i chimed in with the link to that page will work just fine. haha sorry for confusing you.


    edit: since darker nights has the patch to be compatible with true storms as part of the darkernights.esp, darker nights should be placed below True Storms in your load order as far as i can tell.


    edit 2: yeah that list is definitely outdated- true storms wasn't even an master file last time it was updated, so don't take the specific load order used as an example.


    with your load order, you really shouldn't need to have the various true storms .esp files at the bottom of your load order. i don't see anything that you're using that would overwrite true storms, except for darker nights which you want it to so they will be compatible with each other.


    again sorry for the confusion haha


    Nothing is mentioned on the mod pages about uninstalling them. They don't add any subsections, but only paintings to the "paintings" subsection. I wouldn't be asking about it here, if the modders had put their warnings in the descriptions.


    should be totally fine to just uninstall through NMM or whatever mod organizing program you use then.

  14. yeah i'm kinda similar in that i don't/haven't used LOOT and i sort my load order myself for the most part. i start organizing my load order based off a general format, check for errors in xedit and fix what i know how to (i've still got a lot to learn), then do some testing to see how everything is working. then i'll move around individual mods from there if i can fix any conflicts by reordering.


    i use the format provided here as the starting point for organizing my load order, which has worked very well for me, but that doesn't necessarily mean it'll work as well for everyone else. that's why it helps tremendously to read all the info you can for a mod before using it, so you know exactly what it does/what it's supposed to do, which tends to make troubleshooting problems a lot easier.


    as far as weather mods specifically are concerned, i can't speak for true storms since i haven't used it before, but SMB92 is probably correct that they'll tend to work better at the bottom of your load order. i haven't ever had issues with weather from NAC not working as intended regardless of where i've had it placed, but did have some troubles with Vivid Weathers in far harbor a while back, and that was most likely a load order problem on my end but idk for sure.

  15. i've not tried either of these mods since i only finished the game once like shortly after the game came out, but if i do ever finish the main quest again, i'll probably use one of these two mods:






    as i said, i haven't used these mods yet so idk if they'll be helpful for what you described above but these are the only two "alternate ending" mods that i'm aware of.

  16. removing mods and continuing on that save is not a smart move, generally speaking, and it's best to avoid doing so if at all possible.


    that said, my advice in this situation would be to scrap (not store) any paintings you've built in your settlements, and make sure you've read the descriptions and sticky posts of the mods you plan on removing to make sure you know to uninstall these mods. mods that add new menus to the workshop/build menu usually do so with the script injection method and will state how to properly uninstall without losing menus in the description of the mods- some require to use a chem to uninstall, some have a holotape to remove safely, others use Settlement Menu Manager, so there are a few different ways.


    without knowing the mods you plan on removing, that's all i can really say about it.. just make sure you read up on the mods you plan on removing so you uninstall them safely. it's simple, but not a one size fits all situation

  17. from what i've seen other users say, LOOT isn't perfect, but that's a fairly small load order so i can't imagine too many issues, if any. i'm not familiar with VIS so i can't offer any suggestions regarding that, but if LOOT and xedit say you're good, i'm sure you're good. with that list, i can't see any significant issues at least unless it's hardware related. just make sure you're using the true storms compatible version of darker nights is my only suggestion

  18. well i'm not familiar with the majority of the mods you're using but one thing that sticks out is that you have Fusion City Rising and Outcasts and Remnants enabled already but iirc they're not supposed to be enabled until after you have completed certain quests such as the brotherhood arriving/killing kellogg. considering you are just reaching diamond city from the sound of things, i'd imagine you haven't done so? i'm not sure if that'd be related in any way to these CTDs but figured it'd be worth mentioning

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