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    United States
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    Betrayal at Krondor

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  1. Female Voice Actor Mature available. Naki's Appleshttps://soundcloud.com/elinor-joyce-hamilton/nakias-apples Jobs of Skyrim https://soundcloud.com/elinor-joyce-hamilton/01-121120-1123 Greek Play https://soundcloud.com/elinor-joyce-hamilton/1cly07-line-for-a-play-that Possible Mod https://soundcloud.com/elinor-joyce-hamilton/traveling-merchant Video
  2. Thank you. This is a good idea. The WIKI can be daunting too. :facepalm: I got a lot of help from places like this. Both sites are useful for both the novice modder and the experienced modder. Being able to ask questions on a forum is also very helpful.
  3. Hope this is the right place but I just wanted to say that I like the new site format. It is easy to navigate and quite nicely done. Thank you.
  4. I hope they come up with unique creatures. We know there are mamouth. Saber toothed tigers? If they include imps I hope they are better than the ones in Oblivion. Someone mentioned fish, yes fill the rivers with fish of many kinds. Not all the creatures need to be vicious either. It is fun to install a mod that has some peaceful creatures in it.
  5. I understand that you get no experience points for the Tavern brawls so I just wondered.
  6. Fantastic. I am all in favor of non-lethal duels. I wonder if you get any experience points for dueling. Tavern brawls, dueling, romance, and hopefully some good quests with choices. The more the better.
  7. I hope we can do lip-sync much easily than we could in Oblivion/SI. With 70 voice actors I wonder how many accents there are. Creative Engine, I like the sound of that. I understand there are unique caves and dungeons so I look forward to creating something interesting. I can hardly wait to play the game and get the Creative Engine. I anticipate five more years of The Elder Scrolls via Skyrim. :) For those who keep gripping about the game before it is even released they shouldn't worry our talented modders made Oblivion into a fantastic game . They can do the same for Skyrim if they haft to. Or turn a fantastic game into a stupendous games.
  8. I was just think the same thing. What I want to see next is the actual game. Too much information could spoil the game. Building up expectations could cause disappointment. As you said that easier said than done. Like a tooth ache you can't keep away from the information provided.
  9. I will be playing the game on my PC as soon as it comes out. I will then judge it. As far as graphics go I should be good. As for buttons each game is different and I learn to live with what they offer. If the game play is good I will be happy. From all I have read the game sounds improved over both Morrowind and Oblivion each in ways. The proof of the game is in the playing, not the guessing.
  10. :D Just like as in real life we can ignore the fate to which we are born and go our own way. Rise above or fall below our karma. I guess I am not so independant as I always play the Main Quest. I may do a lot of exploring and side quests but the MQ gets finished. I am looking forward to defeating the dragon and saving the world again.
  11. I thinki your memory is correct. So now if weilding two handed weapons, bow, battle axe, hammer, sword we will have to unequip, equip spell? That will be a nuisance. Dual weilding Weapons will be a problem too. Staffs will be fine I think I saw a screenshot of a mage with staff in right hand casting spell with left. :lol: I wonder if any developers wander by and get a good laugh at all our speculation and guessing.
  12. :D I hated the Arena quest. Only played it once. This proves my point of how we vary in our taste and the problem this causes developers. The Arena mirrored intentionally the gladiator fights of the Romans. Bloodlust for the sake of bloodlust. To me even the Dark Brotherhood evil as it appeared to be was preferable. Choosing a line of work that did fulfill vengence may be evil to some but it had a point as far as I was concerned. I loved the thieves Guild quest and enjoyed the Mage Guild. I hope the Fighter's Guild is better in Skyrim I found the FG quests disappointing. I am glad the DB has returned however I understand we will not be able to join every guild. If this means we have to make choices I am all for that.
  13. Didn't you need to equip a spell in Oblivion which meant sheathing your weapon? So this hasn't actually changed for Two handed weapons. Could be a problem though, as you actually could have a spell chosen. Sorry this hot weather we are having has me foggy.
  14. I would like to see a general gameplay video showing interaction with NPCs, Towns and prehaps combat with bandits. Something that would give me a feel for the overall game but without spoilers.
  15. I like the mystery quests, 'Who did it' was good. I also like quests were you have to solve a puzzle or answer riddles. My least liked quests are the messenger quests, take this note to so and so and then return with the answer' quests. A few are alright but they get boring. I like quests with suprise endings, something you don't anticipate. An enemy turns out to be a friend or vice versa. Rewards are not what you think, a treasure trove turns out to be buttons instead of gold coins. :)
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