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Everything posted by Robinsage

  1. Thank you for the info, these things happen. May I suggest to have a notification or news update as soon as you know there is a problem so people aren't kept in the dark on what's happening.
  2. Same issues here although I posted on it elsewhere. Is there any communication from the Nexus team regarding this?
  3. Yeah it's a redirect. I haven't been able to get on Skyrim Nexus all day. Just glad it's not on my end.
  4. Is anyone else having trouble connecting to Skyrim Nexus? The url skyrim.nexusmods.com takes me to a 3rd party search page. Been a few hours now..
  5. Upon returning from vacation I found several errors in my mod that weren't there before. The mod is real shelter (link in sig), and until last week was clean from ITM's and deleted meshes in TES5Edit 3.0.28 (and BOSS). The mod was last updated on Apr 9th with a fresh CK install. Now I see there are over 200 ITM's and a deleted navmesh - which can't be right as I've never gone into navmesh mode with that mod. Before I clean the ITM's I want to verify if anyone else has had this issue to rule out a program error and potentially ruin the mod. The deleted navmesh is a mystery and identifying it will be like looking for a needle in a haystack since RS places several exterior objects over hundreds of exterior cells. Let alone repairing the navmesh. Has anyone else seen this? Could this be a CK bug?
  6. yeah that's what he said on the beth forums. The save was hosed before, so now it's double hosed!
  7. One of my favorite characters, Moonpool (<-- to the left), is currently unrecoverable. She is trapped and wants out! The save goes CTD after I load the save and select 'yes' to 'this save relies on content no longer present..' message. I've run the script remover tool on Nexus with no luck, and I've run the quest deleter with no luck. Actually the quest deleter tool can't even find the quest that Papyrus says is causing the CTD (which is a vanilla Skyrim quest). Here is the papyrus log. I've parsed out the second and fourth block to demonstrate that they are the same (maybe related to the CTD?). My rig is more than capable of running the game on max settings. Any suggestions?
  8. This is resolved thanks to jjc71's expertise. Thank you, you are a such gem to the community!
  9. Hey there :smile: ..in my test environment there is only RS and the mod I'm working with. I try to keep my modding Skyrim & CK separated from my gaming versions. Assigning the original IS to the replacement weathers resulted in the reversion to default. And assigning a duplicate IS resulted in the same thing. I see no reason for this to happen so I'm suspecting a game cache or CK limitation issue (or human error which I am quite prone to). I'd be willing to share the file to see if the same thing happens outside of my game and CK environment.
  10. Greetings everyone What would cause a properly referenced imagespace to not apply when a weather that calls upon it is forced active? I'm having trouble with an imagespace assigned to a duplicated weather form. The imagespace is referenced correctly and present but when that weather form is called upon the imagespace reverts to default.
  11. Right. If you look in regional settings you can see the weather settings for most areas, but it's not easy to see the regional settings for ALL areas unless you know what type of zone they are in (tundra, tundra no precip, mountain, etc.). Finding the zone info for a given cell or location has been a bit cryptic. Take Morthal for example. I assumed it was a snowy climate given the snow all over the ground. But I have only seen it rain there - no snow. Windhelm - despite it's relative location upwind of volcanic tundra seems to be a snow only climate (as verified in regional info), but Solitude which is far to the North and in proximity to a presumably arctic sea only seems to get rain. So I resorted to just camping my test character at the locations in question and waiting for days on end for precipitation types. I wish there was a list or easier way to verify specific climates for specific locations.. And come to think of it I have not seen both rain and snow in the same location over time. Maybe I just haven't waited long enough =\
  12. Allow me to rephrase: Has anyone seen it snow AND rain in the same location in Skyrim? If so where?
  13. Hi all I'm assuming that some locations in Skyrim have both rain and snow occur at different times. I need to find out which locations have both possible weathers. I've tried looking at climate data but don't see anything. Cell data isn't very helpful either. So is there some other way to determine which locations have both weather types? Is there a list of known weathers by locations somewhere? (wishful thinking)
  14. Time is the fire in which we burn
  15. I've been banging my head into a wall with the above named script all day and need to turn to my beloved community for help. I've put what seems to be good code together but it's not working. Here is the relevant part of it, shortened to 4 weathers for brevity. Basically it looks for another mod's weather and tries to change it to another one. Does anyone see anything I'm doing wrong here? Thanks for any help.
  16. Good day all, I haven't found a way to make a script purge the players cell buffers but wanted to check here to see if it has/can be done. Is this function console only? Preferably I'd like to make a button or something the player could select for the purge. Thanks
  17. I see. Thanks for that. I'm going to go the route of trying to use a globalvariable to manage the transitions between boxes.
  18. It does to an extent but renders the results incorrectly so the string needs to be tied to the variable. And it needs to be placed on an equippable item (or spell, shout, etc.) for it to work 'on demand'. This is how it worked out, works like a charm. Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor) If akActor == Game.GetPlayer() String CurrentWeather = Weather.GetCurrentWeather().GetFormID() Debug.notification("Current weather hex ID is " + (CurrentWeather)) EndIf EndEvent
  19. Increasing the FOV on the lights helped a lot with my own interior mod.
  20. Thanks, what do you mean by race condition? If you mean entering and exiting the boxes too fast causing stacked weather restorations and timers, that's an inevitability in cities where the boxes can be quite close to each other.
  21. Ok gang I ran this past the folks on the Bethesda forums but no viable answers yet. I'm thinking what I need to do here is not a possibility. Say I have a large area shaped like a 'T' and want to (for example) make it very dark when the player enters a trigger box formed around the T. Since trigger boxes are square I would have to make two boxes, one for the T's stem and one for the top. Is there a way to link those two trigger boxes together so there is no break (in the darkness) when the player moves from the stem to the top of the T? More detail/specifics in spoiler.
  22. In your Skyrim.ini you will see 'fFlickeringLightDistance=8192.0' under the display tab. That value is dependent on your rig but works well for me. Values can be 1024, 2048, 4096, or 8192. A really easy way to adjust your lighting fade and specular fade settings is to download the Skyrim Configurator and go to the lighting tab. This little gem is a favorite and eliminates the need for any mods that do this or tinkering with your .ini files.
  23. For the record I placed an 'OnEquip' script on a ring that has a weather ID string that gives the current weather form in decimal form. A quick conversion to a hexadecimal format gives the weather form ID. Let me know if interested and I'll share the code. =)
  24. Good morning everyone! Is there a script (or console command) that will identify and display the current local weather that's in effect, either by form ID or editor ID? I know script can ID the weather but getting it to display in a debug message on command is escaping me. Any suggestions? thanks :)
  25. This is resolved, Kromey showed me how to use multiple variables for the same declared property. Thanks Kromey!
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