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Everything posted by StormHammer81

  1. Oh I know. You would love that wouldn't you? You know, when I first came to this forum, I remember how the pro-Imperials were treated. I remember the rudeness, the arrogance, the child-like petulance, the outright dismissal of any form of Pro-Imperial reasoning, same as today. And then I came along, and turned things around for us. The only reason the Empire has as strong a presence as it has here today is because of me. You're most welcome. So in a way, I'm kinda like an Imperial General. Though I'm not really, but I'm just saying. If there be a stronger Imperial out there who would like to take my place, you're most welcome to do so because I, unlike some people am not a brain-dead power-hungry sycophant. However, Stormcloaks don't dictate Imperial policy, we do. My contributions to the Imperial cause are numerous and have changed the tide for us on many occasions. If the Imperials should want me to leave, I'll leave. But they won't last long. Not on here. They don't know you guys like I do. Face it, you're going to have to deal with me for a looong time. At least until I am no longer needed. So Stormcloak117, you're running out of ammo and personal attacks. Like I said, Imperial Legions are smart enough to use shields, what good is a 2H weapon when you're constantly under attack with no cover? Light Armor is garbage (except Elven) what good does it do to run around in circles when I can swat you dead in one hit? http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m23v1y43nD1r08ot2o1_500.png
  2. Well, I'm pretty tired. I've only been at this for about mmm... what (4) hours now? Goodnight!!! Oh and that reminds me, I will be changing my name soon. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m23v1y43nD1r08ot2o1_500.png Awww hell. Well, lol hehehe you guys wanted a war?!?!? Perhaps after this, you'll come to see that War is not always the solution and War is maybe not so great afterall?
  3. Well my dear, first of all, I have pretty much always been an Imperial. Always. There was a real short time in the beginning when I wasn't but for the majority of the time, I have been an Imperial with Imperial views. Now. I am a man... who doesn't let his pride get in the way of the decisions I make. So, then I had those discussions with Gabryal and I dunno, I didn't agree with all of it but I figured, "Well, I could be totally wrong about this. Perhaps Ulfric is right." Ok? Annnd I'm a fair man, so I decided I cross the aisle and see how the other side lives for a while. And it wasn't a bad thing at all. That's why I did that, wanted to know for certain and sometimes you have to just go there. Even if it's somewhere you don't want to be. The light. Here's what I learned. The light is neither Ulfric or the Empire. Ok? "The Light" is something else. Because both sides are wrong in their own way. The thing about it is, as a Stormcloak, I found it borderline impossible to have a separate opinion, even if it's something insignificant. It was like everyone had to more or less do and think the same way. Ok, this is not something that I'm used to because like Gaby said, Imperials are all over the place with our views and yet, we all get along just fine. And, I just found it damn peculiar to be fighting for freedom when I can't express myself. What if Ulfric leads 'em all off the cliff, if no one can correct him, because it's a charismatic cause, then how much damage could he do as High King? I'm also as you can tell, very tolerant and slow to judge which is why it took so... long. So, now I know. And I really could care less if anyone looks down on me fer it because I learned much from the experience. Neither do I have a negative opinion of the Stormcloaks, I mean you guys seem pretty kool, errrr albeit not towards me, but me aside, you guys are pretty awesome! Trying to publicly humiliate me isn't going to work, I'm afraid. :D Still doesn't change the fact that my argument still stands. Doesn't really even matter. Seriously, I think these constant personal attacks you guys are doing against me, aren't going to get you anywhere :/ Seems like you guys are using a page out of the "Thalmor's playbook". That reminds me, anyone ever noticed the striking similarities between the Thalmor and the Stormcloaks?
  4. @HighKing? Awww. Didn't you guys... want a war with all the horror and glory that comes with it? Look, all I did was announce that I have decided to throw down with the Imperials. Ok? When you and your "big brother" over there post sh*t and constant personal attacks, then yes. I'm going to be the bad guy. See though, this ain't my first BBQ. You guys are deliberately trying to paint me as some kind of un-human villain. Strange, I have never been this way towards you? @Everyone Please, please, please read my posts. All I'm really trying to do and let's be honest, is offer hope for the Empire. We're at the stage now where no really knows for certain what is going to happen. I have explained NUMEROUS times with reason, why I oppose the Stormcloaks. And instead of actually a debate, Stormcloak117 and Gabryal have tried a Brute-Force approach to try and I guess remove any opposition to their point of view. The point is not that I am right, necessarily, the point is that neither Ulfric or the Stormcloaks are the final answer and just because you fight for "freedom" DOES NOT justify the crimes of Ulfric Stormcloak. What's so terrible about this? LMAO. Whew! For people claiming to be fighting for freedom, you shore as hell don't want to listen to another person's point of view. "Do as I say, not as I do." la la la ... la la la... Markarth Incident. The Thalmor Dossier on Ulfric Stormcloak. Let's see ahhh, "Rapist and Racist" folks running the show in Windhelm, gonna go to Red Mt and throw wolves, Argonians and Dark Elves in thar, let 'em eat each other, what else.......... The "Fast Food" murder of Torygg, Leaving a good man behind to be executed as an accomplice to murder while you haul a$$ back to Siberia, hmm what else...................., Annexing a neutral city, Whiterun just because your boss don't like to share power and.... let me see 'err....... Breaking with the way of the voice and the oaths he took as Greybeard, cooperating with the Thalmor (Unwillingly) for his own personal gain so that they won't tell all his Nord friends how he was broken.... should I continue?
  5. @Gabryal LMAO. Touche my friend, touche. Well, first of all you have not hurt my feelings, honestly, I really don't take your insults seriously or... your post for that matter. :smile: I will address this however: Scope of previous arguments between us has included modern US politics / political parties. Again, *sigh* "Do as I say not as I do right?" And then there's this little gem: You presume too much. What I meant was (not what I meant to say but the underlying meaning) it's *possible*. By your own *historic* example, that was what I meant. At no time did I say, "Oh well this is definitely going to happen." And it is possible a new Emperor could show up to fix this mess. The difference between us (or one of them at least) is I acknowledge what is possible or what is probable, probability is still relative and there are an infinite number of alternate universes, so yes. It is possible. Will it happen? That is uncertain. I have hope that this will become part of the Lore, with the Empire receiving a new Emperor, preferably the Dragonborn. I would also like to take this time to point out, for someone to have faith or hope or to believe that something can be done DOES NOT make them deranged. God I'm glad I didn't throw in with you guys. You really, honestly... :smile: kinda sound like the Catholic Church during the Dark Ages there. You really sound bitter towards anyone who *thinks outside the box*. Annnd let me tell you, there have been numerous inventions and well, science in general that were all discredited and pioneers were laughed at by authorities and closed-minded individuals, refusing to accept change. Remember what the Catholics did to Copernicus? They refused to accept his ideas, and he got off light with just public ridicule and house arrest. This leads me to believe that I may be on to something here. Time will tell. But seriously from the tone of your above post, it sounds like your ready to start burning books, books meaning my posts. You can't kill an idea that easily my friend. The very fact that you seem bent on personal attacks and harsh criticism, DOES NOT prove me wrong. You still can't do it. You can criticize me and call me *crazy* but ultimately, YOU might be in the wrong here. And btw, I was not at all impressed by Heston's little performance on stage. That was bizarre and quite frankly uncalled for. I'm not a Republican, you had asked earlier. I'm an independent although I agree with some Conservative or "Republican" ideals. I don't necessarily think the right or the left has it all figured out. Regardless of your post above I stand by everything I've said, whether you think it strange or otherwise is up to you and I respect that. Although I don't agree with your opinions. It doesn't mean you don't have a point, as we both do. Just because you laugh at what I said, doesn't make it any less true. Ultimately, it will be up to the individual to consider both cases and decide on their own which side to follow. LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE!!! Btw - Regarding replacing the Emperor, you had better be right about that because it is hinted in game that this may be part of a future DLC.
  6. Please, you've already said that Chamberlain is like TMII and then after him, Churchill comes along and cleans up after him. This alone proves that there is hope for the Empire. If the British Empire had a TMII of their own making and then a new "Emperor" comes along and cleans up his mess, then why not hope for Talos's Empire? Unless we weren't meant to see that part of it. Just your way of viewing history, right Gaby? Fine. Respect. Correct. I will keep my guns, my money and my freedom... You keep the CHANGE.
  7. @Gabryal This is a personal attack, please calm yourself down and try to post a rational thought instead of coming onto this forum and venting your frustration against me. You have never conceded anything, least that I have seen. No Stormcloak really has, you're not capable of seeing the situation in someone else's shoes. I really don't care, but because of your hostility towards myself, I am called to provide an answer. Again, I could care less about your opinion of me. Personal attack. Ok, then why don't you do the same? I have seen several times when you have gone back and edited your post as well. Furthermore, I believe in a God that provides the illusion of "Choice" so if I choose to go back and change something, that's on me. Again, Hypocrasy, you Stormcloaks do the same thing all the time. You appear to be another do as I say, not as I do individual. Furthermore, do us all? Not everyone agrees with the Stormcloaks. Therefore, you do not and never will speak for everyone on here. Neither do I, in fact. How many people agree with my "simple" thoughts and opinions. If anyone has a question about any of my posts, I'll glady answer to it. People have every right to disagree with me, again, I believe in the Freedom to Choose. Really, it sounds like you're describing yourself in this paragraph. Seriously, go read his posts you can't tell this guy anything without having to read a novel the next day. If I am doing damage to my own cause, why do you feel threatened by my posts? I put that simple little *awesome* video up and look where we're at? You've already said previously that my posts were dangerous to your cause, well you should be afraid. BECAUSE if it wasn't for people like me, very few would ever have seen the Empire's side to this and would have blindly followed the Stormcloaks. Ulfric is a Thug, Hypocrite, and Tyrant. Just because you fight for freedom does NOT give you license to become the OPPRESSOR. And if you think it's ok to oppress others just because you are a "self-proclaimed" liberator, then you have some serious problems. You're right, I would not make for a very good Stormcloak, I ask questions. Fine. Yes, I'm 30 yrs old. Life goes on. But ok. You can have my guns when you pry them out of my cold, dead finger MFer. I exist to bring hope where there was only darkness and one-sided conversation. I exist to serve and protect the Empire's citizens until my dieing breath. I exist to serve the Emperor and defeat his enemies. I exist to uphold Imperial law and maintain good order and discipline in the Legion. I exist because I choose to. The ability to make "choices" proves your existence and leaves your signature on this world. I never really was a Stormcloak, my heart was not into it. I had never "given" the crown to Ulfric. Although I have respect for Stormcloaks same as everyone. Face it Gabryal, you're unique... just like everyone else.
  8. Annnd right on queue here comes the committee to put a stop to any open, honest discussion about the Empire and to carrel free-thinkers into their dogma. @Gabryal, I don't really think we have an emotional anything, none of us really like the Empire if you must know. If anything, you Stormcloaks seem more fanatical and more attached to Ulfric. It's rare I lose my kool in these debates, and don't even get me started on how you've gone off on me and others who think similarly. Just like Religion, woo-hoo the Thalmor sure knew where to hit us. Anytime you get Religion involved, logic and reasoning and understanding go right out the window and over the cliff and is replaced with emotion and personal feelings. We have presented ourselves in a calm, reasonable fashion. If you will not hear us, no big deal. Although I'm going to enjoy the day that a DLC is released basically proving the Empire's going to be ok, the WGC is no more and I don't have to listen to this B$ anymore. Another thing Gabryal, I'm an old breed Imperial, not new. And I remember in the past you guys never would listen. And you know.... what really *bothers* me about this, is you have never admitted that you could be wrong. It's like either even as a Stormcloak, we have to think like you or nothing at all. That's a tad bit creepy, wouldn't you say? Another thing I've noticed, Ulfric seems different than Galmar. Like there's a schism in the cause somewhere. Listen to Ulfric carefully in the beginning and it's like Galmar and Ulfric are not on the same page. Hey Ulfric! Who's the fat chick with a cold? You know... that lip-service video. You are aware of course, that Ulfric surrendered at Darkwater Crossing right? Your tags. The Empire is not perfect. I am not perfect. I do not have all the answers, I just know in my heart what is true to the best of my ability(s). I could be wrong, although I must do what I think is right. And I don't agree with Ulfric. The Emperor has made some mistakes, though I still respect him as my Emperor. I am not afraid to admit any of this, because before you can move forward, you must be honest with yourself and as an Imperial, I do not condone the mistakes of the past. Nor am I afraid to take a stand for the Empire in order to right the wrongs. And unlike Ulfric, I am no servant of the Thalmor, I'm not their puppet. btw - If Talos really wanted the Empire dead, he would not have given us a choice. Annnd I think that's what the Religious crowd *fears* more than anything, even more than hell itself... people might not *choose* their way of thinking.
  9. @Gabryal Thank you, that was very moving. Now, I have something for you. I am pleased to report that Ulfric Stormcloak has been brought to justice and Skyrim has finally been liberated from the Stormcloaks:
  10. Resolution is found on the middle ground, to stand anywhere else is just deceit. All war is deceit. And today is TGIF Friday! HOOOORAHHHH!!!
  11. It's going to be touch and go for a little while once the Civil War in Skyrim comes to an end. The best case scenario is we bring an end to the war early and therefore will not be forced to re-requisition troops from the front lines down in Cyrodil. Cyrodil will be the front lines, although seeing how the Legion is stretched a little thin these days, we're anticipating this may change. On the Dominion military, the quantity and classification of their assets remains somewhat a mystery. We know their primary force was Destroyed in Cyrodil and their Secondary offensive force was routed and sent to ground in Hammerfell. There also burned thru their auxiliary forces during Red Ring. It's unlikely the Dominion will be able to give us to much trouble any time soon, although with the Elves anything is possible and the Dominion is a very dangerous enemy which should not be underestimated. Rumormill reports however, the Dominion is still very powerful and has consolidated itself in Valenwood and Elsewyr, rebuilding it's forces even now. What makes the AD soldiers so dangerous is their military is extremely diverse and most of their soldiers are veterans. The advantage the Legion has over the AD, is our troops in heavy armor will live longer against AD Dominion melee. The "shield wall" can be utilized to defend against their archers and mages, although training new soldiers in such a short time frame will require some creative license. The Legion could in theory still repel the AD forces due to the fact that the AD forces are so diverse. This will work against them and in our favor because our Legions with Sword, Shield, Bow and Heavy Armor can very quickly counter anything the AD throws at us. The AD will be a tactical disadvantage from the start because all of their troops can't be spellswords and all of them can't be good with the bow. This realization will allow us to force their hand and make their tactics work for us. One downfall of our military will be a lack of the Blades, although the overall size of the AD offensive forces will not be as large as before.
  12. Easy guys. Actually, I posted the wrong thing :smile: I was on one of the wiki's and it said oath, so I posted it. As you know, I was thinking of going Stormcloak, this was an old link I had. But my final decision was obviously Imperial and I though I would post the "oath" for clarification. I've never seen anyone ever do that before... anyways... You know, I have defended you guys several times in the past. You could be a little nicer to me. And I've defended the Empire pretty much since Skyrim came out. Although I was a Stormcloak at first, this didn't really last very long. It lasted just long enough for me to get thrown out of Whiterun, to the point where I fled to Windhelm and heard Ulfric and Galmar talking about crucifying the Jarl Baalgruf. That was it for me. Although, admittedly often times it's me *alone* fighting for the Empire. So, then what you're saying is you don't need or want my help anymore on this forum? I need to know... you know, I'm indecisive... not a fool :biggrin: Whatever you two decide, I'll still fight for the Empire. The first oath I ever gave in the game was to the Empire, so there you are.
  13. @Sormcloak117 My reasoning is sound and my intentions are honest. I want what is best for everyone and I'm sorry friend, while I can sympathize with the Stormcloaks cause, I refuse to receive my orders from a Religious Tyrant / Thug / Hypocrit. I do not trust Ulfric's motives or his intentions and I do not truly believe in my heart that Ulfric has Skyrim's best interests in mind. You cannot fight for freedom and justice, then turn around and ABANDON YOUR PRINCIPLES for your own personal ambition whenever you see fit. (MARKARTH, WHITERUN, ELISIF, DARK ELVES) *Markarth - Took away the Reachmen's freedom, torture, murder, rape, annexation of a peaceful Reach kingdom... to secure his own. Which the whole thing was really a PR campaign just to advance his cause and make the Stormcloaks a known and viable political party in Skyrim. *Whiterun - Annexation of a neutral hold over a fundamental difference between the two Jarls. He also allowed FREEDOM OF SPEECH and FREEDOM OF RELIGION not limited to FREE WORSHIP OF TALOS in his city. Ulfric initiates a challenge to the Jarl and then instead of showing up himself, sends his army, whereas he Jarl Baalgruf was prepared to face Ulfric in a traditionally Nordic deul. *Elisif - Ulfric challenges then High King Torygg, his "friend" a young man who admired Ulfric, under a banner of truce and friendship, resulting in a deul to the death where Torygg was murdered. Furthermore, Ulfric goes a step further and refuses to allow the Moot to meet, making his country leaderless and placing it in further jeopardy. This alone is TREASON. *Dark Elves \ Windhelm - A leader should not be judged by how he does in battle alone, his Civic and Social achievements must also be considered. Judging by the condition of Windhelm, the racial tension and outright fear plauging it's streets, it's almost immediately apparent that he, Jarl Ulfric, either refuses or is incabable of administering his job as a Jarl. If Ulfric cannot do his job as Jarl, if his close friends cannot trust him, if his actions goes against what he professes to represent, then Ulfric Stormcloak should NOT be High King of Skyrim, nor is he High King material. And I want the COMMUNITY to know and understand, that my post(s) are based on sound reason and my arguments against Ulfric and the Stormcloaks are out of concern for the citizens of Skyrim and Tamriel, well founded on game lore and compassion. With this being said, it is time for me to choose a side and I have reached a decision: Upon my honor I do swear undying loyalty to the Emperor, and unwavering obedience to the officers of his great Empire. May those above judge me, and those below take me, if I fail in my duty. Long live the Emperor! Long live the Empire!
  14. Hey does anyone know ~ I didn't see any Imperial Soldiers on Solstheim, well other than "old dude". Anyone find a garrison anywhere?
  15. Hey, I'm not saying your wrong :smile: however the ESO is coming out soon so, don't be surprised. Could be they're just doing part of Hammerfell or the name could have some other type of significance. Annnd, I mention "Redguard" because they have been holding onto the copyright for this name for MONTHS now. Either way, there are 2 - 3 more DLCs on the way.
  16. Yeah. Dragonborn was nice and all that, however it wasn't quite what I was hoping for. I've heard of another DLC on the way "Redguard"? And if that is true, I can tell by the title alone that it's going to answer aloooot of questions. At least I hope so, we need some new material.
  17. Also agreed. This can be successfully argued either way.
  18. @Stormcloak117 Neither will I. Time for a change, I'm afraid.
  19. @Stormcloak117 Ultimately, a proper Stormcloak is an "obedient", "zealous", servant of Ulfric Stormcloak. Not necessarily of Skyrim. The hidden truth to that ~ is you serve his every want and desire FIRST. Remember my little run in with Sithis earlier? If you are to *truly* be a Stormcloak, then you must submit yourself to their war, to their cause and to view the world "only" as they see it. I will not relinquish my freedom and/or my individuality to Ulfric or his "charasmatic crew". This is not really about Skyrim or Talos, this is about Ulfric. True, I serve the Emperor, but I've also sworn to protect and serve *every* citizen of the Empire. This would include protecting them from the Thalmor and then the WGC becomes a grey area. But I'm no politician, I didn't sign the WGC and I don't support the Thalmor. Most of us in the Legion are the same. This war will end and one day the world will no longer care about the WGC and the truth of both causes will speak for itself. Ulfric really has no cause without the WGC. I would also say the Empire still has a glorious future ahead of it, we just have to keep faith in it. Ulfric is messed up, truly a "hot mess" and he will lose in the end, dragging as many others down with him as he can. Ulfric will lose, his fate is sealed and as far as the Stormcloaks go, even on here, "Only a Sith Lord deals in absolutes".
  20. @kradus Should Skyrim secede, she would be on her own and it would be a cofllict of interest for the Imperial remnant to ally with Ulfric. Skyrim maybe, but we will not cooperate with Ulfric or any of the Stormcloak leadership. It also forgone conclusion that Hammerfell would ally itself with Ulfric OR The Empire should it survive. More likely either side will be on it's own.
  21. @StormHammer81 No. I am a faithful citizen of the Empire of Talos and I wish to see it made whole again. I'm no more a "PR person" than the Stormcloaks posting on here. Morrowind is a political trifle, true enough. And we will be left to deal with the Emperor's failure(s) once he resigns. The Emperor requested my presence in Skyirm as a "fixer" and my mission is to restore order and stamp out any embers of rebellion which may still smolder here. I'm also a soldier, not a politician and I'm an expert on war, not Nord culture.
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