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Everything posted by Sablicious

  1. Some more: - Basic commands for pawns (stay, attack, run etc). - More ability slots than the default six (perhaps mappable to the D-pad or via another 'hold' button...?)
  2. I would like a "Hot Coffee" mod for my created character which I could use via Oculus Rift... :devil:
  3. Re-name the snake files for the spiders' and that might work...but likely not.
  4. Probably not. Have you tried to read that Chinese hand-me-down gibberish script they use...? :ermm:
  5. This is the biggest shortcoming of DD -- no co-op functionality. Clearly Crapclown did this in preparation for the MMO iteration of the game. But, it still leaves the first game sorely lacking, especaially given the presence of the pawns... which mostly suck and in no way make up for the lack of co-op play. In the past, I would have scoffed at such a request for a single-player game. But, given what's been done with both Just Cause 2 and 3, methinks co-op isn't beyond the realms of possibility... if the right (knowledgeable) people are interested in this game enough.. which is a big 'if'.
  6. Once one gets to grip with the game's mechanics, one needs to cap their level (CE > find current level > change it to 200+ = stats cap at where they are at the time of hacking). Otherwise, the game becomes a Nintoddler experience, fast.
  7. These would be good parameters to mod -- better / usable stats for attire / weapons we like the look of and more health for enemies that should rightly have more (e.g., giant cyclopses and golems). The way the game is "balanced" now, stuff one likes to use / wear end up sucking so bad that you're forced into later game equipment. As for the enemies' HP... well, it's just nonsensical.
  8. There is no "Hard" in DD, only higher damage-dealing enemy attacks. The "A.I." is asinine and can (must be, actually) exploited. The way in-game coin is distributed is ill-thought-out also, with mini-grunts dropping 10K bags like they've just robbed a bank, while giant bosses often only have pittance! The game needs someone / some people to completely overhaul its balance in order to make it feel more rewarding to play. It's why I didn't bother with it on consoles -- DD really needs some comprehensive modding to reach its potential .
  9. - Farther casting range for Mage / Sorcerer magicks (perhaps all as far as ingle reaches). As it stands, the CPU can cast from any range (as long as it's agro'd), while the player has odd, inconsistent range restrictions on most spells. - Fixed 'falling bug' after levitating, where, if the drop is deemed enough to 'splat!', even if one levitates a few inches before hitting a ground, they splat! anyway. - Unlimited or extended levitation. A magician should be able to float as long as their stamina holds out. - Longer knock-back range on all 'small' enemies for 'Force push'. Currently, the range is too short, making the only 'melee' attack of the Sorcerer a box-breaking attack only. - Full HP for all bosses. Frankly, DD is easy-peasy. So much so that I capped my character at Lv60, do not use curatives except when flashing red health (and only a single item which I must find, not set out with) and I'm solo-ing the game... on Hard difficulty! Although I do die (perils of 1500HP, no armour etc), but DD is no Dark Souls. - All enemies vulnerable to all elemental attacks, even if if only slightly. Having certain enemies unaffected by everything but one elemental attack (usually fire), is silly. Made worse when the enemies are revealed to be utter pushovers to their elemental weakness and their "A.I." is laughably dumb. - Removed jailing in township hubs. I think most will agree that this is an inane mechanic and in-hub transgressions should have instead been punished via fines, timed hub expulsion and / or vendor bans. Crapclown really do make some stupid design decisions... - Intermittent high wind in all areas of the map. This would make the game more challenging (provided one does not have that 'wind-proof augment' equipped), especially at night, and would also give more of a 'variable weather' feel to proceedings. - Manual aiming from BnB magick shot for casters. The sticky aim in this game spans annoying, to game-breaking. Not only does it lock onto corpses and creatures hidden at night, it also gives away enemy positions through level geometry. Good one, Crapclown. ...GO!! :devil:
  10. It blows my mind that in 2015 game devs still 'forget' to give the players play perspective options -- TP, FP, zoom levels, hight, FOV et al.. Why force the player to play the game a certain way that might not suit them and thereby alienate a demographic of a game? Why not satisfy as many people as possible? It's not like a camera distance slider would be that hard to include in video games... :dry:
  11. Seems when using Ciri via the developer console code "replaceplayer (Ciri)" she 'locks up' before impending boss fights -- e.g., upon initiation of the 'Griffin' battle sequence (at the bait-laying part). Perhaps this is a bug or perhaps it was done deliberately to avoid bugs... dunno. Either way, is it / will it be possible to enable Ciri during these battles / quests? I find seeing so much of Geralt nauseating, and to have to play him all the time is nothing short of vomitous. As such, playing through with Ciri (including boss battles) would be refreshing for those of us who aren't partial to hoary, sarcastic, war torn grumble bums as their avatar. Sidebar: Another mod I'd like to see is the ability to attack anyone. Having the odd restriction of not being able to engage non combatants is annoying. It limits one's already negligible world interaction and damages immersion. A mod to allow the player to attack anyone in the game world would be most welcome...
  12. Is it or will it be possible to enable Ciri with all her abilities intact and usable? ATM, Ciri is usable through the dev console hack, but her magic is inactive and she does not interact with NPCs beyond quests (where a naked Geralt takes over the conversation/s and Ciri stands next to him). So, will a Ciri mod be forthcoming? Or is there another way to enabler her as a fully fledged character?
  13. I would have bothered to play this X-button fiesta had Sauron been playable somehow...
  14. It has never worked for me in this game, either. The furthest I've got is get GeDoSaMo to hook to the game, but it made the game resolution (not the U.I. or menus, just the actual game world and character) very low. No actual texture mods have ever worked for me. I think this method is simply a 'luck of draw' fix for mods. That, or my gaming laptop might have something to do with it... even though Dark Souls (1) mods worked without a hitch.
  15. My game still doesn't recognise GeDoSaTo and the mods do not show up in-game. Is there any way of using the mods without GeDoSaTo? Or is this method just a lottery and some of us just lucked out? (*Dark Souls (1) mods worked just fine.)
  16. Any news on this weapon being usable somehow?... perhaps through the new upcoming DLC?
  17. ^ Yeah. I dunno what From were smoking when they left those weapons unusable, while including so much junk that everyone just throws out the second they get them. -_-
  18. You can add most stuff with Cheat Engine, but you need the items table - http://pastebin.com/TszQPnQ7 . Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lU6gm9KNsFY The keys don't seem to spawn and other story contingent stuff (e.g., Dull Amber to unlock MacDuff) also won't appear / be usable. I don't the game will every have save editor per se, as the saves seem to encrypt to the profile.
  19. Any way to mod this into the game? Perhaps even by using hacks, Cheat Engine or the like? It's the only weapon as far as I know that's unavailable to the player -- right? I'd really like this cool-looking staff to wield. Even if it were just the 'skin' and it's stats borrowed from another staff, that would be just fine. Is this a possibility? Would there be an item code / address (as used through CE to hack in items) associated with this staff or is it considered a 'prop' for NPC's only and so doesn't have a specific address code as such? (thanks)
  20. Mods for this game are need URGENTLY!! • F.O.V. mod -- it's near unplayable with its default, RE-cramped, third-person view • weapons / items unlocker / mods • character model swaps and / or skins mods -- the two default characters are generic and boring (as is Crapclown's character design wont) • some kind of jump height or climbing mod that allows better access to high(er) areas • item locations mods like in DR2, so we can place what we want where we want There are already trainers for infinite ammo and weapon durability, so related mods would be nice (the trainers do crash the game at times), but not essential. Hop to it, modding boffins! :devil:
  21. Scotch this request. There's the exact thing I was alluding to here already available that allows you to equip any thing in the game you want (even level you character) from the get-go. :thumbsup:
  22. Hopefully the game will have a dedicated PC variant this time, rather than a cruddy port...
  23. Something akin to the Resident Evil 5 trainer that allows for any of the in-game items to be accoutred from the get-go. That means armour, weapons etc. Any such mod available yet? Seems a kind of obvious thing to do for a game with so many items and equipment, especially to for testing aesthetic mods for the latter...Or can this only be done via save file hacking?
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