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Everything posted by kleinstaff

  1. it will never nor should it never for the sake of the TES and all its fans TES is all about freedom to go and do what you want to do and playing in a big sandbox that can be edited to your likings ESO is all about endless grinding levels in the same dungons over and over again so you can go and play with the big boys
  2. and failing pretty miserable TES fans are sparter than the marketing division at zenimax If they really think that all fans will go out and buy everything iwth the TES name stamped on it they are wrong You either have to be blind or incredivle naive to believe that this will be the ultimate TES game we all been waiting for and game trailers what was the last game trailer that really looked like how the actual game looks like
  3. its is not the dunmer alone you know that both beast races just look not right in ESO some how i am convinced zenimax doesn't care in order to keep production costs low or because they do not have the skills and expertise to change all those licensed programs they bought
  4. the ESO engine is a upgraded version of the old Dark age of camelot MMO and certainly not new nor superior the DAOC is pretty limited and does not allow for any extensive sandbox gameplay or serous expansions , one of the major downfalls of that old mmo all rgz other game mechanics you see been used in other mmos before , including the combat andf magic system if you expected a multi player version of the TES series like zenimax so like to advertise people will be very disapointed and for the exêrienced MMO players among us , it offers nothing new or exsiting just looks like another WoW clone with better graphics 12 mil + coîes pf skyrim sod now that would be a great target audience for a mmo , but no wthey want WoW subscriptions so they made another medioroc WoW clone like there are 2 dozen other already available indeed the graphics look good for this kind of mmo but i was spoiled with my own enb and found them pretty dullafter a while the whole combat and magic still feels clunky and unwielding and still nothing been done to make the so called exploration ( in all honesty its a big joke ) more fluid and tmmersve pvp is still laughable with rewards / penalties so neglibe you wonder why its there for all i saw was another themepark where the developers constantly need to hold their customers hands in order to keep them active
  5. i m not so much worried about where and what TES VI is all about i am serious worried bethesda is going to leave the pc players even more in the cold in favour for the consle users than they did with skyrim because in all honesty the vanilla version of this game is actually a very medioric game buggy , full of glitches , simplifierd and in somepkaces empty because of the limitations of current and next generation consoles while i certainly do not want to start a console / pc debate consoles are great for platform games and FPS games and other kiddies games I am worried that bethesda will eventually concentrate soley on the console market and leave the pc users behind which would be very sad , indeed the majority of their profit are from console version sales , but the real succes of this franchis comes from the beauty and depth of this franchise creatated by the fans for the pc version but as far i know never did bethesda acknowledge this fact i dare even to say that they sometimes seems to prefer to get rid of the pc users than making their game compatible for pc just thinking out loud on a quite morning in the office
  6. and even then the age of some npc s just do not make any sense without trying to spoil some characters in dawnguard are so ancient it is hard to make sense
  7. i am just going to endorse the poster above me he is right last 6 months some really good ùods to improve the stability has come out CTD and memory boost patch the SMME patch safety load and others it madfe my games much more stable even tho i have 100 plus mods there is plenty of info you should read about modding on this site and some excellent vids on you tube
  8. All mods with voice acting are great , just for the fact that people are actually willing to spend timen making them the quality isn't always good , but they did it anyway and it enriches the game a good example we all know is vilja in skyrim her scandinavian accent just fits right into skyrim , some of comments are hillarious and i love it but the other voice actors , well just to say it sometimes sound too forced to really be immersive and her questline is sometimes more a pain in the butt than enjpyable , but they still got my appreciation for actual doing this there some other followers mod from the with custom voices and thou it is basicly a vanilla follower in all rspect the custom voice just adds that little bit extra that makes them great like inigo http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40960/ which is brimmiant in all aspects and this one www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48918/? a pretty underrated mod but because it has a different voice than most other mods it makes it just worh it for me just saying
  9. I don't see how considering, I have not actually released the mod yet. Though it seems like there is a file with that name but it has been down for a long time and it was probably not that well known in the first place, so the name is pretty much still up for grabs. And yes I am the author to this mod (the one mentioned in this topic that is) so it is perfectly allowed for people to contact me. Anyway yes finalCrystine aka Christine Slagman is very talented and a great person to work with. She has a professional mic setup and has a lot of knowledge about working with audio as she does music composition (using music software) and other media related stuff so the audio quality is pretty top notch. It would be silly to expect mods the scope of Interesting NPCs or Inconsequential NPCs to be able to recruit people of equal standing in terms of skill and recording equipment with such a large number of NPCs and no real incentive apart from being passionate about Skyrim and voice acting. Funnily enough Christine was actually in Interesting NPCs as Misha (the cowardly witch with a sidequest) and a few other characters I think. Not quite yet. It's still in the works but you can keep track of its progress here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1198146-sofia-a-funny-fully-voiced-and-scripted-followerwip/ thank you i will some of the quotes are just hillarious and the proffesionality of the voice acting ( hope i said that right) are brilliant best of luck both of you with this mod
  10. true but while waiting i will continue to play and enjoy TES IV and V modded you can be sure the music will be a variation of the original theme music tho
  11. you really are impatient aren't you but i am afraid we will not now yet for some time remember it took them qlmost 4 years before they even started to release details in TES V after oblivion i wouldn't be suprised they one of these mods will be releasing some of the info on what they are actually working on now with pc version sales of skyrim still going well for a game that is 2 years old i do not think thay are in a hurry certainly not while those clowns at zenimax are still trying to find out how to rape our beloved franchise with their ESO unthing
  12. is that a exsisting follower mod ? if so i want that mod
  13. you missed a choice no why should i change N%% does wjat it has to do why should i change also my opion all because some computer nerd thinks that NMM is too simple for geeks like him doesn't mean we all have to change to something what is basicly too overcomplexed for most of us most of us want a easy and way to install mods not make installing mods a second job
  14. brynolff and the rest of the thieves guild why the way he greets you the first time and their general atittude all of them dex vex all others bunch of big losers ( never sdone a honest day work for all that gold you are carrying ' Well WTF like they ever done a honest work especially when you see how the TG trying to rob a poor stable boy from his hard earned money i just Can not stad any of them nor can i stand any of the black briar family Good thing there are mods for that
  15. i think that alot of the house mods are just overdone with a few exceptions the one i love the most id the eagles nest http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34834 because it is small lore friendly and it doesn't come free and of course a great view close enough to whiterun and riverwood and works even great with the dev azerva , if you are good at parking the bloody thing atleast but there so many good house mods out there what is important to me is their location , size( i prefer them smallà and lore friendliness one i absolutely love is this one tho http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15317
  16. in general it doesn't matter game wise except if you are using mods andf the fact that most of us are male we sometimes like to play with something that looks so much better and if i may say so sexier than some unwashed dude with a beard even tho they are only pixels i would be worried if it was the other way round
  17. a pure mage most important thing to know do not charge into a room shooting fireballs , you run out of magika faster than you can say fuz roh dah.and dir horrible you might also want to have a look into several mods like balanced magi and apocalypse spell pack those the one use second try to specialize in one field and use the others as support , tho in my opinion alteration and restoration are a must have those are the spells that will keep you alive a follower or 2 are also a must have just keep sure you do not kill them yourself and lastly early access to the college of winterhold is definitrly a pluspoint since that gives you acces to a few good trainers and spells
  18. you have a good point sometimes the little mods to more than the game changing mods a few of my favorites no glowing edges removes the white glowing edge if you cast a alteration spell climates oof tamriel just makes skyrim look and feel better power of the deadra makes deadr artifact just that little bit better without overpowering wearable lanterns a simple mod but something that was completely middingh from the vanilla game deadly dragons makes dragons the trully fearsome monsters they should be there are plenty of others aswell but those are in my opinion the'little' mods that make a huge different
  19. this is not about who is right and who is wrong This is the empire Talos created and destroying it in the name of talos isjust wrong , on the other hand the empire can only be strong with a true dragonborn on the throne and the only true heir to the throne is your character the dragonborn in reality both sides would be trying to hunt you down and kill you Ulfric will try to hunt you down since you are the greatest threat to his claim of power, , the empire will hunt you downsince you are a threat to the current rulers of the empire the Thalmor will do anything to kill you since you represent everything what they have been trying to eliminate in the last few 100 years i smell a epic quest lue for the next TES here
  20. underground bathhouse maybe seems to be what you need with such huge number of followers http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27361 for only you and 1 follower my favourite is the eagles nest tho http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34834
  21. only one advice tho ; be patience , and do not forget the muffle spell it is a divine spell for any sneaky character
  22. I used to play alot of the old fashion paper and dice rpg and i still do sometimes sometims as gamemaster sometimes just as a player but what i know if I or any gamemaster came up with a scenario like dawnguard especially the quest where you find serana the players would not stand for it and would have walked out in the worse case scenario the fact thar serana is essential is the biggest immersionkiller of the dlc it is pretty easy to add a esecond character to replace serana if you play on the dawnguard side one obvious that comes to my mind is dexter the mothpriest but they didn't i think it had more to do with the limitations of consoles than with lack of imagination
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