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Everything posted by NexusNC

  1. Didn't work, However I just managed to find the base ID. I was actually the same one for all created automatrons. Basically if you want your robot settlers to be marked as essential, put "setessential 01001eed 1" without the quotes and they will never die, even by your hand. Thank you! This was the solution I was looking for. Losing all the materials in a beefed up Automatron in Survival Mode was brutal. Now they're not wasteful and pointless to build. If you don't mind answering, how did you manage to find their base ID? Scouring the console command with help 4 was unfruitful for me. Maybe I wasn't using the right keywords.
  2. In response to post #45105020. The amount of entitlement in this s*** post, holy S***. If you had bothered to read the whole thing properly instead of letting your eyes be glazed over in anger you'd realize your anger is unfounded. I for one welcome the possibility of a more powerful tool for all modders. If they succeed it can only make the modding community stronger and farther reaching.
  3. This thread is old but I'll post here since it's one of the top google search results on the topic atm. According to here, https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5159340-nmm-is-currently-end-of-line-read-why-and-what-this-means/ NMM is pretty much being discontinued and they're now working on a successor to NMM. So for anyone currently using NMM version 0.63.9 and are experiencing the profile save bug, well, it's best just to downgrade to an older version like mentioned above for now. Details on why and when the new program will be out are in the link above.
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