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Everything posted by senterpat

  1. Is it a collection alias? Formlist? Some sort of wizardry? I'm trying to allow crew assignments to my player home, but the only way to add a location to the outpost list is with a manually place beacon. Or so it seems, I would love for someone to corret me.
  2. I have been at this for hours, and I'm beginning to think it's impossible. I just want to use the diamond icons on UC and above resources on some misc objects to indicate rarity. I can get the icon on it by attaching an IRES component to it, but it then sorts the Misc Object into resources in the inventory in game. There are food items that have IRES components, but they are not sorted into the resources section. I tried to base it off that, but every time I get it out of resources, it loses the icon as well. If anyone has any guidance or even ideas I would love to hear them.
  3. To recreate a cell in xEdit just right click the cell, deep copy as override into your esm. Then go to the cell and select all the references in it and change formid to your mod, lastly change the formid of the cell to your mod.
  4. I have been trying to get this to work for the past couple of days, convinced I just don't know how to use quest aliases, so I was trying to figure out what combination of tags I needed to get it to work, but after adding a debug message to GetTargetAliasFunction(), I'm not sure it's a quest alias issue as the message doesn't pop up before the error message, although I know next to nothing about creating custom events and functions, so it could just be that I'm a fool I've double and triple-checked all the instructions you placed are followed correctly, I can send you the mod with folder structure if you think that's where the issue may lie
  5. Awesome I'll test this as soon as I get a chance, your the man Also thanks for the step by step instructions, you made my life much easier edit: Got it working like a charm, took me a minute because I didn't realize Starfield and SKSE had been updated last week. One question tho, without registering the script, how can I tell the script which alias to fill?
  6. Sounds like that mod just starts a alternate unity quest, rather then reducing the players current level.
  7. That sounds good, I don't understand all of it, but I can probably work it out if the event can be triggered As for the player level issues, the level change would (optionally) happen at the beginning of a NG+, letting the player start a Unity playthrough at level 1. I'm not sure as I can't test it, but I think most things get reset when going through unity, so the leveled lists and such shouldn't be an issue, if I reset the level before the player actually enters unity.
  8. SFSE dependency is not an issue for me at all. Most of my mods end up requiring them anyways, and all mods require them right now If you could make such an event that would be neato bandito and make my life easier for sure. I didn't have too much time to mess with it yesterday. But I'm off work today and have some time to test around with it. AttachPapyrusScript does work in Starfield, I had to use it for another mod already using bat commands. edit: This is unrelated, but you may know better than most. Is there any way to reset the players level to 1? If possible it seems it would require script extension, as all my research and attempts seem to point to it being impossible.
  9. No it's going to have set the reference to almost any deco item when they place it, and set them into the reference. I set the alias type to "Find Matching Reference from Event" with FromEvent to craft item, and the EventData to CreatedObject, it seemed to me that this would be what I needed, but it doesn't seem to be working. Is that how you get it from the story manager? Or will I need to send the story event manually? It doesn't really seem like I can register for story events from looking at other scripts. I could just attach the script to each decoration item, but that would require patches for modded decor, so ideally getting the reference dynamically would be best. I'll continue to mess with it, going to dig into xEdit and see if I can figure out how story manager event nodes work.
  10. Thank you for your response This is my first real foray into using quest aliases so I'm mostly working using trial and error I do plan on cleaning it up, this was just a quick script to see if I could get it to trigger, which I'm still having trouble doing, but that is possibly because I'm assigning the Alias wrong. Right now its set up as: Name:ActiveObject Flags: Optional Unknown 00 00 00 00 I copied that from OutpostTutorial quest, as that deals with placing objects so I thought it might work I tried adding several version of alias types, as well as "Force into Alias when Filled" but none would get the second debug message to fire.
  11. Heyo, not super familiar with quest aliases and such, but what I want to do is simple I think, I just want to assign a placed workshop item to a reference alias so I can do stuff with it after being placed, the first section fires fine, but it doesn't seem to be firing when placing the item (using a vanilla asset to test). Eventually I want it set up to use the decoration category keyword rather than I specific reference, but wanted to make sure I could trigger it, but can't even get that done Scriptname TestScript extends Quest conditional ReferenceAlias Property ActiveObject Auto const Actor Property PlayerRef Auto const Activator Property Tester Auto const Event OnQuestStarted() Self.RegisterForRemoteEvent(Tester as ScriptObject, "OnWorkshopObjectPlaced") debug.messagebox("init") EndEvent Event ReferenceAlias.OnWorkshopObjectPlaced(ReferenceAlias akSource, ObjectReference akReference) ActiveObject.ForceRefTo(akReference) debug.messagebox("placed") EndEvent
  12. I've tried to find tutorials and such for blender modeling with starfield, googling it is impossible, as there are a million tutuorials for how to make a starfield in blender. My own attempts at this based off of memory from my FNV modelling days with blender have been a complete failure. If anyone can point me to a good tutorial for importing/exporting a model to blender I would appreciate it. Alternativly, if anyone just wants to cut off the middle (verically) of the male/female upperbody starborn model, that would be alot easier for me. I just want to mash it up with some other stuff, but the chest piece and boostpack are unwanted. Pretty much just want the arms and the shoulder area. If you're really bored, the same treatment for delgados outfit, with the scarf removed as well would be super sweet and be a useful resource.
  13. So, trying to make a relatively simply script, but having a few issues. 1. The player will copy the aliases appearance, but only if I call game.getplayer(), trying to use the property makes nothing happen, but I was under the impression the latter is faster, and they return the same data. 2 . The TempActor is not copying the players appearance, regardless of how I reference the player (property or game.getplayer()) The TempActor is just a blank slate essentially. Assigned in the quest as and object, pointing to the Actor data under NPC. Do I need to assign him as a reference alias as well? I'm sure the issue lies in how I'm calling the TempActor, but if I can't use a reference or actorbase, and am at a bit of a loss. Any advice is appreciated, or an alternate method to save the players appearance would be welcome. Actor Property PlayerREF Auto Const mandatory Actor Property TempActor Auto Const mandatory Function Fragment_Phase_01_End() TempActor.CopyAppearance(game.getplayer()) game.getplayer().CopyAppearance(PrimaryActorAlias.GetActorReference()) EndFunction
  14. Hey there, I'm currently working on a dungeon pack for skyrim, and was wondering if I could use your armor meshes for a boss in one. All credits for the armor would go to you, as well as a link on the mod page. I'll also only be uploading to the nexus, and have no plan to use the steam workshop anymore.


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