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Everything posted by mercurikun

  1. Ok I'll fix my AA and AF then thanks. Really I just play Skyrim most of the time. I bought the 2 boosts just for it because my 550ti wasn't cutting it with the texture packs. but I know what you mean with the program screwing up settings. It claims my system specs are below recommended settings for MechWarrior Online
  2. Its not micro studdering that's causing the low FPS I ran into that previously on my 550ti, Its just general low FPS. I have seen benchmarks with dual 650ti boosts that have 125 FPS averages on max settings which is why I am concerned. As for a bottleneck my CPU is a core 2 Quad Q9650 3.0Ghz not OC'ed.
  3. So I was wondering what are some good OC numbers for this card, I just bought 2 of them and put them in SLI. But when I play with my 2k textures n such on recommended settings from Geforce experience I get some low FPS dips, I've turned off AA and AF but it doesn't seem to help. So my logical thought would be to OC my cards for some boosted performance. I'm currently boosted to 1200Mhz on my boost clock and 6048 on my memory clock. How much higher should I go?
  4. Pretty sure its not going to happen, I tried my hand at making it and failed miserably. Never found a modder that was interested eithor
  5. if you want better carved textures to work with check out cabals aMidianborn mods.
  6. That sounds sick Tehandyman :D
  7. How about some of the swords from inuyasha? I started a topic about it a while ago and it faded away :/ Heres a link. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/923870-inuyasha-swords/?hl=%2Binuyasha&do=findComment&comment=7519390
  8. Do people just blindly post here? This has obviously turned into a troll topic lol
  9. Am i the only one who thinks the slice attack should come in a variey of colors? Imagine if you were using it with a magica saber or something wouldn't it be the color of the sabers blade? Just a thought, not even sure if its possible to change the color but I think its worth looking into :3
  10. Thanks for the info, I wonder what the actual differance between the boards are then
  11. I would download that, dawnbreaker deserves a nice golden scabbard to match it.
  12. I'm looking into upgrading my mobo and cpu and chose an 1155 sabertooth. While browsing the cpu coolers I got a little confused. Does both 1155 and 1156 share the same mounting? Some coolers say both and others only say 1156, I have one now for my LGA775 mobo that works on 1156 so If possible I would want to keep it and save some money.
  13. I can't believe that no one is interested in this project even after the offer of comission was said. Does no one like this idea?
  14. So i found an oblivion mod of tessaiga and Souunga then tried to convert it for skyrim use. Followed a tutorial and couldn't match the results so now i have an invisible sword. If someone wants to pick up where i left off message me. But know now that you cannot post the mod to the nexus since the mod author can't be reached for permission. Hell I'm even willing to pay up to $30 for someone to make these damn mods at this point DX
  15. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22522/?tab=3&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fuser%3D0%26id%3D22522 This has been out for a while now
  16. I agree, 4 is amazing. This sword is amazing :D
  17. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2995 go to the optional files and download the tail repositioner :3
  18. I know my pic is a troll, but i assure you I'm not trolling
  19. Hey all I know its possible to convert an oblivion mod to skyrim but all the info I have been able to find about it seems dated and unclear. I just want to convert a sword for personal use from oblivion to skyrim i have no intentions of posting it on the nexus, and before you ask No the mod author cannot be reached or I would just let them do it. That being said can anyone please inform me what i need to do to make this happen?
  20. god i wish i had that card, i have a regular meteor dragon in english and jap print :3 but i never found where to get the fusion
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