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About Iwantacookie2010

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  1. Damn it, I knew I was doing something stupid. I had a test save that was unmodded, but it apparently autosaved in the middle of my testing sometime ago. Been using a modded save file ever since >.< What hinted it at first was scrivener07's code. Log showed the game was trying to call Scan10Meters function still. Fun times. Also, both the my code and scrivener07's works perfectly fine it seems. Haven't run into any errors for either. Thanks to both of ya!
  2. No worries! I'll give it a shot. I appreciate the help a lot by the way! Will post results when I get a chance.
  3. Sure thing. Didn't want to bloat the first post xD Here ya go: Scriptname MapWidget extends Quest String Property Map_Widget = "DivisionMap.swf" AutoReadOnly HUDFramework hud int widgetLoaded; int[] aEnemyDirection; Keyword Property ActorTypeNPC Auto ObjectReference[] Property FoundActors Auto Event onQuestInit() hud = HUDFramework.GetInstance() if(hud) VerifyEvents() aEnemyDirection = new int[8]; widgetLoaded = 1; While widgetLoaded Scan10Meters() Utility.Wait(1) EndWhile Else Debug.MessageBox("HUDFramework is not installled!") EndIf EndEvent Function VerifyEvents() RegisterForRemoteEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "OnCombatStateChanged") EndFunction Function HUD_WidgetLoaded(string myWidget) if (myWidget == Map_Widget) Debug.Trace("Map module updated survivor.") ;hud.SendMessage(Map_Widget, HUD_Initialize) EndIf EndFunction Event Actor.OnCombatStateChanged(Actor akSender, Actor akTarget, int aeCombatState) Debug.Notification("Changed combat state.") EndEvent Function Scan10Meters() FoundActors = Game.GetPlayer().FindAllReferencesWithKeyword(ActorTypeNPC, 800.0) Debug.Notification("Actors: " + FoundActors[0] + "Distance: " + FoundActors[0].GetPositionX()) endFunction Nothing really touches the Scan10Meters() function. Everything else is HUDFramework stuff, which doesn't do anything currently (haven't added my .swf file yet).
  4. So I have constant loop running that calls the following function every second (like a radar)... Function Scan10Meters() FoundActors = Game.GetPlayer().FindAllReferencesWithKeyword(ActorTypeNPC, 800.0) Debug.Notification("Actors: " + FoundActors.length + " Distance: " + FoundActors[0].GetPositionX()) EndFunction I'm still pretty new to papyrus, so maybe I'm just doing an obvious mistake. But FoundActors is consistently empty (returning zero) when it pops up in the notification window. Going near NPCs does nothing to change this fact. Anyone able to point out what I'm doing wrong? Before I do anything with the function, I wanted to test functionality/properties of FoundActors to learn a bit more. This code was grabbed in the forum post here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5440622-findclosestactorfindrandomactor-only-returns-player/?hl=%20detect Would have asked there, but seemed like an oldish post.
  5. Certainly haven't been here a really long time, but I'd bet a lot of the "rudeness" is simply out of frustration. I was always a "find out for myself" kind of guy, so I'm always hesitant to ask questions, but I've experienced a friend's frustration (or sadness really) as a 200+ save got ruined. I've never been afraid of publishing mods because of this "rudeness." Just have a hidden fear that I'm doing it all wrong with every mod I make for myself haha.
  6. All I'm doing is editing instance naming rules so most of my mods play nice with how I like my naming conventions. It is similar in naming convention with Better Armor and Weapon naming and sorting Anyways, the INNR seems to be working fine, but I am curious what the 'YNAM - Index' field means in these records. Been kind of driving me crazy and don't want to end up finding weird stuff down the road when I play the game xD I apologize if this information is already readily available, but haven't had much luck finding it anything really. Been learning how most fields in F04Edit works by way inference from other mods. >.< If anyone has any suggestions on where to get this type of information, I'd greatly appreciate it.
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