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About ApoY2k

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  1. Yeah, that could work for the meantime. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try it out.
  2. This is needed so much... In fact, I think a general overhaul of the settlement UI is in order, be that current jobs, overviews, placements, etc.
  3. Yeah, something like that. Thanks for the ideas. I guess there will be many more mods coming up when the editor is released. Maybe I'll give it a shot myself then. :-)
  4. Well... no, not entirely. More like a second layer above the armor that can be whatever (armor/clothing) but doesn't contribute any stats. I guess it doesn't exist yet, but maybe someone will find it interesting enough to create^^ The ability to add armor mods to clothing doesn't exactly solve it... Because I would e.g. want to switch out the "armor" for something against radiation, while still wearing the "clothing" that looks like e.g. a raider... So I would look the same but have different stats.
  5. There is a feature in some MMOs like this, where you actually have two kinds of armor. One whos stats actually affect your character, and one which is visible from the outside, but doesn't affect your stats. I would love to walk around the wasteland looking cool and all, but the armor with good stats usually looks... well, ugly, tbh. Hence I am searching for a mod that lets you basically have two outfits. One with actual stats and on top of that the one that you see when looking at the character. Is there anything already out there for this / in the planning?
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