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About RexDarvog

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    Discord Is Stupid
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  1. Greetings, I'm attempting to replace the main menu loop but had trouble with the original video still playing when I replaced it with another. I have my audio, but I don't have my edited video, which is the original main menu loop with filters and timed to fit the audio sample. The new loop is 2:47 long, but the original loop is 2:28 or something. Does the main menu loop video have to be that specific time? Or can it be changed? Also, I thought I should disclose the fact that I'm new to modding, this is only my second attempt at modifying any game. I followed this tutorial, and although a bit dated, I thought I did every step that they had done. This must be peanuts to an experienced modder, but any help would be appreciated.
  2. Some of these estimations are pretty accurate, but others seem a little more out there. They could happen if the right steps were made at the wrong time. The prediction that seems the most likely is evictions because it's set up to be inevitable. Rent is too high for the average American to pay, homes are too much for an average family to live in. Unless it's an apartment or trailer, the only affordable housing is either falling down or over 70 years old with neglected maintenance.
  3. I don't make many political posts, but I'll share my thoughts since you've asked. Apologies if I go off-topic and write long lecturing paragraphs. I tend to do that. Also, I'm not a political type of person, I'm just an artist. I like to stay politically neutral most of the time, and I only speak in cautiously optimistic terms because I don't have a degree in Political Science. I think the best government is probably one that respects and listens to the people it governs, cares enough about them, and makes a reasonable, whole-hearted attempt to help them out. A con to that ideal government is that it isn't achievable when there are many fires to put out and not enough resources to pull from until everyone is satisfied. Take for example, my local government. I've been living in my house for three years with a basement that constantly floods from storm water surging through the sewer system and leaving human waste decaying in my house. Lots of other folks have this problem. The public sewer system laid here in post-war suburbia is still connected to the storm drains. Every rainstorm brings in more water and fresh sewer. This city is a dump compared to its neighbors. A Shell station and a hot dog/hamburger joint are the only reasons people visit the town. There are no cinemas, no parks, and barely any honest paying work. Not a lot of resources for some dumpy little city to lay brand-new sewer lines that aren't collectively over 150 years old. I understand why my local government can't do anything about the problem that everyone has, but I'm still annoyed that they won't help. Now I'd say the best system realistically would have a little democracy and a little socialism involved. Nothing too crazy like free college, but something that helps people generally move forward in life. Sort of like handing people a shovel and helping them dig their way out of the hole. I'll also share a few socialistic ideas that could benefit a large group of people: First, to make utilities free in a certain sense. Second, some free public healthcare given to folk from birth until death. No filling out forms and waiting for a response, no situations where you don't have healthcare and are hospitalized. Lastly, and most importantly, paving sidewalks alongside every single road. Why the sidewalks, you might ask? I couldn't tell you how difficult it was to be in a wheelchair; Actually, yes, I can. It was difficult to be in a wheelchair for three months, unable to walk. Nothing was made easy for handicapped folk. You think it is, but it isn't. I couldn't travel out of my home even if I had a ramp because the sidewalks in town are 70 years old with traditional granite curbs. They're lifted four feet off the ground, some are broken up and have grass grown in between, some don't exist, some lead to a dead end, and most of them are left to the homeowner to maintain. Let's just say they don't get repaired until about.. never. So a pro in this realistic government is that they would repair all sidewalks or whenever the road also gets repaired. A simple solution would be to grind it down flat and pave asphalt over the top like the road, just so a wheelchair can roll through. They would also build a trans-continental sidewalk with at least one path connecting all streets. A con for that type of government is that they would likely prioritize public transportation. You wouldn't need a sidewalk around your town at that point, but you couldn't walk or wheel safely from New York to San Francisco. Well, those are my thoughts that I'm willing to share. I have more, but I don't want to bore you all. Thanks for reading.
  4. Greetings, after visiting Massachusetts, I realized that Salem in Fallout 4 is not anywhere near the size of the actual city. That's to be expected, of course. Washington D.C. in Fallout 3 is also undersized, but the game's developers obviously can't recreate everything in detail. However, an undersized Salem is not the problem. It's the fact that the Friendship of Salem is missing. She's one of the main tourist attractions when you visit the city, yet nothing in-game mentions her or the reason for her absence. There are naval ships and other vessels in the Fallout universe that have been reasonably modeled, even the USS Constitution and respectfully so. As an average tall ship enjoyer, I would greatly appreciate the Friendship of Salem recreated and docked or, more likely, shipwrecked on Salem's coastline. If one wished to avoid creating an accurate model, they could resize and recolor the Constitution's model to match the Friendship with sails furled and cannons removed. The Friendship of Salem is a replica of the original Friendship, a 1797 East Indiaman, and it's a similar shape to a United States-class frigate. There would be some differences, but I'm no stickler for accuracy as long as the ship is there. Thanks for reading, and if one chooses to work on this mod idea, I'd be glad to answer your questions in an untimely matter. Also let me know if there is actually something about the ship in Fallout 4 that I don't know about.
  5. I've never needed to have essential mods only on my main machine before, but I had done something similar for a mobile Fallout 4 and Skyrim gaming rig that needed a little more pizazz than plain vanilla. I think my essential mods then were a Scar-H, M1 Garand, M14, a light hair mod, Mine! Seagull sound replacer, Fallout 3 NV Ghoul replacer, Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch, and a few fps and performance mods because I was gaming on a ThinPad E-560. I think those were Fog Remover - Performance Enhancer II, Boston FPS Fix, Insignificant Object Remover, and Performance Of The Gods. I'm sure I'm missing a few other mods, but that was essentially the main list, along with essential tools like F4SE that are needed for any modded game. I chose a small list because of my laptop's magnanimous CPU, but aside from a few annoyances and being a bit boring, I'm also fine playing the vanilla game. I didn't exactly need any overhauls to fix issues or grievances, and I believe that I didn't need anything more clever than what I had. Personally, all two-hundred-something mods I have are pretty essential for my game. I considered taking my SFF machine and a small monitor with me instead of my laptop but I decided that traveling light was more interesting.
  6. I got this kind of message as well. Usually, the list is more or less exactly what I downloaded, but I've never downloaded any mods on the most recent pop-up reminders. I figured it was just an advertisement for other mods or a "top picks for you" kind of thing. I find the pop-up rather annoying most of the time, but I can understand why it might be necessary to have such a thing.
  7. Greetings, I don't have a solution, but I have the same problem. I was running my game just fine until Vortex was recently updated. Now I can't load any save for any modded character I have. Perhaps this update has made a mod or two incompatible for some reason. I can't be sure because I can't check out every single mod out of 200, though I did update the ones that need it. I also didn't download any new mods either. I'd admit that my mods aren't optimized the best. They're just disabled/enabled until Fallout 4 doesn't crash. Maybe I'm just missing something simple, but everything was running fine before a Vortex update.
  8. I've read somewhere that human beings are one of the only or one of the very few animals that would deliberately harm another of their kind for no justified reason at all, just the simple compulsion to destroy. I have forgotten where I've read or heard about it, however. Always seemed to have some truth in it.
  9. People pronouncing words differently don't really bother me unless it's my name. I once said my five letter name directly into the face of a person I've only just met and they immediately mispronounced it by adding an S at the end, and just about everyone I've ever met in life has mispronounced like that since I was born. No idea why they do, nobody mispronounces the name of the city that also includes my name in the title but they can never seem to grasp what my name actually is. It was one reason why I wanted everyone to call me Rex, another reason was because I thought it was funny to deceive people. Also, I pronounced GIF with a hard G, as in gift.
  10. Greetings, just as the title states the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is now Ohio. More specifically Boston is now Cleveland, the Glowing Sea is Akron, Salem is Sandusky, Sanctuary will be Mansfield, etc. This idea wouldn't quite match Fallout 4's map but just renaming locations is enough to make a joke. I'd do it myself but I don't know the first thing about what's involved, and I don't think simply typing in names would work. Also, it's up to the author if they wish to put in Ohio lore where there is Boston lore, for example "Boston's Swatting sultans" can be changed to "Cleveland's Guardians" or something more catchy. I'm uncertain if there is already a modification that allows you to rename every single location across the map, and I wouldn't have the foggiest idea on how to export and upload it on Nexus after I'm done. I'm also unaware if there are terms of service against the alteration that this idea would do to Fallout 4, although there are a few problems with changing locations in the game itself. In particular NPC's reference Massachusetts as "the Commonwealth" but Ohio isn't a Commonwealth, or that fact that historical monuments and buildings in Mass. such as the Old North Church or the USS Constitution won't always have real and exact references in Ohio, which could break the Ohio immersion. There also could be problems with NPC's that reference locations but I believe a simple rename of the area wouldn't affect dialogue too much . Thanks for reading and if one chooses to work on this mod idea I'd be glad to answer any Ohio questions in an untimely matter.
  11. I usually play through with the MinuteMaid Men and the Botherhood but I've only had two characters complete the game with them because Fallout 4 is honestly a joke to play serious. From my perspective, the Botherhood in Boston is no different from the Brotherhood in the Mojave. A self-centered, self-absorbed, incohesive, incoherent, indecisive, and heavily armed society who's leaders have emotional complexity. The BoS and the NCR are the two most capable factions to rebuild the United States and defend her because of their regulated armies, the ability to supply them and their civilians, their superior air support, and a giant robot that tosses around a nuclear arsenal. But compared to the real Brotherhood in Fallout 3 no BoS faction after 2277 has ever fought the good fight, for the people, of the people. The only Institute character I had was one of my Botherhood plays so I could experience the story behind the Institute but I went back to a previous save after completing a CIT game. In a way the Institute is similar to the Botherhood because their view on helping the wasteland is utopian, much like Maxson's. They have the ability to nurse the wastes back to health but make little effort to do so, instead waiting until the time is right. I dislike this faction the most because I find the story convoluted, you make it your ultimate goal to help people but you've done almost nothing for them in the past 210 years and tried playing god to pass the time. The only good about them is Doctor Madison Li and Virgil. I never did complete a Wailroad story but I did start one on console. The Wailroad has good intentions with bad execution, they don't help the wasteland but they rage against the machine. I agree that having a delusional and single-minded mission that isn't well thought out is the best way to describe them. So, normally I just run with the MinuteMaid Men because I can build complicated settlements and crash my game all the time. True that they are a defeated faction and the character raises them back from the dead, but at least they are the only faction that still fights the good fight around the Commonwealth. With the player's direction there is no more conflict, no ghoul shaming, and I help the wasteland with day to day survival by building fortified settlements equipped with food, shelter, water, love, some power, and few hundred missile turrets. Lastly, I think the most successful faction in Fallout 4 is Vault 81. They've fallen on hard times of course but what community doesn't? They survived the Great War for over 200 years, they've had leadership to guide their citizens, a fortified shelter, clean water and food, and open trading routes despite danger of unsavory types. Although their vault program was essentially to become unsuspecting lab rats to volatile experiments, they didn't simply survive in the vault but rather prospered just enough to make a difference in their community.
  12. Forsooth, I always get frame rate drop and occasional CTD right outside Windhelm. It's usually when I arrive by the stables and sometimes as far as those farms across the docks, seems to be a similar issue as you have but I'm running original Skyrim with some mods.
  13. You know with the development of Fallout: London bringing the story to other nations, it makes me think; Fallout: New China. You can get a choice between an American Adventure by ship or born in post-apocalyptia China much like Fallout 3, but either story will show how they survived and rebuilt after the war. I don't know, could be fun. In any case, another New Vegas/southwestern-style Fallout game would likely take place in California, Mexico, or maybe even Texas. It would probably involve a power struggle between NCR government and other parties shortly after 2281 based what Marcus said to the Courier: "They keep rolling over people, they'll regret it. That's how revolutions start." After the downfall of Caesar's Legion the NCR has no opposition to fight except for themselves.
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