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Everything posted by TheInquisitor

  1. As the title says, it would be nice to be able to sort the list of tracked mods by the date order in which they were tracked. I don't know about anyone else, but sometimes my list of tracked mods can spread over 3 or 4 pages and being able to quickly jump to the ones that I added most recently would be very helpful, as the date a mod is tracked can often have nothing to do with when it was actually released.
  2. So I looked more into the issue of memory. I ran through all my mods that I'd downloaded and that I had installed, only to find a discrepancy. I somehow no longer had ENBoost installed. I installed that and hallelujah the game stopped crashing. As for the copious number of patches, that's just an occupational hazard when you have load orders as big as mine :P And it used to be bigger. 55 ESPs bigger :P I spent 3 days rebuilding my game to get more stability, lol. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how ENBoost disappeared from my game folder. So I guess for anyone else out there who's have random crashes with big load orders, try ENBoost. It might just work. Thanks to everyone who's suggested things, and especially talking about memory issues, because I'm not sure I would've picked up on the lack of ENBoost without it (using MO means I don't open my actual game or data folders very often, unlike when I was still using NMM).
  3. Aside from load spikes, smooth 60 (using the FPS Limiter mod).
  4. So you think it could be a memory issue? Any suggestions? I'm already, of course, running the SKSE memory patch.
  5. In the last day or so I've started getting consistent and unavoidable crashes whenever I get too close to the city of Windhelm. I have not added any mods whatsoever that make any changes to that part of the gameworld but it has started all the same. I've looked for solutions but nothing's helped me so far. I run my game through Mod Organizer and I've tried unchecking the usual suspects (JK's and USLEEP combo). I've also tried disabling Skyrim Sewers but to no avail. This is my load order: This is the papyrus log that was last generated: On the one occasion I was able to get a bit closer and make a save, this was the result when I loaded said save: I'm sort of at my wits end with this one because it's just come out of the blue. I was running around Winhelm just fine a few days ago. I come back to the game a couple of days later and this s*** is happening. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. It's the interaction between DEF_UI and this mod. I got around it by manually selecting each individual file for installation and choosing DEF_UI files over this mod's. However the inventory file (with the Vault Girl armour slots) works just fine I found in tandem with DEF_UI.
  7. In response to post #43220085. I disagree. To a simple user, they are unlikely to want to be diving into the data folder anyway unless they absolutely have to. Which means virtualisation will not impact on them in the slightest. And if someone DOES, all they need to do is go to the folder where the mod manager unpacks its files into and find the folder for the mod they're looking for. All the stuff is there. It's not hard. Virtualisation is better in every single way IMO.
  8. On the left is the trace route On the right is the network tab of the dev tools. I'm getting an ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE error.
  9. I've been getting this since yesteday. You're not alone.
  10. I'm using DEF_UI's HUDmenu file so I've avoided that problem :) I'm probably going to hold off on updating any of the features until a v1.0 comes out. For now I've got most of the mod installed manually and working perfectly. It's really amazing stuff!
  11. yah i am currently using his mod also. so are the gifs you posted for non perk chart perks? or are they perk chart stuff that you haven't decided if your gonna put them in yet. The ones in this mod, IIRC, are for the Stats screen perk gifs, the mono-coloured ones. Ya know, where you can check a list of all the perks you have without going to the perk chart.
  12. You are a goddamned miracle worker, sir. When I have the time I'll try and install the new files manually (if I can figure out which ones they are xD) to keep my UI from falling apart :P Can't wait to see this finished!
  13. Actually I have DEF_UI and the inventory equip screen both working! You just have to manually pick through the files and place the right ones. I'm not on my gaming laptop right now so I can't show you which ones, but it can be done if you're careful. It's not complicated at all, it's just tedious figuring out which interface files to use and which ones to not use. Also you're probably better off using VIS rather than Bhaal because VIS doesn't touch the UI and can in fact be installed as part of DEF_UI.
  14. I've done a custom manual install to prevent conflicts with DEF_UI. I'll probably hold off trying anything new until that gets resolved (whenever that might be :)) For now I'm loving the in-world changes with all the posters and the stat-screen changes. So awesome.
  15. Wow I feel like such a scrub. I've never encountered this problem in the past so thought nothing of it, but updating LooksMenu and ESPExplorer seems to have fixed it; still waiting on Place Everywhere to reach 0.2.2 (currently it's at 0.2.1 and I'm not going to chance it). Not in all my time playing and modding FONV, Skyrim or Fallout 4 (5 years now) have I had such a problem with script extender plugins being outdated causing a CTD. I guess you learn something new with every patch, huh.
  16. I updated f4se liked I have every other time, extracting the two DLLs and the f4se_launcher into the main game folder, but now it crashes to desktop before it gets to the splash screen. I've tried downgrading to 1.6.9 and it works just fine. The game also just runs fine when I don't run it through f4se. I've not made any other changes to these files so I'm at a loss as to what's going on. I've tried restarting both Steam and my system but that hasn't helped. I'm running Windows 7 with a Core i7-4710 MQ (2.50GHz) with 24Gb of RAM and an Nvidia GTX 880m w. 8Gb onboard memory. I've not had any issues with f4se in the past. Any ideas?
  17. In terms of sheer hours played, I'd have Skyrim, Dota 2 and an old 90s mac game called "BOOM" in my top 3. But nostalgia dictates that I say Age of Empires II is my favourite PC game. I've got 3 different legit copies on disc, lol. But I also really like: New Vegas Minecraft Doom 3 Halo 1 At one time I used to play A LOT of SimCity 2000 and SimCity 4 I'm also a big fan of Warcraft III and The Stanley Parable. I'm also partial to the odd game of CS:GO
  18. First bit of feedback: "This enables everyone to share their modded experiences easier than ever" *More easily than ever ;) Jokes aside, though, the new features of NMM are fantastic and I'm looking forward to seeing where it progresses from here.
  19. I did a partial install of the alpha of this mod (didn't install the pipboy inventory file or the hudmenu because I use Pleasant UI and DEF_INV) and it looks amazing so far!
  20. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/801/288/c0e.gif What, like this one? :3
  21. The Dialogue Box is back but now im missing the Vault Girl animation for speech checks, wich isnt a big deal. That is quite strange O.o I would've thought the dialogue box itself would be an entirely separate entity from the speech check animation. Huh. Hopefully that interaction will get fixed in the near future :)
  22. Might be worth reinstalling both of them in reverse order to see if that messes anything up. If it doesn't then just install Vault Girl then Full Dialogue over it. I'm still very excited for this mod and I look forward to seeing it finished. You da modder, bigC!
  23. In response to post #37620645. #37623800, #37644655, #37645075 are all replies on the same post. I looked into it but it appears to be an opt-in adblocker. I specifically prefer opt-out blockers so that websites I visit incidentally (i.e. have no investment in or visit once in a blue moon) are kept clean and I can deliberately opt out of the ad blocking on websites (like the Nexus) or individual YouTube channels that I want to.
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