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Everything posted by TheInquisitor

  1. This looks amazing. I hope it gets completed at some point because the quality of what I'm seeing is absolutely top-notch!
  2. Ok so something in my load order is killing Valdacil's sorting mod, which adds prefixes to armour items, designating their slot. For something reason armour isn't working, but everything else is.
  3. I'd tried that and it didn't change anything. To specify, the armour's names change when I add mods to them, so "Leather Tough Armour" becomes "Leather Tough Armour of Strength" when I add a mod that adds strength to the armour item in question.
  4. It's not a major bug, but it's very frustrating nonetheless; none of the armour pieces in my game have limb designations in their names, which makes it exceedingly annoying trying to loot the stuff, because I don't know which piece I'm taking. It's all just "Leather Tough Armour" or "Raider Tough Armour". I've gone through my mod list half a dozen times, I've combed through it in FO4Edit trying to find the culprit but I've come up empty handed every single time. I've gone through the mods I have that change the Fallout4_en.STRINGS file, but none of them make specific changes to armour names the Better Inventory Sorting mod doesn't even touch the pieces of armour in question, so I'm at a complete loss. This is my current load order: Fallout4.esm=1 ArmorKeywords.esm=1CROSS_CosmeticFramework.esm=1Homemaker.esm=1Easier Hacking - 1 Word.esp=1Easy Lockpick.esp=1no_level_reqs.esp=1ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks.esp=1F4RE - Module 5 - Weapons and armor.esp=1Armorsmith Extended.esp=1combat_PA.esp=1tumbajamba Advanced Engineering.esp=1combat_PA - tAE - AWKCR.esp=1DX Courser X-92 Power Suit.esp=1CROSS_Cybernetics.esp=1CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp=1CROSS_ExoFrame.esp=1GlovesOfTheCommonwealth.esp=1PowerArmorDelivery.esp=1CROSS_Uni_Belt.esp=1CROSS_Uni_Headset.esp=1Vasstek_VaultSuit.esp=1NanoHelmet.esp=1Companion Infinite Ammo and Unbreakable Power Armour.esp=1DD_I_Ran_Out_Of_Funny_Names.esp=1DD_CBBE_SLooty_Castle_Innie_Vajayjay_4k_Fix.esp=1DDP_Ramps_mark1.esp=1DD_Michael_Faraday_Time_yo.esp=1DD_Spiral_staircases.esp=1BetterJunkFences.esp=1WoodenPrefabsExtended.esp=1Workshop_Planters.esp=1F4RE - Module 0 - Core.esp=1TripleVATSDistanceCap.esp=1F4RE - Module 1 - Humanoids.esp=1F4RE - Module 2 - Wildlife.esp=1F4RE - Module 3 - Machines.esp=1F4RE - Module 4 - Legendaries.esp=1My_Minutemen.esp=1MoreHairstyles4Female4.1.esp=1HairVariations_Conversions.esp=1HairVariations_Elegant.esp=1HairVariations_FairyTails.esp=1HairVariations_Sophisticate.esp=1HairVariations_YoungAtHeart.esp=1The Sophisticate Collection.esp=1Lasers Have No Recoil.esp=1PA_Overmodded_Edition.esp=1Realistic Death Physics.esp=1More armor slots.esp=1DeadBodyCollision.esp=1Busty GRRL.esp=1BetterSettlers.esp=1Gorgeous_VaultGirlV1_preset2.esp=1def_inv_scrap_en.esp=1Better Inventory Sorting - Misc.esp=1BetterWeaponModDescriptionsLite.esp=1LegendaryModification.esp=1LegendaryModificationRemoveLevelEC.esp=1LegendaryModificationMisc.esp=1LegendaryModificationMiscRemoveLevelEC.esp=1CutWeaponModsRestored.esp=1CutWeaponModsRestored-UniqueWeaponModRecipes.esp=1BetterWeaponModDescriptionsCWMR2.1.esp=1BetterWeaponModDescriptionsCWMR2.1Lite.esp=1keyNuker_keys_en.esp=1CTHColoredFriendliesWeaponDrawn-NSL.esp=1BetterNightVision.esp=1DarkerNights.esp=1DarkerNightsDetection.esp=1Fr4nssonsLightTweaks.esp=1Remove Interior Fog.esp=1DesertEagle50AE.esp=1Extended weapon mods.esp=1GunNut5.esp=1Laser Musket Mods.esp=1DD_M79_Launcher_woooot.esp=1m82a.esp=1mk14.esp=1Mk14-EBR_SniperExtension.esp=1mk14-awkcr.esp=1ShaikujinSettlementAttacked.esp=1Se.C.Ks.esp=1Safe SSEx.esp=1Homemaker - SSEx Compatibility Patch.esp=1Snap and Build - Bunker.esp=1Craftable Armor Size.esp=1FreeToCraft.esp=1Armor_Mods_Expanded_v1b2.esp=1Better Inventory Sorting - Armors.esp=1 I've sorted it using LOOT multiple times, I've done comflict checks in FO4Edit, none of them have helped me pinpoint the source of my problem.
  5. A cleaner interface and new look and feel are important going forward (and a slightly more mobile friendly design), I think it's important to try and maintain the heavily stylised nature of the website. The color balance, placement and choice of background images. The whole place has a quaint feel to it, but in a good "home, sweet home" kinda way and it would be a shame if the new site didn't reflect this.
  6. Not sure. Might not do anything. I think that just about sums up half the variables in Bethesda's engine at this point xD
  7. So what does fCombatAcquireWeaponRangedDistanceMax do? Is that like the Recon scope acquisition range or something?
  8. In response to post #30825770. I purchased lifetime membership for that very reason. Support a fantastic community that does a tremendous service to PC Gaming. Long live the Nexus!
  9. I wanted to get back into modding but my Creation Kit is in a permanent state of trying to update, which leaves me with only the option of deleting it and reinstalling it, at which point it works for that first time, but once I've logged out of Steam the cycle starts again. Any help in trying to solve this would be appreciated. I've already tried deleting clientregistry.blob and that made no difference.
  10. In response to post #24747119. #24747194 is also a reply to the same post. I'd just like to add a few things: First I'd like to say that I think I understand what Dark0ne meant by he felt sorry for Bethesda. They've been pretty supportive of modding pretty much from the get-go and this was an attempt, not just to continue that, but up the ante and actually give something back. A company with their history would be unlikely to be doing something as delicate as this as a money grab, so I never really thought this was a financial issue for them, especially when you consider the tiny fraction of money that would be going to them from the tiny fraction of the community that actually uses mods (8% with a modded game, possibly fewer than half that actually modding using the Workshop, and an even tinier fraction of mods on the Workshop generating an income from paywalls). As Gabe said in an AMA on reddit, any company doing something like that with those numbers with financial gain in mind is out of its mind. Secondly, I'd like to point out that if this had been a donation-based system instead of a paywall system then most of the concerns would've been moot cos all mods would've still been free. I also think the model being used before the whole thing was shut down would work for some different games like Dota 2 or CS:GO where the content is entirely cosmetic and it's a WYSIWYG product from the get-go. Lastly I get the feeling that Bethesda are probably walking away from this with their public image tail somewhat between their legs, and I think it's a bit unfortunate that this will be the case (my reasoning is the same as what I said in the first paragraph) because there is always the chance, however small, that it might generate impetus within the company to move away from the strong modding support they've had thus far and none of us want that. The community overreacted spectacularly (the only worse reaction I can remember was the Diretide shitstorm for Dota 2 2 years back...god knows we didn't need another one of those). The concerns were valid, but the ferocity of the reaction was NOT.
  11. In response to post #24388504. That would be hilarious...and impractical. Since Bethesda Game Studios will be the ones making FO4 and TES VI...they can't work on them at the same time. I think somebody got way ahead of themselves in that article xD
  12. I think the ultimate step is when content that would otherwise be issued with a Cease and Desist order gets protected by this system.
  13. In response to post #23155249. #23158539 is also a reply to the same post. Funnily enough, if that figure was AUD it would be entirely tax free because down here in Aus you don't start paying tax until you earn more than $18,200. Ofc £18,000 is nearly twice that, but under any decent taxation system almost none of that would be taxed. I do agree, though, that it's not very much in this day and age but as the Nexus continues to grow and grow I have no doubts the resources that become available to run it will grow alongside that.
  14. I would like to request an expansion of the new popup system implemented for when a mod author specifies that their file requires other mods to work. I think if users could make their own popup messages if there are warnings they would like to reiterate for those who don't RTFM. I.e. Mod author A has some important message they want to ensure people get before installing their mod. They create a custom popup message for when users try to download their file which contains the important message. So now whenever a user goes to download this mod, either manually or via the NMM button, they will be presented with the message the mod author wanted them to read. I'm sure there are more than a few mods that could benefit from such a system, allowing the author to further ensure that mod users cannot complain they were not informed of some crucially important piece of information.
  15. And how did you manage to get shot by a wimp like Benny and some Khans in the first place? I mean if you were a level 1 wimp yourself, it makes sense, but apparantly you are this awe inspiring badass courier who wandered the divide and went places entire battalions feared to tread. And yet a schmoe like Benny gets the drop on you? No, sorry, just not buying it. Benny and his goons would never have gotten the drop on such a character, and would have died if they had tried. Sorry, it just does not run. It is yet another major flaw in the main story of the courier. This reminds me of a bad 'thriller' that ends and has me asking five thousand question starting with the words 'wait a minute, that doesn't make any sense ...'. They need to go back to a classic fallout story for the next game. Keep it simple. You are level 1 and dont know dick about the world because you grew up in an isolated vault/village and give the character a history, with friends and family, and then give him a simple but believable reason for leaving. And for gods sake dont add things in the game that require you main character to be a grade A moron to actually progress the main quest. No more Bathesda special starts please. Give me a classic fallout start any time. I agree that the character backstory of New Vegas is very much lacking when compared to the previous Fallout games. Part of the reason I use Tale of Two Wastelands is that it gives the Courier backstory. And that backstory is that the Courier is the Lone Wanderer. It's not perfect and it doesn't excuse the lack of backstory in Vanilla New Vegas, but it's something.
  16. I would be interested to know how you achieved this (being a big user of the Dance of Death mod in Skyrim and all)
  17. In response to post #15727915. I agree! Ideally it should actually start rotating through the images from the image you are currently viewing, rather than always from the start, but regardless it was nice and would be really nice to have back.
  18. In response to post #15363370. #15365070 is also a reply to the same post. AWESOME! =D EDIT: The fix worked and all is well in the land of NMM. Tyty!
  19. Unfortunately updating to 0.50.1 completely broke the ability to edit the interface. The fluid and snap-lock system from earlier versions is gone and I'm really missing the setup I've always used (3 fixed panes; downloads across the top, Load Order on the left and mod list on the right). It's going to be seriously frustrating constantly tabbing between the mod list and the load order... ...so much so I'm probably going to go back to 0.49 until this is fixed.
  20. Wait so Halo loses to FF, but then Fallout beats it? Seems legit (not that I'm complaining). Honesty? At this point TES has it sown up, though I suspect most of the people who voted for it based their votes solely on Skyrim and maybe Oblivion, with a (relatively speaking) small minority having played all 3 TES games released last decade. I am, however, very disappointed by the lack of Warcraft in that poll.
  21. @BiskmatarCatalyst: I completely agree. As soon as my next pay packet comes in I'm jumping on board as well. It's well worth it and the benefits of a modding community like this far outweighs any money I, or anyone else, could donate to keep it running.
  22. I set the skse_launcher to run as Admin and that solved this problem for me.
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