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Everything posted by Elfriend

  1. I've played around with uGrids a lot and can report that the reversion method posted above by Renn works perfectly. With an i7 3930K @ 3.2 GHz and a GTX 580 w/3G, I run very stably at uGrids=7, but 9 is very unstable.
  2. Agreed. I've used several and it is by far the worst - can't believe they still manage to sell it. The security package that comes with Windows 7 works just fine and doesn't cost you a cent extra.
  3. demidekidasu's Millview is a lovely home, but it's rather small (one bedroom). It's become the permanent home for one of my PCs.
  4. This is a fun and entertaining thread. I especially liked the part about the psychological profile (though I think you gave yourself away there). Keep it coming, MissAshley. Please, moderators, don't close it down. This is the most amusing thing to hit the forum since the Cabbage in a Kettle.
  5. On another note I'm having difficulty installing the Skyrim Flora Overhaul, I go into the Skyrim.ini (My Documents\My Games\Skyrim), open with notebook and I can't find "iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=6" anywhere. You have to add that line to the .ini file if it is not present, under [Grass}.
  6. Luaffyn in Candlehearth Hall has a decent voice, compared to the others. Karita is hands down the worse I've heard, but usually when they start on "Ragnar the Red" I head for the exit (or turn the speakers off).
  7. With respect, zog, a new user is a whole lot more likely to get into trouble loading the 100+ mods you list and making massive changes to their .ini files than they are by changing uGrids. It is true that if you increase uGrids you will not be able to load a save made at a previous, lower number. The change can be easily reversed, though, so the older save is not "borked". I know, I've done it. I also know, from experience, what works on my rig, which is actually inferior to the OP's. trexil., I suggest that you start with a few, well-proven mods (like the ones I listed), see if you like them, then move on to others. Add one at a time, and if possible try them out before making a new save with them, because unfortunately all sorts of things can get incorporated into saves. I would NOT suggest that you make any changes to your .ini files until you thoroughly understand how the game works. I would NOT suggest that you take the advice of every Internet guru who comes along (including this one).
  8. Nice rig. I use the official Bethesda HiRes Texture Packs 1-3 (free from Steam), W.A.T.E.R., Project Reality - Climates of Tamriel and Skyrim Flora Overhaul. You could also try increasing uGridsToLoad to 7 in your Skyrim.ini file. The latter is quite stable on my rig (similar to yours but with a 3gb 580), but increasing to 9 gave me a lot of crashes.
  9. I didn't know one could rotate those images. You learn something new every day. Thanks! Spottedog, if you have an nVidia graphics card, try EVGA Precision (free software from their website). It will let you take screenshots in several formats and do a lot of other stuff as well. Also, when you want to take a screenshot, open the console and enter tm to get rid of the informational clutter on the screen. Entering it again will restore it.
  10. TFC, for screenshots; Prid and moveto.player, for retrieving lost followers; coc, if I add a follower mod and want to see if the game has actually added him before I trudge halfway across Skyrim; player.additem (rarely), as when I sell something by mistake, buy it back and give myself the price difference, and for steel bolts (if I can forge steel arrows, why not bolts? They're just short arrows with a different head.); setscale, to customize NPCs; setav (rarely), to customize PCs.
  11. Thanks for all the help. It turned out to be more complicated than I thought. Here's a tip. Setting uGrids to 9 didn't work, even on a high-end system. 7 works pretty well, though, no crashes as of this post. Sorry to bother you.
  12. Before you chastise me, I've have searched and turned up little, other than that you can and the saves are separate. I also know not to switch from a save for one PC to a save for another without reloading the game. But, can you just inactivate mods you don't want (I use NMM) for one PC, use a different set for another PC, then reactivate them when you switch to a save for the first PC? I'd like to start a new game, keep most of the mods, inactivate mods for various NPCs, armors etc that don't apply, and add some mods like Frostfall and Basic Needs that I don't currently use. Then, switch back to the first PC by, well, you get it. Wrye Bash lets you do this, but it is no longer supported. If anyone has advice on doing this, I'd much appreciate hearing it.
  13. I've been playing it for almost a year and I think it's fantastic. Bow sight is off, so you have to adjust your aim? My, that's unrealistic. Ever get into a long melee duel with a boss AI that knows how to block, bash and power attack? I'm still figuring it out, but I have yet to fall off a cliff attacking someone with a sword. Been through the whole game and not satisfied? Try it with some of the realism mods like Hypothermia and Basic Needs. In fact, mods will correct a lot of your complaints. Try playing it as a sandbox, rather than just blowing through the built-in main quest. But then, you don't sound like a role-player. I'd like some of the things you mention, like gambling games in the inns or random muggings in the cities (there are some), but no game has everything for everyone. Until one does, I'm sticking with this one.
  14. As people have repeatedly pointed out in other threads, this is The Elder Scrolls, not Dungeons&Dragons. That's why the elves are so ugly.
  15. Look at it this way, if Skyrim is now in final form it will really turn the modders loose to produce fabulous new content. No more worrying about the next patch breaking things.
  16. Not sure what you mean by "main menu". If the .esm shows up in data files, you should have it. Has anyone in-game mentioned Dawnguard to your character, ie "I hear they're rebuilding the Dawnguard, vampire hunters or something..."?
  17. I love Khajiits. I just want to stroke those thick, furry tails (well, not the males). Unfortunately, the game has a real dearth of female Khajiit companions, so I will have to learn the Toolkit to make my own.
  18. They don't. They have their thanes do it.
  19. No offense intended, Sir, but it seems you prefer the "novel" approach. Someone else writes the story, you "beat the game" and then sit back and enjoy the ending. I've done that (fireworks at the end of "Curse of the Azure Bonds", anyone?), but now prefer the "roleplaying" approach. Give me a detailed, complex, graphically beautiful imaginary world and I'll write the story myself. I know I'm a minority, since I couldn't care less about dragons and the Dovahkacallit. The beauty of Skyrim and the reason Bethesda has made so money from it, is that it can accomodate a wide variety of approaches. If ProjektRed actually produces a sandbox version of The Witcher, I'll try that too. Certainly, the first two iterations didn't appeal to me.
  20. To set up the story: I play Skyrim strictly as a sandbox. My companion is a very non-canon faerie (Lunariana, by FalmerBane), who likes to resurrect fallen opponents to help us in battle. I built the Lakeview Manor house, didn't like it much, so adopted another one across the road from Half-Moon Mill (Millview, by demidekidasu). Thus, I often travel the road between them, along the south shore of Lake Ilinalta. After a while, I began regularly to meet a female hunter on a palomino horse along that stretch of road, where there is often trouble. I'd stop and talk, see what she had to sell, trade a few furs. Sometimes she'd be on foot chasing game and I'd help her. Sometimes she would be attacked by bandits or spiders and I'd come to her aid. She came to be an imaginary friend. One day, as Luna and I walked that route, I saw a dead giant frostbite spider in the road. Knowing they often come in pairs, I hurried toward it, bow ready for combat. We found and killed the second spider. After the fight, there was the hunter, bathed in the bluish glow that indicates resurrection. Apparently, she had killed the first spider and been killed by the second. Luna had resurrected her to help fight our battle. A minute later she was a pile of ash. Nearby I found her horse, also dead. We'd arrived just a little too late. I kept a ring found in the ashes and enchanted it with Restore Health. My PC still wears it.
  21. I agree with you, but... Everyone plays the game the way they wish. Today I saw a mod for a "sexy Redguard" companion that, quite frankly, looked like a cow. Why anyone would want such a companion is beyond me, but there it was. Moo. There are plenty of great modders producing content that is intelligent and mature (in the traditional sense). As the game is finished, DLC-wise, and becomes stable there will be many more. Enjoy the good, ignore the rest.
  22. Expelled from Toril by Mystra for daring to defy the gods, this ex-mage woke up on the bank of what he later learned was the White River, battered, bruised and naked. Nearby was a ruined shack with a corpse that yielded some clothing. A faerie befriended him and brought him fruit. When he regained his strength he began rebuilding the shack and exploring an abandoned prison across the river...
  23. Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all! :yes:
  24. Well, I just finished reinstalling from the original disk, but I did not delete all the Skyrim folders from my drive before doing so. S@#%m then automatically updated the game and re-downloaded all my DLC. All my mods are intact, but who knows what will happen to you. S@#%m sucks. Good luck, and I apologize for hijacking your thread.
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