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Everything posted by brettkeaneyoutube

  1. Feel free to port my mod to Xbox. Full permission. Enjoy! https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/12177
  2. My mod https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/12177
  3. Unfortunately, CK crashes when I try to port it to Xbox. If anyone could port it for me I would appreciate it. Mod here https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/12177?tab=description
  4. Can someone port my mod to Xbox? I keep getting error trying to do it. I made this for a friend on xbox as a request but I can't get it up on Beth site. Your help would be appreciated. I cant open ck with out repeated crashes. This is why I need help porting. I need new PC...was barely able to make a small mod because of issues. https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/12177?tab=description
  5. Can you port this very old mod to xbox. Modder gives permission in comments before they left Nexus. https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/8190?tab=files&file_id=30397 It allows throwable mines.
  6. If you made this and sold it I would buy Awesome Mod Idea Click on NPC get menu pop up called orders. 1. Seek and destroy = search area for enemy 2. Loot Weapons, Armor, Ammo, Ect....asign who loots what or everything. 3. Assign to owned ship and send squads (Followers or recruits) to complete missions on board 4. Read Bio = NPC opens like a book or slate with detailed records and profile. 5. Choose pilot while you work ------ More arifact missions that don't involve starborn. Followers can craft if you tell them. Followers heal each other and you when downed.
  7. Throwable mines (This user made them long ago but has not returned for over a year). I want these for Xbox and people would love it because mines suck https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/8190?tab=description Surface PoIs no longer appear on the map and scanner as soon as you land on a planet, you now have to find them yourself and visit the location before the marker appears. https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6984 I would pay money
  8. Throwable mines (This user made them long ago but has not returned for over a year). I want these for Xbox and people would love it because mines suck https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/8190?tab=description Surface PoIs no longer appear on the map and scanner as soon as you land on a planet, you now have to find them yourself and visit the location before the marker appears. https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6984
  9. A majority of the mods selling on Bethesda are broke and cause issue. 1. Robin Companion breaks "The Well Map and Location Markers plus her quest is broke and modder did not bother to fix her lip sync so npc does not move lips when talks yet sells it anyway. 2. Derek Companion robot talks every 3 seconds repeating same lines making game unplayable. Can't send it away or it disappears forever. 3. The new Neon restaurant breaks Neon Map
  10. I'm not concerned about lore. I don't care if animals were cloned or saved through time travel. Perhaps we saved them in the multiverse. Someone can make it work.
  11. I will donate blood and money to anyone who puts dog meat in my game!
  12. Coffee Pot Interaction for Survival mode. Make coffee on ship or home.
  13. Sinks need water Interaction for Survival mode. Drink from sinks. I'm thirsty.
  14. I use to play on PC until my video card died. Now I'm stuck on XBOX like many others. I miss using multiple follower mod. I want to take my army with me. Please help!
  15. I wish someone could make our bought homes into small settlements to send our companions to. I'm sad because none of the modders have ported their multiple companion mods where you can have many followers join you on missions.
  16. Do you think it's possible to make a small outpost beacon that works for player homes. I want to assign my favorite companions to my homes the same way you assign to outpost. A wall beacon would be great.
  17. Tried that one. It's a bat file. Npc's dont work jobs.
  18. The only mod and I've tried everything is AFT with recruiting random npc's to make them settlers. Tried every mod on site. But aft comes with a lot of stuff that breaks other mods I enjoy. Here is what I want - A button to recruit any npc to a settler also making them protected. When I did use aft it did not protect them so they all died. I prefer Liga. The mod need to recruit, protect, and make npc's work jobs. I will pay if I must to get this.
  19. The only mod and I've tried everything is AFT with recruiting random npc's to make them settlers. Tried every mod on site. But aft comes with a lot of stuff that breaks other mods I enjoy. Here is what I want - A button to recruit any npc to a settler also making them protected. When I did use aft it did not protect them so they all died. I prefer Liga. The mod need to recruit, protect, and make npc's work jobs. I will pay if I must to get this.
  20. It's tough finding modders. I did voice acting for several mods for Fallout and Skyrim. But I had to seek out the modders. They liked me and used me.
  21. The only mod and I've tried everything is AFT with recruiting random npc's to make them settlers. Tried every mod on site. But aft comes with a lot of stuff that breaks other mods I enjoy. Here is what I want - A button to recruit any npc to a settler also making them protected. When I did use aft it did not protect them so they all died. I prefer Liga. The mod need to recruit, protect, and make npc's work jobs. I will pay if I must to get this.
  22. The mods were already installed from the Beth site. It's called an overwrite. As far as the dumbo above you I have no interest in your nonsense. Unless it's productive don't bother. I'll just block and ignore.
  23. My message explained it clearly. I'm also tired of modders not testing before uploading. They always blame another mod or Beth for their failings.
  24. Constant issues with the mod. Conflicts with to many mods. Gath removed bug section so people have to sign in his website. Been there. The answer to every bug is it's Beth fault or the engine. Or bug is blamed on some other mod. Settlers never assign properly. I have mod that turns off attacks but SS2 forces them anyway. Things I build vanish. I could go on all day. I like the quests but not the settlement damage nonstop.
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