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Everything posted by spyro1201

  1. Hey look, i made a post! Break out the wine and....i dunno....drink it I guess.
  2. Meanwhile in the lower deck of Umberlee's Wave, an elf, dressed in dark robes sits at a wooden table and is looking outside a small window. "What in seven hells is taking them so long to get this giant tub moving? We've been on this ship for days now." said the elf "Well, judging by what i saw a moment ago through the holes in the sack, I think they're waiting for some aquaphobic wemic to man up and get on the ship. But that's just my guess..." said a muffled voice that came from the old leather sack layed on the table the elf was sitting at. " A what? A wemic?!" The curious elf proceeded to point his head out of the small window. What he saw confirms his friend's assumptions. "Damn Ivan, for a bare bones skeleton with no eyes, your sight is as sharp as an eagle." "Oh you flatter me..." replied Ivan with a slight sarchastic tone. " I wonder what his party looks like. I ought to go check, this might be fun. You wanna come with me?" "Sure" The elf took the sack and put it over his shoulder and made his way to the companionway. Once on the upper deck, the robed man saw what looked like the most colorful group of adventurers he'd seen. Amidst the party he noticed what appeared to be black feathered wings. Upon further inspecion he saw hat it was a winged half elf woman, no doubt the leader of the group. "I smell adventure, Ivan!" " Oh joy..."
  3. Kyran is more like wizard/sorcerror dual class. Atleast that's what i can gather from what i've been told / have read
  4. Alright folks. Some of you may remember me, some don't. I was the guy who went on hiatus before he even made his first post in the RP. I am now ready to properly join in. Altough my character sheet is on page 113, I'm going make some changes to it and await Auri's approval. I'm also going to add a 2nd character, as a companion for Kyran.
  5. http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p359/spyro1201/desktop_zps129c22f2.jpg I've had this exact same desktop for YEARS. i think i started using it around 2008/9.
  6. Finnaly, I caught up to the latest posts in the RP. Can't wait to "write myself in".
  7. It's going to be a chalendge to have a necromancer, be one of the good guys :P But I'll do my best!
  8. Name: Kyran Race: Eladrin Age: 28 Class: Necromancer Alignment: Chaotic Good Deity: None Place of Origin: Easthaven Appearance: Kyran has an average height, long white hair and green eyes. Armor/Clothing: kyran's usual attire consists of black robes with blood red trims. He usualy wears hs hood up. Weapon: In addition to his necromantic magic, Kyran has an assortment of fire realted spells. He also has a staff. The staff is made of a variety of bones, the headpiece is 2 skeletal hands holding a skull. In the event that he;s forced into closed combat, he has a shortsword on the ready. Personality: Kyran is generaly a nice guy (despite his trade). He tries to be friendly to his companions. Usualy he has a 'posh-like' attitude for the sake of passive humor, but drops it in serious situations. He also has a bad habbit of being a big ham. History: Born and raised in Easthaven. Kyran was the son of a lower class family. In his youth Kyran dabbled with petty magic for little pranks and over time he began to take it a bit more seriously and started studying it. Later in his young adulthood, the elf became a telented sorcceror, but was still an apprentice in the local mage guild. He, along with several other apprentices, volunteered to go on a quest of sorts to infiltrate a small necromantic cult. The quest ended in success after Kyran challenged and killed ther leader to a fight for leadership and turned in the remaning necromancers. But over the course of his undercover mission, he learned some of the undead related spells as well. Afterwards he took the cult leader's staff as his own, and decided to continue learning necromancy. Since deep down he always wanted to be adventurer, Kyran decided to go on travels and see what the world could offer him.
  9. Greetings everyone! I'm a friend of Raz and josh. I RPed with them quite a bit in the past and now I am attracted to this wonderful RP. I've been reading for a while and I love all of your charcters and posts. I'm unfamiliar with the universe theis RP is set but im slowly doing research, with josh's help. I have a character in mind, one I use frequently in other RPs and I'm slowly trying to 'convert' him to fit in this universe. I can forsee some very interesting scenes right off the bat. You'll know what I mean when I post my character. It'll take me a while to get to posting, since I have to catch up on the story and decide on a proper entrance with my character. Can't wait to join you all!
  10. 79. There's an unused NPC by the name of "Kurdan's Imperial Hunter" In the construction set he's ranked as a "Class-A Jerk"
  11. *looks at picture* Well, that takes care of my nightmares for the week. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go cry in the corner.
  12. For Xmas I got a mechanical pocketwatch myself. I carry it with me all the time and wind it every day. This is the front: http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p359/spyro1201/25122011489.jpg THis si the back: http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p359/spyro1201/25122011490.jpg And ofcourse, opened... http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p359/spyro1201/25122011491.jpg
  13. OBLIVION 4EVAH Especialy since my comp can't handle Skyrim.
  14. Showers definately. Ironnicaly when i was a kid i actualy had a fear of showers.
  15. Yep http://www.youtube.com/user/spyro1201 Only have a few vids of garry's mod and minecraft though
  16. Do i count? I still play oblivion btw xD
  17. http://www.caffeinefix.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/yes.png
  18. Gentlemen...*smokes a fake cigar*... I have a mind bending question for you all. What would happen if one were to hire to secret agents to spy on each other?!
  19. Bulgaria, i feel lonely here on the forum being theoreticaly the only one :D
  20. Last i checked there *is* an NPC with his name ingame in one of the test chambers. i think the console command was "coc Toddtest" (no quotes)
  21. Name: Dragonheart (it's a nickname, nobody knows his real name) Gender: Male Race: Formely an Argonian, now a Half Dragon Starsign: The Lord Class: Knight Homes: The Ancient Towers, along with his brother Favourite Land: All of Cyrodiil Best Friend: Midas Aurimus Worst Enemy: Lady Kay, His Angershade (a physical embodiment of his inner anger. Dragonhert no longer has an inner anger ,but the shade exists on it's own) Combat Preference: Melee Combat Style: Master at one handed swords. Similar to his brother, in the outdoors he would use his wings to fly up to dodge attacks. Greatest Fear: Losing his brother. Greatest Want: To protect Cyrodiil and be a faithful servant of Akatosh Physique: Well built Level: (Same as Shadow) Joined Guilds/Factions: Order of the Dragon, Mages Guild, Followers of the Silver Dragon Enemy Guilds/Factions: Mythic Dawn, Necromancers, Lady kay's followers Childhood: Same with his brother. His early childhood was pretty average. He lived with his family in Aleswell. In his early teenage years he stopped having memories and it was all a blank. Teenage: He started out as a follower of of the Silver Dragon, a very small religious cult beliving in a Silver Dragon, said to be a *cousin* of sorts to the Great Dragon Akatosh. At the same time he was a member of the mages guild. After becoming a champion of the Silver Dragon, his deity sent him to to Akatosh. From the loyalty Dragonheart showed to both Dragon gods, he was eventualy transformed into a half dragon. He now wears a suit of sacred armor, said to have been forged from Akatosh's scales and wields "Akatosh's claw" a very powerful sword, crafted from one of Akatosh's claws. Prefered Food: Shepard's Pie Disliked Food: Any raw meat Favourite Arrow Type: None Favourite Blade Type: One handed sowrds Spells: Dragon Breath, Fire Resistance (passive), Fingers of the Mountan (granted to him by the Silver Dragon) Friendly Races: All Neutral Races: None Hostile Races: Daedra, with the exception of one of his friends, who is a dremora Favourite City/Town: Chorrol Least Favourite City/Town: Leyawiin Favourite Daedra: Azura Least Favourite Daedra: Molag Bal, Mehrunes Dagon Favourite Divine: Akatosh Least Favourite Divine: None Main Weakness: Being unarmed. When his frinds and/or family are in danger. Main Strength: His master sword skill. Goal in Life: To Serve Akatosh and to protect Cyrodiil Why he was sent to jail: Same reason as Shadow's. The day the emperor was assassinated is the day Shadow and Dragonheart began to have memories again. http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/414050-1214387182.jpg http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/414050-1198964330.jpg http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/414050-1214386693.jpg P.S. The sword seen in the images is *not* the one i mentioned. A look-a-like of his real sword can be found in the Ancient towers mod in the Blacksmith's shop,2nd floor.
  22. Name: Shadow (it's a nickname actualy, real name unknown, even to himself) Gender: Male Race: Argonian / Angel of Death (not really a race, is it?) Starsign: The Thief Class: Knight / Angel Homes: The Ancient Towers [link-ness-ness] Favourite Land: All of Cyrodiil Best Friend: Kyran Worst Enemy: Lady Kay, The Grim Reaper Combat Preference: Melee Combat Style: Basic fast scythe swinging, followed my a few spells. When in out doors he sometimes uses his wings to fly up to avoid attacks Greatest Fear: Losing his twin brother Greatest Want: To end all known threats to Cyrodill Physique: Average (mortal form) Very strong (angel form) Level: (All my characters are RP type characters, so they don't have any specific level) Joined Guilds/Factions: Assassin's guild, Mages Guild, Followers of the Silver Dragon Enemy Guilds/Factions: Mythic Dawn, Necromancers, Lady Kay's followers Childhood: Most of Shadow's (and his brother's) childhood is only a blurr. As they both reached their early teenage years all his memories faded. As a younger boy Shadow lived with his family at their farm in Aleswell. Stangely upon returning there,nobody has ever known of his family or their farm. His parents have also vanieshed along with the mentioned portion of his memories. Teenage: His late teenage years is when his memories start up again. Around that time his idol in life is his older brother Dragonheart. So he tried to follow in his brother's footsteps but eventualy went on his own path upon finding the heirloom sword from his father, Shadowrend and the great powers that came with it. Prefered Food: Fried meat (any except rat) and apples Disliked Food: Rat meat Favourite Arrow Type: None Favourite Blade Type: His inherited sword Shadowrend, altough he mostly fights with his scythe Spells: Death Touch, Shadow Bolt, Ultimate Execution, Transform (used to switch between his angel form and back) Friendly Races: All Neutral Races: None Hostile Races: Dremora , with the exception of one of his friennds who is a Dremora himself Favourite City/Town: Cheydenhal Least Favourite City/Town: Hackdirt Favourite Daedra: Sanguine Least Favourite Daedra: Mehrunes Dagon Favourite Divine: All Least Favourite Divine: None Main Weakness: Danger to his friends and brother Main Strength: His Immortality Goal in Life: To uncover the mystery of his past, and acting as a hero to Cyrodiil along with his brother and friends. Why he was sent to jail: Unknown reason. The day the emperor was assassinated is the day Shadow and Dragonheart began to have memories again. http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/414050-1306686700.jpg http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/414050-1306686750.jpg http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/414050-1214386693.jpg P.S. The images seen are in this order: Mortal form with powers / Angel form / Mortal form without powers
  23. http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/414050-1199296608.jpg I believe the picture explains itself.
  24. Neutral Good Human Druid/Bard (1st/1st Level) Ability Scores: Strength- 9 Dexterity- 9 Constitution- 11 Intelligence- 11 Wisdom- 10 Charisma- 11 Alignment: Neutral Good- A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order. However, neutral good can be a dangerous alignment because it advances mediocrity by limiting the actions of the truly capable. Race: Humans are the most adaptable of the common races. Short generations and a penchant for migration and conquest have made them physically diverse as well. Humans are often unorthodox in their dress, sporting unusual hairstyles, fanciful clothes, tattoos, and the like. Primary Class: Druids- Druids gain power not by ruling nature but by being at one with it. They hate the unnatural, including aberrations or undead, and destroy them where possible. Druids receive divine spells from nature, not the gods, and can gain an array of powers as they gain experience, including the ability to take the shapes of animals. The weapons and armor of a druid are restricted by their traditional oaths, not simply training. A druid's Wisdom score should be high, as this determines the maximum spell level that they can cast. Secondary Class: Bards- Bards often serve as negotiators, messengers, scouts, and spies. They love to accompany heroes (and villains) to witness heroic (or villainous) deeds firsthand, since a bard who can tell a story from personal experience earns renown among his fellows. A bard casts arcane spells without any advance preparation, much like a sorcerer. Bards also share some specialized skills with rogues, and their knowledge of item lore is nearly unmatched. A high Charisma score allows a bard to cast high-level spells.
  25. BEHOLD! http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p359/spyro1201/untitled-2.jpg
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