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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Isn't FOV an ini setting?? I think there are separate values for pip-boy, and everywhen else. :)
  2. I don't see anything in there that should cause that.......... Try re-saver, and clean out orphaned scripts. See if that changes anything. It may also be a leftover from a mod you thought you had removed.....
  3. Lotta stuff there I don't recognize...... Curious what the Save Monitor is though, and what it does.
  4. I'd forgotten that, it's even manual reloads that get interrupted. I hit reload, he starts doing so. I hit stimpack, he takes the stimpack and leaves the gun empty. Ok, stimpack could be more urgent, but surely remember to continue where he left off? The player in this game is suffering from a severe case of "One Track Mind". :) Change course in the middle of an action, and he/she forgets what they were doing previously. :D
  5. I usually just upload pics to some other hosting site, then link them here.
  6. What you don't seem to understand here, is a basic tenet of modding. It simply ISN'T possible to make your mod compatible with 'everything'. If you make ONE change in a cell, your mod is no longer compatible with any other mod that changes that cell.
  7. Post your current load list. Still sounds like a precombine/previs issue.
  8. Yeah, I have noticed that only one animation can play, and actually take affect. So, stimpack, or reload your weapon. If you interrupt the reload anim with a stimpack, your weapon does not reload. :D I think switching weapons during an animation event will also stop the reload.
  9. I think they are already soliciting for testers on the mods side of the site.
  10. Being its the weekend, may not be anyone there that can help you do proper troubleshooting till monday......
  11. You are assigning behavior traits to folks that simply don't have them. I don't see what you propose as being 'better' either. Just makes it one more step for the folks that post in the regular image share.
  12. The responsibility ALREADY resides with the image poster. Having adult content set as the default, and only requiring one click to clear it, would make zero difference. We already have folks that REPEATEDLY re-post the same adult image, in the general image share..... even warnings don't always give them the hint that they shouldn't be doing that. That's generally followed by a ban. I think you are over-optimistic about folks motivations for posting images....... Making them jump thru more hoops to do so isn't going to change that. Then you will have the rest of the folks that DON'T post adult images, complaining about another step...... You really are over-thinking this. It really doesn't matter what you do, unless you have moderation staff approve EVERY image before it is exposed to the general public, content is going to end up posted in the wrong place.
  13. Texture mods, and large hdds, don't really get along well together. Going to some variety of solid state drive would likely reduce your problem.
  14. Maybe it's not the beam of light, but the reaction required to create that beam of light? This is an alternate universe afterall - one that supposedly never developed the integrated circuit. You essentially see what looks like Atari monitors for computer screens.... 10mm Pistols that look like small suitcases.... I try to give it what it deserves, a game where I need to step back from reality - that is 200+ years into the future that hasn't embraced our own reality. Yeah, alternate universe, and all that. :) Which includes what is essentially 'magic' for some effects. (legendary effects) While it may not even be remotely close to our reality, I still very much enjoy the games. :D
  15. The reason none of those projects have ever really come to full fruition, is because it essentially involves re-writing the game engine, to include code for multi-player. These requests come up shortly after the release of every new TES game, and so far, I have not seen a single project of this nature ever actually work for true, cooperative play. The game simply wasn't designed that way, and adapting it is always just a patch job, that is unstable, and extremely limited.
  16. How does Preston feel about synths in general?? Considering that blowing up the institute is going to kill a whole bunch of 'em, and humans too, if you don't sound the evacuation alarm.. Why is one more synth that much of an issue? Is it because he is a 'kid'??? HHmmmm..... I could see just changing prestons reaction to leaving him there when the nuke goes off....... Would that work?
  17. There is another option in there, don't recall exactly where...... that breaks precombines, etc, for the whole world. I think. Do NOT check that option. :D
  18. Try posting in the mod comments thread. Reading thru some of them, the mod has its issues, however, apparently, the author is back working on it again......
  19. I run scrap everything as well...... Did you install the 'ultimate' version?
  20. Wonder if there is a console command that would list the various things affecting your character?
  21. I am not really a fan of liquid cooling, unless you are doing some serious overclocking. For most folks, a good heatsink fan combo is more than adequate to the task.
  22. I think they are included in the 'tools' folder of the download. Take a look at the 'preview file contents' link, on the file page.
  23. I also round ground, and it does not cause me any issues. A fair few mods went away when nexus changed their policy. Some are on discord, some moved to other hosting sites. Google may turn up something, if you need to reinstall it.
  24. I have found that site-specific search engines leave quite a bit to be desired..... :D Have you tried searching for "Dead Money" (with the quotes) here? Ooops. Nevermind. Tried it, no results..... Of course, it is only looking in file name..... Doesn't seem to be an 'advanced' search feature on the mods side.
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