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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Missing texture, but, not sure it's actually the grass, or a ground texture.....
  2. Base damage is just that. Anything else, ammo type, legendary effects, internal mods, etc, apply a multiplier. Try reducing base damage to 100, or 50. See how that feels. Either that, or look at base damage for the Hard Target, (which also uses .50 cal ammo) and set it that.
  3. Looks like a bad texture? Maybe?? If you have the game on steam, try verifying the game cache. If you are using texture mods.... might be one of those as well. Loose files (not packed into an archive) will always override vanilla.
  4. I think that is from a UI mod....... either try reinstalling it, and see if it helps, or, uninstall it, and call it a day.
  5. Can you just drag and drop the scripts folder into the mods folder? (from the DMF folder) Also, you should reinstall steam outside of program files. That's a protected folder, and win 11 is really anal about it. If you have a second drive, install it on that one... if not, just install to C:\Steam.
  6. Is the folder set to Read Only?
  7. Are you working on a laptop? If so, the CK is likely trying to use the integrated graphics, instead of the 'real' graphics card....
  8. Excellent. Now remember, you have OTHER responsibilities than just playing the game.... But, they'll wait.
  9. Gotta be somethin' in there causing the issue.... Which one though? No idea.
  10. Ok, that's a command line switch that limits the character length of the command line. Which seems a little odd to me..... Unless it is set to something truly short, continue should work just fine.... If you ONLY see that launching with F4SE, I would re-download it, and try a reinstall.
  11. I don't know where vortex puts its logs, but, the error message from the log might shed some light..... It appears you have things set up correctly.... Not sure why you are getting that error.....
  12. Well, it's telling you the file is not compatible, so, yeah, I would think that is indeed relevant.
  13. If you can open the console in-game, than batch files should work..... Key word there being *should*..... Batch command file should be a text file, in the main install directory for the game. (where the game .exe file is located) Should be able to just type in "bat filename" (no quotes) and it should run. I seem to remember though, there is a setting in the ini to enable console commands? Maybe??????
  14. Where is the game installed? Where is Vortex installed? Where is your mod staging folder? What anti-virus are you running?
  15. I would think it's configurable for which EXE it actually fires off.... but, don't know for sure. I don't use it, and it isn't running on my machine. I have the NVidia control panel, but, NOT the GeForce Experience.
  16. I HIGHLY doubt he is brave enough to speak like that to people face to face..... He is what I consider an 'internet tough guy'.... All billie bad arse and full of himself when anonymous, but, a coward in person.
  17. Terribly sorry 'bout that. My bad. I will atempt (kinda) to refer to that train wreck properly in the future.
  18. Nvidia had a major performance jump from 20 series cards, to 30 series cards..... and it wasn't a major hardware change, it had more to do with the code the cards ran on. Wouldn't surprise me if Nvidia was able to pull that rabbit out of the hat again. They ARE rather good at what they do.
  19. Elon Musk buying twitter was the worst thing that could happen to it. He is the one responsible for twitter going to the gophers. (I want insult dogs by associating them with Musk.....) He changed all the rules, several times, and what you see now is the result of him not being able to make up his mind. I won't miss twitter.
  20. Wait until the cards actually release, and then the various gaming sites will do some comparo's..... We'll see what we get from them. I would love to see a dramatic performance bump for less than what I paid for my 3070.....
  21. Do a clean reinstall. Uninstall the game via steam, if you are using a mod manager, purge all mods first..... then manually delete the install folder (in steamapps\common) the folder in your documents folder, and also the folder in appdata\local. (hidden folder, have to turn on show hidden files to get that one.) Once that is all done, restart your machine, (just for giggles) and reinstall the game. Start just the base vanilla game, to make SURE that it actually runs. Once that happens, then you can add some mods.
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